Mechanisms of Human intelligence — From RNA and Synapse to Broadband (original) (raw)

Chain of Hypotheses to explain Advanced Memory & Intelligence Bio-Mechanisms

Key hypothesis: •ncRNA is the digital basis for advanced memory and intelligence.This seeds further hypotheses which together offer a plausible bio-mechanistic model based on Piaget’s abstractions. These included: •Optical intercommunication (hence •getting myelinated fibres to double-task as coaxial cable — since demonstrated by others). •Mechanistic bases for Piaget’s ‘stages.’ •The physical ‘schéma’ nature of a concept. •a virus-sized ‘capsid’ can contain many schémas, &/or •Many linked optically to distant sites, aided by digital addresses. — Optical messages, so •partially cable-free (‘radiolike’), and having •some choice of route (like the internet); meanwhile •synaptic Hebbian route-improvement maintains efficiency. — •Essential RNA action-codes are transcribed directly from DNA. •Other codes are constructed by rapid-Darwinian trial-and-error from “junk” inherited RNA fragments, sometimes with •intelligence-guidance from a higher Piagetian meta-level. — •New explanation for ‘...

Thinking by molecule, synapse, or both?—from Piaget's schema, to the selecting/editing of ncRNA

The General Science Journal, 2005

The addition of a new lengthy Supplement, which discusses theoretical and philosophical issues relating Piaget to Kant, etc (iii) I had previously suggested the new word "acton" for the postulated most-basic physical element underlying Piagetian "scheme/schema" theory (page 7). 8 As that new word seems confusingly similar to "action," I have since chosen to change it throughout, from "acton" into "taton"-with implications discussed at length in the new Supplement. * Contact details updated, April 2014. This paper is part of a project to find sound biological explanations for human mental abilities. The project soon split into two streams:. STREAM 1 focussed on realistic coding-mechanisms for memory-an area in which lab-work can only scratch the surface, hence rigorous interdisciplinary theory was invoked instead. This led to strong suggestions implicating molecular coding-ideas consistent with the theories of Piaget and W.R.Ashby. STREAM 2 emerged as the parallel problem of intercommunication-but it's solutions then unexpectedly also offered explanations to other "unrelated" problems! (Moreover, lab-testing of these Stream 2 ideas is much more feasible, so we might now hope for such future investigations).

Coding for the Brain: RNA, its Photons, and Piagetian Higher-Intelligence through Action

Modelling human intelligence? Hyland identified three approaches: •Physiological, •Mentalistic (as if outside 3D space), and •Mechanistic. Arguably their apparent incompatibility arises from a mistaken choice of scale, centred on the synapse as a basic unit for thought. Instead RNAcodons are now proposed as those fundamental elements (cf. Hydén’s forgotten 1960s findings). This conclusion also seems compatible with both (i) information-technology’s digitisation, and (ii) Piaget’s concepts of “schèmes,” and developmental stages. For the more-complex code-structures (“schémata” alias “schémas”) needed for higher Piagetian stages, their necessary physical configuration is then considered — packable into virus-like “boxes” (capsids — typically 125nm diameter). These could be free to relocate into cortex-“archives” — either within Rakic’s migratory new-neurons, axon-transport or the bloodstream! Such ultra-miniaturisation would need to communicate by infra-red signals — via myelin coaxial cables, but also somewhat free to operate radio-like, dependent on “call-sign” coding like phone-numbers. (Sun’s team demonstrated such electromagnetic duplicate nerve-transmission, in 2010). Also any “radio-like” abilities would allow continued participation after relocation (as if mobile-phones using WiFi). Meanwhile traditional synaptic action-potential signalling is seen as analogue adjustment-signals: (i) in orthodox peripheral muscle-control; (ii) as constantly updating deep-brain “wiring” via well-known Hebbian principle (an important, but secondary task — after main infra-red transmissions); and (iii) recognized orthodox analogue-mechanisms like local navigation. Gut-contents have a surprise-role in mental abilities — a phenomenon which is also tentatively explained as a supplementary “useful-junk RNA” source. Piaget-as-Epistemologist saw “equilibration” (coherence) as the vitalbut- fallible criterion for theory evaluation, both in the brain, and within science. That philosophy is applied here.

Thinking by Molecule, Synapse, or both? — From Piaget’s Schema, to the Selecting/Editing of ncRNA. Ondwelle: Melbourne. [French version:


The addition of a new lengthy Supplement, which discusses theoretical and philosophical issues relating Piaget to Kant, etc (iii) I had previously suggested the new word "acton" for the postulated most-basic physical element underlying Piagetian "scheme/schema" theory (page 7). 8 As that new word seems confusingly similar to "action," I have since chosen to change it throughout, from "acton" into "taton"-with implications discussed at length in the new Supplement. * Contact details updated, April 2014. This paper is part of a project to find sound biological explanations for human mental abilities. The project soon split into two streams:. STREAM 1 focussed on realistic coding-mechanisms for memory-an area in which lab-work can only scratch the surface, hence rigorous interdisciplinary theory was invoked instead. This led to strong suggestions implicating molecular coding-ideas consistent with the theories of Piaget and W.R.Ashby. STREAM 2 emerged as the parallel problem of intercommunication-but it's solutions then unexpectedly also offered explanations to other "unrelated" problems! (Moreover, lab-testing of these Stream 2 ideas is much more feasible, so we might now hope for such future investigations).


This article explores one of the most mysterious and multifaceted aspects of human nature-memory. Memory defines the system's ability to learn, adapt, and make informed decisions based on accumulated experience. It plays an important role in solving conceptual and theoretical problems in the field of artificial intelligence and modeling. Learning and adaptation is one of the key aspects where memory models allow AI systems to not only reproduce but also improve their performance based on experience. It is also important to consider memory modeling as preserving the context of past events, which is important for the correct understanding and interpretation of current situations. The article examines the issue of memory location, starting with classical theories explaining the mechanisms of memory location in the brain, including neurophysiology and the theory of conditioned reflexes. However, special attention is paid to alternative approaches, such as the theory of intracellular memory, which offers new ways of understanding memory. Finally, the work draws attention to the connection between learning and memory, especially in the context of the formation of conditioned reflexes. In the process of considering the neuron as a key element of the nervous system and studying protein synthesis and polyribosomes, a surprising similarity between the process of protein synthesis in neurons and the functioning of the Turing machine was revealed. In the context of this analogy, a neuron can be perceived as a molecular computer, providing a new level of understanding of memory formation and information processing in the brain. The author hopes that this research will help to better understand the nature of human memory and enrich our knowledge about how the brain works.

Short papers and letters On the 'Linear Micro-element' Theory of Mental Mechanism, and related questions of scientific method


from pp 62-63 of the Conference Proceedings) Assuming a mechanistic basis for mind, we are faced with the problem of spelling out, in detail, just how the basic mechanisms could work. Moreover any such explanation must be constrained by what is feasible (given existing physiological, biological and psychological knowledge). Instead of Hebb’s adaptable synapses, let us take RNA-like codeable “tapes” as the basic raw material for memory. Mental constructs like “objects” are seen as models which are built up piecewise during interaction with the real world; and these “pieces” are encodings (often heavily replicated) within a huge “tape”-population. Coordination between individual tapes is seen as essentially biochemical cross-feedback, but achievable at a distance through the intermediary of electrical signals. Such signals would apparently need to be made up of infra-red frequency components. Calculations suggest that at just such frequencies, the myelinated axons become able to ‘mail...

Chain of Hypotheses to explain Advanced Memory & Intelligence Bio-Mechanisms


Key hypothesis: •ncRNA is the digital basis for advanced memory and intelligence. This seeds further hypotheses which together offer a plausible bio-mechanistic model based on Piaget's abstractions. These included: •Optical intercommunication (hence •getting myelinated fibres to double-task as coaxial cable-since demonstrated by others). •Mechanistic bases for Piaget's 'stages.' •The physical 'schéma' nature of a concept. •a virus-sized 'capsid' can contain many schémas, &/or •Many linked optically to distant sites, aided by digital addresses.-Optical messages, so •partially cable-free ('radiolike'), and having •some choice of route (like the internet); meanwhile •synaptic Hebbian routeimprovement maintains efficiency.-•Essential RNA action-codes are transcribed directly from DNA. •Other codes are constructed by rapid-Darwinian trial-and-error from "junk" inherited RNA fragments, sometimes with •intelligence-guidance from a higher Piagetian meta-level.-•New explanation for 'gut intelligence' sees exotic junk-RNA (carried by axon-transport) offering greater Darwinian-diversity in the hippocampus. •New concepts/RNA-structures are carried physically-whole from hippocampus to cortex (impossible with any synapse-memory model).-There is actually a solid forensic detective-work origin for these postulates (based on published findings in various disciplines). At this stage however, it seems best to treat them provisionally as mere guesses, and challenge them experimentally where possible.

The Molecular Basis of Neural Memory. Part 7 Neural Intelligence (NI) versus Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Vide Leaf, Hyderabad eBooks, 2020

Conflict of Interest: GM is a founder of MX Biotech Ltd., with the commercial goal to develop new classes of "memory materials" and devices. CG is emeritus professor of Chemistry at Hebrew University (Jerusalem), active in developing and patenting peptide-based tools for surgery and pharmacology. Notwithstanding, the ideas forwarded here by us both are scientifically genuine and presented in good faith, without commercial clouding of the concepts expressed herein.