On normal K3 surfaces (original) (raw)
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Rational double points on supersingular 𝐾3 surfaces
Mathematics of Computation, 2004
We investigate configurations of rational double points with the total Milnor number 21 21 on supersingular K 3 K3 surfaces. The complete list of possible configurations is given. As an application, we also give the complete list of extremal (quasi-)elliptic fibrations on supersingular K 3 K3 surfaces.
Rational double points on Enriques surfaces
Science China Mathematics
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Perfect points on genus one curves and consequences for supersingular K3 surfaces
arXiv: Algebraic Geometry, 2019
We describe a method to show that certain elliptic surfaces do not admit purely inseparable multisections (equivalently, that genus one curves over function fields admit no points over the perfect closure of the base field) and use it to show that any non-Jacobian elliptic structure on a very general supersingular K3 surface has no purely inseparable multisections. We also describe specific examples of such fibrations without purely inseparable multisections. Finally, we discuss the consequences for the claimed proof of the Artin conjecture on unirationality of supersingular K3 surfaces.
Perfect points on curves of genus 1 and consequences for supersingular K3 surfaces
Compositio Mathematica
We describe a method to show that certain elliptic surfaces do not admit purely inseparable multisections (equivalently, that genus 1 curves over function fields admit no points over the perfect closure of the base field) and use it to show that any non-Jacobian elliptic structure on a very general supersingular K3 surface has no purely inseparable multisections. We also describe specific examples of genus 1 fibrations on supersingular K3 surfaces without purely inseparable multisections.
Journal of Algebraic Geometry, 2003
In this paper we compute upper bounds for the number of ordinary triple points on a hypersurface in P 3 \mathbb {P}^3 and give a complete classification for degree six (degree four or less is trivial, and five is elementary). However, the real purpose is to point out the intricate geometry of examples with many triple points, and how it fits with the general classification of surfaces.
Singularities of normal quartic surfaces III (char=2, non-supersingular)
Cornell University - arXiv, 2022
We show, in this third part, that the maximal number of singular points of a normal quartic surface X ⊂ P 3 K defined over an algebraically closed field K of characteristic 2 is at most 12, if the minimal resolution of X is not a supersingular K3 surface. We also provide a family of explicit examples, valid in any characteristic.
Mathematische Zeitschrift
We prove the existence of (20 − 2K 2)-dimensional families of simply-connected surfaces with ample canonical class, p g = 1, and 1 ≤ K 2 ≤ 9, and we study the relation with configurations of rational curves in K3 surfaces via Q-Gorenstein smoothings. Our surfaces with K 2 = 7 and K 2 = 9 are the first surfaces known in the literature, together with the existence of a 4dimensional family for K 2 = 8. Contents 28 4.9. More surfaces for each 2 ≤ K 2 ≤ 9 29 References 35
Kummer quartic surfaces, strict self-duality, and more
In this paper we first show that each Kummer quartic surface (a quartic surfaceX with 16 singular points) is, in canonical coordinates, equal to its dual surface, and that the Gauss map induces a fixpoint free involution γ on the minimal resolution S of X . Then we study the corresponding Enriques surfaces S/γ. We also describe in detail the remarkable properties of the most symmetric Kummer quartic, which we call the Cefalú quartic. We also investigate the Kummer quartic surfaces whose associated Abelian surface is isogenous to a product of elliptic curves with kernel (Z/2), and show the existence of polarized nodal K3 surfaces X of any degree d = 2k with the maximal number of nodes, such that X and its nodes are defined over R. We take then as parameter space for Kummer quartics an open set in P, parametrizing nondegenerate (166, 166)-configurations, and compare with other parameter spaces. We end with some remarks on normal cubic surfaces.
24 rational curves on K3 surfaces
Given d in IN, we prove that all smooth K3 surfaces (over any field of characteristic p different from 2,3) of sufficiently high degree contain at most 24 rational curves of degree at most d. In the exceptional characteristics, the same bounds hold for non-unirational K3 surfaces, and we develop analogous results in the unirational case. We also show that the bounds are sharp and attained only by K3 surfaces with genus one fibrations.