Oscar Niemeyer. Figura de Transición (original) (raw)

La belleza de la curva, o por qué O. Niemeyer no es barroco.

Revista Fedro, 2018

La belleza de la curva, o por qué Niemeyer no es barroco FABIO VÉLEZ UNAM Resumen: este artículo trata de de entender y cuestionar las motivaciones que se hallan en la tendencia modernista de hacer encajar la obra del arquitecto brasileño, Oscar Niemeyer, en la categoría de barroco. Para desmontar este tópico, se procede a una genealogía del ornamento con vistas a explicitar las suspicacias que desata esta figura (Kant, Loss, Adorno) y que podrían explicar la recepción barroca de la obra de Niemeyer. Todo ello para, al fin, evidenciar la posibilidad de una belleza que no tendría estar reñida con la funcionalidad.

5 razones para prestar atención a la obra de oscar niemeyer (castellano)

AU. Arquitetura e Urbanismo , 2007

La arquitectura de Oscar Niemeyer siempre despertó mucho interés internacional, desde su publicación en la década de 1940, a través del libro Brazil Builds, de Philip Goodwin. Este interés parece haber llegado a su punto álgido en el año en que el arquitecto cumple 100 años, en plena actividad profesional, lo que de por sí sería motivo de celebración. Es inevitable notar la gran dosis de insincero oportunismo que rodea este centenario: hay una carrera por los proyectos del maestro, detonada por la notoriedad actual, por parte de políticos que recientemente no le hicieron caso.

El grafismo de Oscar Niemeyer llevado a sus edificios. El dibujo del arquitecto, la arquitectura del dibujo


Following my last works presented in the congress of the Area of Madrid (¿Dibujo sencillo, versus, arquitectura sencilla?/ Simple drawing, versus, simple architecture?), and the one that will be published in next issue of EGA magazine, (About Oscar Niemeyer's drawing), I present now this article which is consequence of previous researches as well as result of my last trip to Brazil to participate in an Architecture Congress in Portoalegre. In Niteroi, a city close to Rio de Janeiro, is located what is called “Camino Niemeyer” (Niemeyer path), a route that includes six of his major works. I had the opportunity to visit some of his new buildings in which Niemeyer’s graphics are completely incorporated to architecture, drawings that provide architecture with freshness and new live qualities. This graphics are connected directly with the topic of the drawing led to construction, taken to ended, to decoration; confluence of two worlds. The drawing of the architect, the architecture of the drawing. I wood like to mention specially Niteroi's new Popular Theatre, in which: "It has also drawings with the unmistakable outline of his author (a popular parade with people waving flags and a woman dancing) stamped on two giant ceramic panels" (Diary of Sao Paulo). The presence of Niemeyer's drawings in his buildings, that could be located in between graffities and murals, is not new, but it had never been used with such a force, decision and freedom. In the Memorial of Latin America, Oscar Niemeyer constructed a sculpture, a monument honoring Latin American opened wounds. In the initial sketch, the wound of the hand “bleeds” a "monkey", the image of the schematic representation of the man – scale, but in red. But the final drawing has the form of the silhouette of Latin America map. The red make us also thinks in the communism iconography, a political option that Niemeyer has never resigned. The graphics, we could say the drawings, turns into the final work, into hollow - engraving, into sculpture. The two-dimensional image goes into a three-dimensional figure, half draw, half sculpture; the representation of the human being turns into the idea of Latin America, as a geopolitical everything, a compact and unique “everything” made by people. The necessary tridimensionality of the sculpture doesn’t come out, however, from the two-dimensional origin. It seems that it had been drawn in a board and cut around later, refusing the effort to define in the bottom the formal characteristics of the hand. The gesture of this hand, undoubtedly, supports the author ideology, the necessity of claim for social and political changes, something that Niemeyer always cares about. If the architecture is important, it is more the fight for the social changes, the defense of the rights of disadvantaged people, of the pessoas … This is a brief resume of an article that will explore all these questions in relation to Niemeyer's drawing led to his buildings, constructed drawings, drawn constructions …..

Aprender de la perdida Neimeyer

Este libro ofrece una nueva perspectiva sobre el duelo a las personas han sufrido alguna pérdida y a los profesionales que intentan tratarlas: