Amasya II. Bayezi̇d İl Halk Kütüphanesi̇'Nde Bulunan 15. Yüzyil Osmanli Ci̇ltleri̇nde Anadolu Selçuklu Ci̇lt Geleneği̇ Etki̇si̇ (original) (raw)

Amasya II. Bayezid İl Halk Kütüphanesi’nde Bulunan 15. ve 16. Yüzyıl Ciltleri


Amasya II. Bayezid Il Halk Kutuphanesinde bulunan 15. ve 16. yuzyil ciltleri, sehrin her bakimdan gelisme gosterdigi sehzade sehri oldugu donemi kapsamaktadir. 15. yuzyilda bir taraftan Anadolu Selcuklu ve Beylikler doneminin cilt anlayisi surdurulmus , bir taraftan da yuzyilin ozelliklerini yansitan ornekler yapilmistir. Ayrica 15. yuzyila tarihli olmasina karsin sonraki donemlerde yenilenmis oldugu dusunulen ciltlerle bu yuzyil genis bir yelpaze sunmaktadir. 16. yuzyila gelindiginde ise 15. yuzyildaki karisik donemin aksine Osmanli cilt anlayisi dogrultusunda yapilmis zengin ve gelismis cilt orneklerinin varligi bilinmektedir. Amasya II. Bayezid Il Halk Kutuphanesi'nde bulunan ciltler, Turk cilt sanatinin baskentten uzak bir tasra sehrindeki akislerini gostermesi acisindan onem tasir.

Çorum Hasan Paşa Yazma Eser Kütüphanesi'ndeki Anadolu Selçuklu Cildleri ve Mücellidleri (Anatolian Seljuk Bookbindings and Bookbinders in Çorum Hasan Pasha Manuscript Library)

Uluslararası Bütün Yönleriyle Çorum Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı, 2016

The adventure of books covered with leather begins with manuscripts located in Chotscho since The Uigur. The developments in the Islamic bookbinding has continued with Umayyad, Abbasid, Tolunogullar, the Ghaznavids and the Great Seljuks until the 12th century. Since the end of the 11th century, Seljuks who ruled the Anatolian, maked a very beautiful bookbinding here in the 12th-14th century, they have had an important place in The Art of Turkish Islamic Bookbinding. Çorum, history goes up to B.C. 4000-3000, is one place where art is. Çorum Hasan Pasha Manuscript Library, which domain name from Hasan Pasha who guard in Beşiktaş, proves this with thousands of important Anatolian Seljuks and Ottoman periods manuscripts which are within. I will talk briefly about all this in the declaration and introduce some Anatolian Seljuks Bookbinding and Bookbinders in Çorum Hasan Pasha Manuscript Library. Bookbindings were examined in terms of sections, types, decoration and materials. Contribution were try to put to The Art of Anatolian Seljuk Bookbinding which is an unstudied area, with detected findings.

Osmanli İmparatorluğunun 15. Yüzyil Ve 18. Yüzyillar Arasi Saray Kumaşlarinda Kullanilan Bi̇tki̇sel Üslup


Ozet Kumas desenleri; o desenin sahip oldugu karakteristik ozellikler, onemli kulturler tarafindan benimsenmesi ve odesenin kulturler arasi bir dil butunlugu saglamasinin ifadesidir. Osmanli kumaslarinin tarihsel gelisimi, teknigioldugu kadar, motiflerin, kokenlerini, sembolik anlamlari ve yuzyillar icindeki degisimini yansitmaktadir.Osmanli Imparatorlugu saray kumaslarinda yogun olarak bitkisel desenler kullanilmistir. Bu calisma Osmanlidevletinin yukselise gectigi 15. yuzyildan batililasma doneminin basladigi 18. Yuzyilin sonuna kadar uretilenOsmanli kumaslarindaki, bitkisel desenlerin anlam uslup ve teknik ozelliklerini aciklamaktir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Osmanli Imparatorlugu, Turk Kumaslari, Osmanli kumas desenleri, Osmanli Saray Kaftanlari

Prof. Dr. Abdulkadir Dündar, “Bir Belgeye Göre Amasya II. Bayezid Külliyesi”, Ankara Üniversitesi İlâhiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt:XLIV, Sayı: 2, Ankara 2003, ss.131-172.


According To A Document The Kulliyah Of Amasya Bayezıd II. In this paper, It is evaluated that an archival document which is found in Topkapı Palace Museum Archives. Monuments which make up the Kulliyah of Bayezid II in Amasya province are inroduced. The document which is not known by whom it was written and by which purpose had been written after the completion of kulliyah in 1486. In this document, very important and orijinal informations are given about the monuments of Kulliyah which is surrounded by enclosures. In this paper, these informations are evaluated by comparing which other sources and monuments in these present conditions. Thus, this paper is concluded by suggesting the monumentns which are consisting of the Kulliyah of Amasya Bayezid II and the orijinal style of courtyard. Key words: Kulliyah, courtyard, mosque, madrasah, imarah, an archival document, monuments.