Škocjan od 3341±45 BP do 2010. Raziskave Centra za preventivno arheologijo ZVKDS v letih 2009 in 2010 (original) (raw)

2023, Goriški letnik

The article presents new archaeological data that provide a starting point for contemplating the archaeological image of the wider Škocjan area and refining it. The Škocjan hillfort was most likely built at the turn of the Middle Bronze Age and prospered until the end of the Bronze Age; afterwards, the population briefly settled elsewhere in the Early Iron Age. In the Late Iron Age, a vast settlement was formed on the prominence around the Okroglica shaft and was inhabited at least until the first few centuries AD. Post-antique settlement becomes notable from the end of the 12th or the beginning of the 13th century at the latest. The landscape underwent a rapid transformation for agricultural purposes in the modern period, perhaps even as early as in the Late Middle Ages.


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