Duelo: Factores de riesgo de duelo complicado en cuidados paliativos (original) (raw)
Caregiver's assessment before de patient's death. We sent a condolence letter 2 weeks after the death and follow-up after 2 and 6 months. Results Complicated grief prevalence in this sample according to DSM (15%), ICG (18,3%), SE (20,8 %) at 6 month post loss. Significant differences were found bexix Factores de riesgo de duelo complicado en cuidados paliativos tween complicated/uncomplicated grievers using chi-square analysis with Cramer's V effect. Differences were found in dependency of the caregiver to the patient, anger and guilt, psychopathological background, unresolved grief, symptoms without control during the illness, delay diagnosis, disease rapid progression and finantial problems. Binary regression analysis found that best complicated grief predictors were caregiver's dependency (Wald=5,675, p=,017, Exp(B) ,386), symptoms without control (Wald=9,706 p=,002, Exp(B) ,293) and finantial problems (Wald=4,686, p=,030, Exp(B) ,272). Similar answer patterns were found at 2 and 6 mo.post-loss in grievers (with and without complicated grief). Spearman's ρ rho with DSM-IV-TR criteria was 0,803(p<0, 01, two-tailed) and with ICG criteria was 0,911(p<0, 01, two-tailed). Individual DSM-IV-TR criteria indicators and ICG criteria indicators were also significantly associated at Time 2 and 3. Examining individual differences using Ttests indicated no significantly differences between grievers in Time 2 and 3 with and without complicated grief (ICG t=1,618 p=0,109; DSM-IV TR t=1,559,p=0,122).