R. V. Dingle Ostracod Collection: Natural History Museum, London (original) (raw)
2012, Journal of Micropalaeontology
IntroductIon The bulk of the non-DSDP/ODP and-CRDP material was collected by RVD, with small quantities donated by colleagues and co-workers. Most of it has been described in a series of publications, and the slides are arranged in sets that relate to particular articles. The remainder is classified as 'undescribed', including suites from cores collected in 1992 from the oceanographic research vessels Professor Logachev and Benguela. Many of the specimens come from sediments collected from the University of Cape Town research vessel Thomas B Davie. The latter have a TBD prefix, and location sites and water depths are listed in the database/spreadsheet using a TBDXXXX notation. Samples with prefix AX were collected by Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Cape Town-their localities are also listed in the database/spreadsheet. The collection has 2337 slides in the main set, with a further 197 in the New Zealand/Antarctica subset, giving a grand total of 2534 slides containing ~94 000 specimens. The New Zealand/Antarctica subset has NHM PM-OS numbers 16596-16792, while the main collection has NHM PM-OS numbers 16988-19324. There are holotypes, paratypes, figured specimens, topotypes, an idiotype, and a large selection of comparative material. Many of the last category are single-species collections arranged in stratigraphical sequence (either from outcrop, or cores: 'stratigraphical selections'), as well as specimens from various water depths. The collection is listed on a spreadsheet that can be sent on request. In summary, the main geographical/stratigraphical slide-sets are: SOUTH/SOUTHERN AFRICA Jurassic to Upper Cretaceous: south and southeast coasts (142 slides) Middle to Upper Cretaceous: east coast (185 slides) Cenozoic: onshore & offshore (296 slides) Quaternary: onshore & offshore, including non-marine faunas (1093 slides) ANTARCTICA/NEW ZEALAND Upper Cretaceous (197 slides) Cenozoic (119 slides) SOUTHERN OCEAN Middle to Upper Cretaceous (62 slides) Cenozoic (348 slides) Holocene (69 slides) SUNDRY MATERIAL Various ages (23 slides) Details of the main sets, showing slides referred to NHM OSxxxxx and informal (RVDxxxx) numbers on cabinet drawers, are listed below. South AfrIcA: JurASSIc to upper cretAceouS-South And SoutheASt coAStS Brenton, Knysna. upper Jurassic 9 slides: OS17011-17017 (RVD24-30); OS18404-18405 (RVD 1417-1418). Publication: Dingle & Klinger (1972). Faunal slides and topotypes. Figured and other type material is in the South African Museum, Cape Town. Samples collected by Dr H. C. Klinger in 1971. Age of outcrops still in dispute-probably late Jurassic; see Klinger et al. (1972).