A Contrastive Study of English and Macedonian Conjunctions Used to Express Causality (original) (raw)

Word Order and Markedness in a Slovenian Poem and Its English Translations

ELOPE, 2004

When systemic differences between languages preclude the possibility of a truly "faithful" translation, the translator may choose to preserve either the form of the original, that is its syntactic structure, or its function, which includes not only the meaning but also stylistic effects such as the degree of markedness. Faithfulness to the original form may result in a different degree of markedness in translation, or even in a reinterpretation of the structure, with a concomitant change in meaning. On the other hand, the preservation of the original function by introducing structural devices congenial to the target language may obscure the original cohesive devices, including figures. Since the balance between form and function is particularly delicate in poetry, this paper examines the choices between them in two English translations of "Belo", a free verse poem by the contemporary Slovenian poet Dane Zajc. e central issue discussed is the ordering of constituents, which is dominated by different principles in the two languages. Since both form and function play a vital role in poetry, such an analysis cannot yield a formula for each type of translation problem; nevertheless, it can locate the points of divergence in the source and target languages, as well as use the translators' choices to draw conclusions about the nuances of acceptability in the target language. Povzetek Kadar prevajalec zaradi medjezikovnih razlik ne more ohraniti »zvestobe« izvirniku, se lahko odloči, da bo poustvaril ali obliko izvirnika, torej njegovo skladenjsko zgradbo, ali pa njegovo funkcijo. Slednja ne zaobsega le pomena, marveč tudi slogovne učinke, kakršna je zaznamovanost. Zvestoba izvirni obliki lahko v prevodu ustvari drugačno zaznamovanost; možno je celo, da isto zgradbo v drugem jeziku tolmačimo povsem drugače, tako da pride tudi do spremembe v pomenu. Če pa skuša prevajalec ohraniti izvirno funkcijo in zato uporabi zgradbo, ki je bolj v duhu ciljnega jezika, utegne s tem zabrisati izvirna kohezivna sredstva s figurami vred. Ravnovesje med obliko in funkcijo je zelo občutljivo v poeziji, zato v pričujočem članku preučujem odločitve za prvo ali drugo v dveh angleških prevodih pesmi "Belo", besedila v prostem verzu, katerega avtor je sodobni slovenski pesnik Dane Zajc. Osredotočam se na zaporedje členov, ki ga v angleščini uravnavajo druga načela kakor v slovenščini. Ker sta za poezijo temeljnega pomena tako oblika kot funkcija, takšna analiza ne more ponuditi stereotipnih prevajalskih rešitev; lahko pa ugotovi, na katerih področjih se jezika razhajata, in na osnovi prevajalskih odločitev sklepa na odtenke sprejemljivosti, ki jih imajo v ciljnem jeziku posamezne zgradbe.

A Cognitive Linguistic View of South Slavic Prepositions and Prefixes. Ed. by Ljiljana Šarić. Jezikoslovlje 13.1 (2012).

Jezikoslovlje, 2013

Semantička i gramatička svojstva prefiksa o-/ob- u slovenskim glagolima za izražavanje emocija. A cognitive linguistic view of South Slavic prepositions and prefixes (str.5-17) / Ljiljana Šarić Semantic and grammatical features of o-/ob- in verbs of emotion in Slovene (str.19-39) / Agnieszka Będkowska-Kopczyk Kretanje od – do u hrvatskome. Analiza polazišta, ciljeva i dvojnih čitanja dativa. Moving od(-) and do(-) in Croatian. An account of sources, goals and dual readings of the dative (str.41-69) / Maja Brala-Vukanović, Anita Memišević Orphan prefixes and the grammaticalization of aspect in South Slavic. Osamostaljeni prefiksi i gramatikalizacija vida u južnoslavenskim jezicima (str.71-105) / Stephen M. Dickey Prijedlog i prefiks nad u južnoslavenskim jezicima s naglaskom na makedonskom jeziku.The preposition and prefix nad in South Slavic languages with emphasis on Macedonian (str.107-150). / Liljana Mitkovska, Eleni Bužarovska Prijedlog uz u hrvatskome: kognitivni pristup. The Croatian preposition uz: A cognitive approach (str.151-190) / Ljiljana Šarić Kognitivnosemantička analiza prefiksa uz u hrvatskom jeziku. A cognitive semantic account of the prefix uz in Croatian 191-218 (str.191-218) / Ljiljana Šarić Kognitivna analiza bugarskih prijedloga i glagolskih prefiksa nad i pod A cognitive analysis of the Bulgarian prepositions and verbal prefixes NAD and POD (str.219-260)/Ivelina Tchizmarova

Osamostaljeni prefiksi i gramatikalizacija vida u južnoslavenskim jezicima


This paper establishes the term ORPHAN PREFIX for a Slavic prefix that no longer shares a dominant spatial meaning with its cognate preposition. Most Slavic prefixes do share such a dominant spatial meaning with their cognate prepositions, cf., e.g., the Russian prefix v- and preposition v, both meaning ‘into.’ Orphan prefixes appear to be an important component of many Slavic aspectual systems. However, in most Slavic languages there is at most one prefix that has lost the semantic connection to its cognate preposition and come to function primarily as a grammatical marker of perfectivity. Only three Slavic prefixes are in fact to be consid-ered orphan prefixes, and each only in some Slavic languages. A first case is Bulgarian iz- ‘out,’ as its cognate preposition iz is no longer used in the spatial meaning ‘out of.’ The most extreme case is Bulgarian po-, which no longer shares the spatial meaning of SURFACE CONTACT with the preposition po to any significant degree. Another import...

Redistributing meaning : translating English existential sentences into Slovene.

SICHERL, Eva (ed.). 2018. V družbi z jezikom in gorami: zbornik ob jubileju Stanka Klinarja. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete, pp. 109-121., 2018

The paper looks at a self-compiled corpus of existential sentences in five English-language literary works and their Slovene translations, testing the hypothesis about the noun-orientation of English and verb-orientation of Slovene, as posited for instance by Klinar (1996). The results do not support this theory in the narrow sense but rather suggest that Slovene generally prefers a more balanced distribution of meaning in the clause compared to English. The analysis of the translations of English existential sentences with regard to translation shifts such as change of clausal pattern, verb choice and subject preservation points to what seems to be a fundamental difference between English and Slovene: while English readily accumulates meaningful material in one syntactic unit, which often happens to be a noun phrase (hence noun-orientation), Slovene patterns prefer meaning to be more evenly distributed across the clause and across various sentence elements, including but not restricted to verbal structures. Članek prek analize bivanjskih stavkov v namenskem korpusu petih angleških književnih del in njihovih slovenskih prevodov preverja hipotezo o samostalniškosti angleščine in glagolniškosti slovenščine, kot jo najdemo npr. pri Klinarju (1996). Rezultati ne podpirajo te teorije v strogem smislu, temveč nakazujejo, da slovenščina v primerjavi z angleščino na splošno daje prednost bolj uravnoteženi razporeditvi stavčnega gradiva. Razčlemba prevodov angleških bivanjskih stavkov z ozirom na prevajalske premike, kot so sprememba stavčnega vzorca, izbira glagola in ohranjanje osebka, kaže na ključno razliko med jezikoma: medtem ko se v angleščini rado dogaja, da se velika količina informacij zgošča v posamezni skladenjski enoti, predvsem v samostalniški zvezi (od tod ideja o samostalniškosti), so slovenski stavčni vzorci načeloma bolj naklonjeni enakomerni porazdelitvi pomena v stavku in v različnih stavčnih členih, kamor sodijo – poleg drugih – tudi glagolske zgradbe.

Language, Society and Culture: Slovene in Contact with English

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2006

The author addresses Slovene-English language contact, both in the immigrant context and in Slovenia. The direct contact of Slovene and English in the case of Slovene Americans and Canadians is examined from two perspectives: social and cultural on the one hand and linguistic on the other. In the fi rst part, I present the general linguistic situation in Cleveland (and to a minor extent in Washington, D.C. and Toronto), with emphasis on language maintenance and shift, the relationship between mother tongue preservation and ethnic awareness, and the impact of extralinguistic factors on selected aspects of the linguistic behavior of the participants in the study. I then compare the use of second person pronouns as terms of address and the use of speech acts such as compliments to determine the role of different cultural backgrounds in the speakers' linguistic choices. The linguistic part of the analysis focuses on borrowing and code switching, as well as on the infl uence of English on seemingly monolingual Slovene discourse, where the Slovene infl ectional system in particular is being increasingly generalized, simplifi ed and reduced, and Slovene word order is beginning to resemble that of English. Finally, the rapidly growing impact of English on Slovene in Slovenia on various linguistic levels from vocabulary to syntax and intercultural communication is discussed. Avtorica obravnava slovensko-angle{ki jezikovni stik v izseljenstvu in v Sloveniji. Neposred ni stik med sloven{~ino in angle{~ino pri ameri{kih in kanadskih Slovencih prika`e z dveh vidikov: dru`benega oz. kulturnega in jezikoslovnega. V prvem delu predstavi splo{no jezi kovno stanje v Clevelandu (in delno v Washingtonu, D. C. in Torontu), pri ~emer jo posebej zanimajo vpra{anja jezikovnega ohranjanja in opu{~anja, odnosa med stopnjo ohranitve materin{~ine in zavestjo o etni~ni pripadnosti ter vpliva izbranih zunajjezikovnih dejavnikov na jezikovno vedenje sodelujo~ih v raziskavi. Sledi primerjava rabe osebnih zaimkov za 2. osebo pri ogovarjanju sogovornika in govornih dejanj, kakr{ni so npr. komplimenti, da bi ugotovila, v kolik{ni meri so jezikovne izbire govorcev odvisne od razli~nih kulturnih okolij, iz katerih le-ti prihajajo. Jezikoslovni del analize se osredoto~a na sposojanje in kodno preklapljanje, pa tudi na vpliv angle{~ine v na videz enojezi~nem diskurzu izseljencev. Ta se ka`e predvsem na oblikoslovni ravnini, kjer se poenostavljajo, posplo{ujejo in celo opu{~ajo slovenski sklanjatveni vzorci, prisoten pa je tudi v skladnji, kjer se slovenski besedni red ponekod pribli`uje angle{kemu. Zadnji del je posve~en vedno mo~nej{emu vplivu angle{~ine na sloven{~ino v Sloveniji. Govora je o angle{kem vplivu na leksikalni, sintakti~ni in medkulturni ravni.


Zbornik za jezike i književnosti Filozofskog fakulteta u Novom Sadu, 2011

This paper 1 examines the linguistic form and function of hedges in English and Macedonian newspaper editorials as well as their role in the construction and attainment of persuasion. Hedges are interpersonal metadiscourse markers which help editorial writers to tone down their statements and present uncertainty in their factuality thus making them more acceptable for the readership. This study also points out the cultural differences reflected in the style of the Macedonian and American editorials' writers. The objective of this paper is to help readers become more aware of the writers' style and persuasive power as well as to point out the cultural differences in the way writers write and readers perceive a written text.