Alteración diagenética en conchas de rudistas Monopleúridos del Complejo Urgoniano de Ereño (Aptiense – Albiense Inferior, Bizkaia) (original) (raw)
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The Urgonian limestones of El Castillo Cape (lower Albian) were deposited in a shallow platform in which developed rudist and coral constructions. A further karstification created caves at metrical scale filled by sandy deposits. The rudist assemblages consist largely on bouquets and thickets of caprotinids in whose interspaces grew bouquets of monopleurids. A complex diagenetic history occurred upon both caprotinid and monopleurid shells, from early stages (vadose meteoric dissolution) to more advanced ones (neomorphism and selective dolomitization) to later ones (stylolitization and tectonic fracturing). The monopleurid hipostracum seems to be the more alterable part of the shell, because it appears frequently dissolved and filled by micrite. On the other hand, the hipostracum of caprotinids shows in some cases its original aragonitic prismatic polygonal microstructure partially preserved, in a major degree when close to micritic zones in which the water movement was restrained.
Alteración diagenética en conchas de rudistas caprínidos del Cretácico Medio de Urdax (Navarra)
Geogaceta, 2004
Cathodoluminescence and microprobe analysis in monopleurid shells from Aptian -Lower Albian limestones in Ereño (Bizkaia) has allowed to us to realize that different rudist shells show different diagenetic responses in front of a similar degree of diagenetic alteration. Monopleurid shells show a relatively high diagenetic degree when compared to that of requienids. Early neomorphism processes were dissimilar for different shells. The relatively thin monopleurid prisms could allow a diagenetic alteration in a higher degree than that affected requienid shells.
Alteración diagenética en conchas de rudistas radiolítidos del Cretácico Medio de Urdax (Navarra)
Geogaceta, 2004
Cathodoluminescence and microprobe analysis in monopleurid shells from Aptian -Lower Albian limestones in Ereño (Bizkaia) has allowed to us to realize that different rudist shells show different diagenetic responses in front of a similar degree of diagenetic alteration. Monopleurid shells show a relatively high diagenetic degree when compared to that of requienids. Early neomorphism processes were dissimilar for different shells. The relatively thin monopleurid prisms could allow a diagenetic alteration in a higher degree than that affected requienid shells.
Chondrodonta sp. shells from Aptian-Lower Albian red limestones of Ereño (Bizkaia, northern Spain) have proved to be excellent indicators of a high resistance to the entrance of diagenetic fluids and further diagenetic alteration. Chondrodonta sp. shells, when compared to their coeval rudist shells, show higher Sr +2 and Na + contents, together with very dull or even null luminescence. For this reason they could be very appropriate for further C, O an Sr isotopic studies as a tool for reconstruction of palaeotemperatures and palaeoenvironmental conditions.
The petrographic analysis of the inoceramid shells allows to identify some microstructures, which suggest their early modification, previously and during the first burial stages. In this sense, it is important to emphasize the borings produced by epibionts and the formation of an early ferrous-manganese coating in the outer surface of the shell. The desegregation of the prismatic framework and its dispersion in the sediment are other processes that took place during the early stages of burial. The study of the post-mortem modification of the shells brings forward some evidences about the marine bottom oxygenation in the Basque-Cantabrian Basin, just before the inoceramid extinction near the lower-upper Maastrichtian boundary (~69,3 m.a.).
The realization of geochemical and diagenetical studies on fossil oyster's shells from the «Calizas Nodulosas con Ostreidos y Limolitas de Sopuerta unit» has allowed demonstrating the variations in the luminescence of different microstructures, mainly in the Regular Foliated one (RF), as a result of different burial depths. The structural properties of the distinguished microstructures made possible, to a greater or lesser extent, the circulation of diagenetic fluids which provided the shell with diagenetic elements like Fe, Mn or Mg. As a result of this cationic exchange, the shell enriched the fluids with Na or Sr, considered primitive elements in oyster's shells. The importance of the rocky matrix in the geochemical alterations has been demonstrated, comparing the results of this study with the results obtained by Higuera-Ruiz and Elorza (2006).
Andropigios de los ortópteros de Navarra
Los trabajos de faunística y sistemática de insectos requieren de métodos y técnicas precisas para la determinación e identificación de las especies. En el caso de los Ortópteros, el estudio de la morfología externa y de la biometría de las especies aporta sin duda alguna, datos muy importantes para su clasificación sistemática no obstante, en ciertos géneros, la determinación exacta de las especies requiere el estudio detallado de la genitalia. En el presente trabajo se estudian los andropigios de los Ortópteros de Navarra, los cuales están depositados en el Museo de Zoología de la Universidad de Navarra.
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espanolEn este estudio se planteo la identificacion molecular de durazneros cultivados en Venezuela, informacion que podria ser empleada como base para programas de mejoramiento genetico. Hasta hoy solo ha sido usada la clasificacion visual, la cual puede ser subjetiva. El presente trabajo se realizo para caracterizar la variabilidad genetica en Prunus persica (L.) Batsch cultivado en una de las principales zonas de produccion venezolana. Se colectaron hojas jovenes completamente desarrolladas de diferentes cultivares en huertos comerciales del Penon de Gabante, estado Aragua. Se utilizaron 10 pares de iniciadores moleculares microsatelites (SSR). La evaluacion del perfil electroforetico se realizo por medio del indice de similaridad. Se realizaron analisis de clasificacion y ordenacion de las muestras. El dendrograma se construyo usando el metodo de grupos-pares no ponderados con promedios aritmeticos (UPGMA). Se confirmo la estrecha base genetica que existe dentro de la especie mu...
Icnitas de artiodactilos (Mammalia) del Paleogeno de Olcoz (Depresion del Ebro, Navarra)
Estudios Geológicos, 1994
Se describe un conjunto de icnitas fósiles de mamíferos ubicado en los alrededores de la localidad navarra de Olcoz (Depresión del Ebro). Las huellas se localizan en niveles areniscosos de la «Formación de Mués», de posible edad Sueviense (Oligoceno inferior). Por su morfología pueden asignarse a mamíferos artiodáctilos y resultan comparables a Entelodontipus, constituyendo este hallazgo una segunda cita para dicho icnogénero.