Media Literacy for Kindergarten Teacher in Assisting Students to Learn via Gadgets from and at Home (original) (raw)

Parenting Training About Educating Children in the Digital Age at Gereja Utusan Pantekosta “Harvest” Madiun

SERVIRE: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Gaget is a child's problem at this time and on the other hand, parents are busy with their own activities and let their children get addicted to gadgets. Thus, the purpose of this PkM is to conduct parenting training for parents about educating children. The method used is seminars. While the results of PkM are increasing parents' awareness of how gadgets affect children, and how to overcome children's addiction to gadgets and apply parenting according to the God’s Word. Gaget menjadi permasalahan anak pada saat ini dan di lain pihak, orang tua sibuk dengan kegiatannya sendiri dan membiarkan anaknya kecanduan gadget. Dengan demikian, tujuan PkM ini adalah melakukan pelatihan kepada orang tua untuk parenting tentang mendidik anak. Metode yang dilakukan adalan seminar. Sedangkan hasil PkM adalah peningkatan kesadaran orang tua apa pengaruh gadget kepada anak, serta bagaimana mengatasi kecanduan anak terhadap gadget dan menerapkan pola asuh menurut Firman Tuhan.

Learning with Technology: New Experiences for Indonesian Children During COVID-19


Technology, which was previously considered a negative influence on children, has turned out to be the only solution for the education sector during the Covid-19 pandemic. The education system has experienced a shift from face-toface learning at school to technology-based home learning as a result of social and physical distancing policies implementation. This study aims to describe the experience of elementary school children during online learning without the presence of professional teachers and peer community who can instigate their competitive spirit. This paper describes the parents’ difficulties and obstacles as they are demanded to substitute the role of professional teachers for their children. A qualitative descriptive approach is applied in this study with offline and online interview techniques as data collection instruments. The data were collected from elementary school children with different backgrounds to explore their experiences of online learning. This paper focu...

The Impact of Gadget Use on Early Childhood at Jayawijaya Education Foundation Tembagapura School

International Journal of Social Science And Human Research, 2022

This research aims to examine the impact of gadget use in early childhood school YPJ Tembagapura.The type of research used in this study is qualitative research. The sampling techniques used in this study used random sampling. Techniques for collecting data by observation, interview, and documentation. The results of the study obtained by the authors divide into 2 (two) parts, namely positive impacts and negative impacts: The positive impacts include increasing children's knowledge, building and training children's creativity, facilitating communication, and expanding friendship networks. The use of gadgets should have helped children in their daily lives, especially in finding data and information to do schoolwork and as a means of entertainment from the features provided in the gadgets at this time Indonesia is facing Covid-19, so that the method Learning at Paud YPJ Tembagapura School online, where parents are obliged to facilitate children to use Gedget. While the negati...

Effectiveness of Using Digital Media as a Learning Support Media in Elementary School

Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2023

The purpose of this study is to find out how digital learning media can be effectively delivered to elementary school students in Banyumas, Kebumen, and Banjarnegara areas. The use of digital media as a supporting media for the learning process is something that must be done in the last four years. This is becoming critical issue during the COVID-19 pandemic, where learning is done online. Teachers at the elementary, junior high school, senior high school and college levels must adapt to the technological developments for developing learning materials. They must also learn on how to deliver learning materials without having to meet their students face to face. Problems occur when students do not understand or do not have necessary facilities for online learning during the pandemic. Another issue is the internet quality (such as poor connection) that does not support the online teaching method, especially for elementary and junior high school. In short, the problems that arise are: 1) Teaching of material that must be done online during COVID-19 pandemic, 2) Unstable internet access or poor internet connection, 3) Less effectiveness for students' understanding because of the nature of learning materials. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with field observations. The results obtained from this study are how digital media can adapt to the needs of small storage space and use offline to target elementary school students who are in difficult signal areas, and how digital graphic communication can convey the contents of learning materials effectively.

Pengembangan Media Belajar Mobile Learning pada Pembelajaran IPA di Sekolah Dasar Pasca Pandemi Covid-19

DWIJA CENDEKIA: Jurnal Riset Pedagogik

After the COVID-19 pandemic, students experienced a drastic decline in learning outcomes in class. To improve student learning outcomes for better performance, researchers aim to develop mobile learning-based learning media that can be used inside and outside the classroom. This study uses a research and development methodology with a model popularized by Dick and Carey. The instruments used in this study were interviews, questionnaires and tests. The results of this study are mobile learning-based science learning media. Based on the results of the pretest and post-test analysis, the researcher found differences in learning outcomes between the pre-test and post-test stages with satisfactory final results. So it can be concluded that there is a significant increase in learning outcomes, after students take part in learning with mobile learningbased learning media.

Child Engagement with Digital Devices During the COVID-19 Epidemic in the Global South: Are our Parents and Children Equipped to Make the Best use of these?

Journal of Computer Science

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the lives of children all over the globe have changed. Due to the social isolation and lockdown laws, the techniques of education, entertainment, communication, and many other areas of the home restricted children's lives have been transposed. Institutional education in Bangladesh has been halted and the country has shifted its focus to online learning environments. The use of digital devices by children has increased dramatically in recent years. Children who were restricted to their homes used technology not just for study, but also for social communication, amusement, and keeping themselves occupied in their spare time. This study investigates the impact of these interactions to determine the positive influence as well as potential hazards and threats to children when they utilize digital technology. This article offers qualitative research with a total of 41 participants from Sylhet, Bangladesh's northern town, that examines how technology has influenced the lives of children and their families as a whole. The project demonstrated the difficulties that children and parents faced while using digital gadgets and platforms. We looked at the areas where parents should be cautious to protect their children from having a negative experience with technology. Finally, this research has offered recommendations for children and their parents to utilize technology in a more meaningful way, particularly during the COVID-19 epidemic, and has provided guidelines for the safe use of online platforms and digital gadgets.

Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Elementary School Student’s Learning Media: A Relationship Between Facilities and Teacher’s Perception

AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan

This study aimed to examine the relationship between facilities and instructors' perceptions of their ability to develop instructional media during a pandemic. This study employed a quantitative approach through the use of a survey. The sample size for this study was 154 elementary school teachers drawn through a purposive sampling technique from Pelalawan and Rengat districts. The data were gathered via a survey administered over WhatsApp and analyzed descriptively and inferentially using SPSS version 26. The findings indicated that all fundamental support facilities for online learning were met 100 % of the time, interactive learning media facilities were met 48.7 % of the time, and assistive devices for students were met 58.4 % of the time. Additionally, 60.4 % of teachers frequently create learning media on their own, 45.5 % frequently generate media independently, and 42.9 % frequently use online learning media. The Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient calculated ...

The impacts of gadgets on development and knowledge of primary school students in urban area of Negeri Sembilan

The 5TH ISM INTERNATIONAL STATISTICAL CONFERENCE 2021 (ISM-V): Statistics in the Spotlight: Navigating the New Norm

In this era of technology, gadgets have become a necessity for primary school students due to the fact that they have been overly exposed to them ever since they were little. In addition, attaching too much to gadgets may affect their development and knowledge. This causal research was conducted to investigate the impacts of gadgets on development and knowledge of primary school students. This study was conducted on 464 primary school students through multistage sampling method that consists of cluster sampling and stratified sampling. The self-administered questionnaire is distributed to the primary school students with guidance and the data were analyzed using IBM SPSS Amos. The result was analyzed using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) method and the finding can be used as parents' guidelines to educate them about the effect of gadgets toward students' development. The result shows that gadgets usage significantly affects primary school students' development which are psychosocial development and socio emotional development. Other than that, this research found that the primary school students' development which were psychosocial development, socio emotional development and responsibility mediate the impacts of gadgets on primary school students' knowledge. Besides that, gadgets usage also directly affect the students' knowledge. In conclusion, parents or guardians play an important role in controlling gadgets usage on primary school students to ensure that they gain benefits from using gadgets.

Implementation of Learning Media During the Pandemic

Journal of English Education, Literature and Linguistics

Implementation Of E-Learning Learning During Covid-19 Pandemic In SMP NEGERI 31 BEKASI. The Covid-19 pandemic that hit Indonesia and impacted the world led the Ministry of Education and Culture and ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia to implement a policy of learning and working from home. Responding to this policy, SMP NEGERI 31 BEKASI held an E-Learning socialization and in the event SMP NEGERI 31 BEKASI stated that it was ready for E-Learning learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, the aim of this research is to describe the implementation of E-Learning learning during covid-19 pandemic in SMP NEGERI 31 BEKASI whether it has been implemented or not after the socialization was carried out. This research uses a qualitative approach, with a descriptive type of research. The technique of collecting data by doing observation, interview and documentation. The research informants consisted of 23: madrasah principals, 6 teachers and 16 students. The t...

The use of technology in literacy among young people and adults: from the disruption caused by the pandemic to connection with the world (Atena Editora)

The use of technology in literacy among young people and adults: from the disruption caused by the pandemic to connection with the world (Atena Editora), 2024

The significant changes in society in recent years, especially from a scientific and technological perspective, have led human beings to believe in their omnipotence. Several signs present in everyday life were not enough to realize that the understanding of human beings, the organization of society and Education needed urgent changes. With the emergence of the pandemic caused by the Coronavirus worldwide since 2019 and, in Brazil, intensely since March 2020, significant changes have been taking place at the societal level, from personal relationships to the systematization of educational processes. Literacy for young people and adults is part of this context. If on the one hand there was the desire to become literate and the desire to learn, on the other hand there was the difficulty of interacting with technological resources, that is, the interface between the device, computer or cell phone, and the person, be it a teacher. or student. And it is this relationship that characterized the progress of the literacy process for young people and adults of the MEB Project (Base Education Movement). Thus, getting to know the actors, informing them about the importance of making use of technological resources and monitoring the teaching and learning process were the goals of the Project developed and presented here in essay form.