Hyper-variable spontaneous genetic variation for earliness, seed characters and other yield-contributing traits in lentil (Lens culinaris Med (original) (raw)
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Genetic variability, heritability and genetic advance in Lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.)
Journal of agriculture and natural resources, 2022
The present study was carried out to study the variation, broad-sense heritability, and genetic advance, correlation among traits for growth, yield, and its attributing traits in lentil genotypes. Sixty lentil genotypes were evaluated in augmented design in 2020 at Khajura, Banke. The results indicated that the genotypes were significantly different for days to flowering, days to maturity, 500 seed weight and grain yield kg/ha. The phenotypic coefficient of variation (PCV) was greater than the genotypic coefficient of variance (GCV) for all traits. The 500 seed weight showed the highest PCV (22%) and GCV (21%) whereas days to maturity showed the lowest PCV (5.5%) and GCV (3.2%). The highest value (90%) of heritability (broad sense) was in and lowest (3%) in pods per plant. Genetic Advance Mean 40% was the highest for seed weight but lowest at 1.2% in pods per plant. Grain yield showed a positive and significant correlation in genotypic level with days to maturity (r = 0.7**), plant height (r = 1.66*), pods per plant (r = 1.15**) and seed weight (r = 0.56*). Path analysis found that the seed weight had the most impact on grain yield followed by pod per plant. Thus, selection for yield in lentils through these characteristics would be effective in the varietal developmental program.
Legume Research- An International Journal, Volume 47 Issue 2: 196-200 (Fabruary), 2024
Background: Lentil is one of the most significant pulse crops, frequently referred to as "poor man's meat" because of its high protein content and inexpensive price. The present study was assessed for eleven morphological and yield variables to determine genetic variability, correlation and path coefficients. Methods: The experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design using 56 different homogeneous progenies of a spontaneous mutant of lentil variety DPL 62 and four control varieties in triple replica during rabi 2017-18. Result: Significant amount of variability was observed for all the traits. High phenotypic coefficients of variance and genotypic coefficients of variance coupled with high heritability and genetic advance were observed for peduncle length, number of pods per plant, seed width, seed yield per plant suggesting that these traits are genetically controlled by additive gene action. Seed yield per plant exhibited significant positive association with number of branches/plant and number of pods/plant while number of pods/plant revealed highest positive direct effect on seed yield per plant followed by 100-seed weight, number of branches per plant, days to maturity and leaflet breadth. Therefore, selection for these characters will directly lead to improvement in the yielding ability of lentil genotypes.
The present study was undertaken at DARS, Budgam to study the variability and diversity in exotic accessions of lentil. A set of 45 genotypes of Lentil comprising 44 accessions from ICARDA BIGM nursery and a local variety Shalimar Masur 1 as check were evaluated for various agro-morphological and quality traits. Significant variability was found for all the traits under study. Large differences between phenotypic and genotypic variances were found for these two traits, which means environment has a role in these traits. Plant height was correlated with days to maturity and flowering, which means late flowering due to temperate conditions, can affect plant height. Primary branches per plant, pods per plant and seeds per pod were positively and significantly correlated with seed yield per plant. The said set of 45 genotypes was divided into 7 clusters, the check was found in cluster IV. Considerable inter and intra cluster distances were found. In cluster VI two genotypes were placed which were bold seeded but exhibited higher yield than the check. The above set was also morphologically characterized for stem, flower and seed traits as per PPV&FR guidelines. Considerable variability was found for seed characters also.
Sabrao Journal of Breeding and Genetics, 2015
Three distinct sets comprising of 8 variable populations developed through different sources of creating genetic variability, viz; hybridization, induced mutation and mutation of hybrids were evaluated in nested design. The results showed the phenotypic superiority of individual plants over parents and standard varieties for studied traits. Sufficient amount of variability was present for days to mature, plant height, pods per plant and 100-seed weight in F3M2 (ABHM) and can be used for the genetic improvement of these traits. However, greatest variability within F3 (ABH) population in Set-3 may be due to both environmental and genetic factors. Mutated populations in all sets had more variability among plants as compared to recombinant and recombinant mutant generations. However, F3M2 (ABHM) population had maximum economic worth in Set-3. The estimates of genotypic variance and heritability for the traits under study in all segregating populations of all sets were found to be signif...
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 2020
Lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) is an important pulse crop and plays an important role in human, animal feeding and soil improvement. It is cultivated in the semiarid regions of the world particularly in the Indian Sub-continent and the dry areas of Middle East (Malik, 2005). It is a short stature; annual, selfpollinate high value crop which has great significance in cereal based cropping system. It belongs to Family Fabaceae sub family Papilionaceae. Lentil is bushy, autogamous diploid crop (2n=2x=14). The total area under International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 9 Number 9 (2020) Journal homepage: http://www.ijcmas.com
Research in Plant Biology, 2020
Understanding phenotypic and genotypic variability of Bangladeshi lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) in relation to exotic lentil is important in attempting to widen the genetic base of the germplasm in the country. An experiment was conducted using 30 diverse lentil genotypes to study the agromorphological and genetic variability, heritability, expected genetic advance and inter-relationship of ten yield attributing traits. The genotypes showed highly significant (p<0.01) variations for all of the studied traits. These characters also had higher phenotypic co-efficient of variation (PCV) than those of the corresponding genotypic co-efficient of variation (GCV). High heritability (ranged from 66-98%) was found among the traits. Seed yield plant-1 and number of seeds plant-1 showed high heritability accompanied with high genetic advance (as percent mean). Correlation coefficient studies revealed that number of pods plant-1, number of seeds plant-1 and 100-seed weight contributed to hi...
Genetic variability in lentil (Lens culinaris M.) genotypes for seed and seedling characteristics
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 2019
In this study, thirty genotypes of lentil (Lens culinaris M.) were evaluated in randomized block design with three replications during 2017-18 in laboratory of Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, SKN college of agriculture, Jobner to determine genetic variability, heritability and genetic advance for seed and seedling characteristics. Observations were recorded on 100 seed weight, seed volume, true density, bulk density, porosity, water absorption capacity, water absorption index germination, seedling length, seedling fresh weight, seedling dry weight and seedling vigour index. The analysis of variance indicated significant difference among genotypes and considerable variability with respect to all the characters except germination percentage. The highest PCV and GCV expressed as percentage was observed for porosity followed by seed volume, seedling length and seedling vigour index, whereas low for bulk density and water absorption index. The estimates of heritability were high for all the characters ranging from 61.39 to 97.37. The estimate of very high heritability with high genetic advance was observed for seed weight, seed volume, water absorption capacity and seedling dry weight whereas high heritability with low genetic advance was recorded for bulk density.
Legume Research - An International Journal, 2016
Enormous genetic variability was created as expressed in terms of range, mean and the coefficient of variations in all F<sub>2</sub> populations studied. The crosses viz., L-830 × P-1117, JL-3 × P-22211 and SKL-259 × P-22211 produced higher percentage of transgressive segregants with desirable traits. Days to 50% flowering and days to maturity manifested high heritability, coupled with low genotypic coefficients of variation (GCV) and genetic gain, indicating requirement of selections for several successive generations for their improvement. Low to medium heritability accompanied by high coefficients of variation and genetic advance for seed yield indicates complexity of the character improvement through simple selection. High heritability accompanied by moderate to high GCV and genetic gain were observed for other yield components studied, which could be improved by simple selection in early generations. Thus, the study exhibited the possibilities of improving lentil ge...
Genetic diversity analysis for quantitative traits in lentil (Lens culinarismedik.) germplasm
Legume Research - An International Journal, 2014
The genetic parameters, character association, path coefficient analysis and clustering pattern were studied on a large number of lentil germplasm accessions (one thousand eighty six) during 2009 and 2010 at New Delhi. Significant variation was noticed for all the traits. High heritability estimates were observed for all the traits except number of primary branches/plant followed by seeds/ pod. In general phenotypic coefficients of variability were greater than their corresponding genotypic coefficients of variability, High estimates of heritability coupled with high genetic advance and moderate to high GCV were observed for days to 50% flowering (67%) maturity (57%) and pods/ plant (24%) and seed yield (80%) indicating that these characters are mainly governed by additive genes and selection of such traits might be effective for the improvement of seed yield. Inclusion of diverse parents in hybridization programme serves the purpose of combining desirable genes in new recombinations. Non-Heirarchial euclidean cluster analysis distributed the genotypes into three broad clusters. Crosses if attempted between cluster 1 and either of cluster II or III would produce desirable recombinants for grain yield. Based on the results of the means of the two years considering together for various traits the following accessions were found superior for early flowering (IC-560333, IC-559639, IC-560111, IC-311161, IC-345491) for extra tall (IC-559744, IC-559608, IC-560040, IC-560291, IC-559763) and for higher number of pods/plant (IC-398094, L-7740, L-169, JBT-3164, L-322) Diversified germplasm possessing different desirable traits may prove useful for incorporation of these traits in the lentil improvement programme.
Genetic diversity was studied in 30 lentil genotypes (including 15 hybrids, 8 mutants and 7 exotic accessions) originating from Pakistan, Argentina and ICARDA (Syria) by using Metroglyph analysis. The objectives were to classify the lentil germplasm into distinct groups and to identify the most desirable genotype(s) for hybridization programme for the evolution of high yielding varieties. A desirability index was constructed to assess the worth of a particular genotype for different traits. Metroglyph analysis distributed the genotypes into 10 distinct groups. Maximum mean index score was observed for group-V followed by group-VI and group-VII. Mean index score of exotic accessions (14.3) was found greater than those of hybrids (13.9) and mutants (13.8). Genotypes like TCL 85-1, ILL 6821, Precoz and Masoor 93 were found to be the desirable genotypes. TCL 85-1 appeared as most prominent one with a high desirability index and maximum index score (17) followed by an exotic accession, viz., Precoz (15). Metroglyph technique was found useful in identifying groups of genotypes with yield enhancing traits and in the selection of superior genotypes.