The Effectiveness of Learning Biology in The New Normal Period at Senior High School 1 Lalolae (original) (raw)



This action research entitled “Relevance of practical works on teaching and learning biology in ordinary level, secondary education, was carried out at G.S NYAKINAMA I” with the purpose of exploring the relevance of practical work on teaching and learning biology. The total population of this study was 328 persons which make a sample of 81 participants using Yamane formula. The latter wase composed by 76 students, 3 staff members and 2 biology teachers. The sample was selected using purposive sampling, probability and non-probability sampling methods based on the information for the study. The primary data for this research was collected using structured interviews and questionnaires. Class tests were also used to evaluate student’s performance. The data was collected by using Microsoft excel and presented in tables. In our study, we found that teachers do not use practical work as it should. All respondents agreed that they gain many skills from practical works at 100%. Teachers’ views indicated that 38.75% of the respondent confirm that insufficient time for practical works in biology is a barrier while 61.25% disagree. However, 48.75% agree that class size is not a challenge while 51.25% disagree. This study indicates that too long syllabus is a challenge agreed 27.5% and disagreed at 72.5%. For implementation of laboratories, results show that 75% agree that it is a challenge while 25% disagree. Therefore, practical works influenced learner’s understanding ability of lesson and retention of factual knowledge. Learning through theory good performance for 13 students (17.105%) and 63 students (82.8947%) failed while learners’ performance in biology through. Practically, the learner’s performance was increased where 62 students (81.579%) from ordinary level succeed and 14 students (18.4211%). Finally, the recommendations were given. The science teachers have to look at specific experiments and give them to students and let them be responsible for themselves in order to know that they should do even in the absence of a teachers. School administration should advice all teachers to use surrounding environment to create teaching aids to use in teaching and learning process. MINEDUC should provide materials to schools and advise teachers to adapt themselves on the use of improvisations.



This action research entitled “Relevance of practical works on teaching and learning biology in ordinary level, secondary education, was carried out at G.S NYAKINAMA I” with the purpose of exploring the relevance of practical work on teaching and learning biology. The total population of this study was 328 persons which make a sample of 81 participants using Yamane formula. The latter wase composed by 76 students, 3 staff members and 2 biology teachers. The sample was selected using purposive sampling, probability and non-probability sampling methods based on the information for the study. The primary data for this research was collected using structured interviews and questionnaires. Class tests were also used to evaluate student’s performance. The data was collected by using Microsoft excel and presented in tables. In our study, we found that teachers do not use practical work as it should. All respondents agreed that they gain many skills from practical works at 100%. Teachers’ views indicated that 38.75% of the respondent confirm that insufficient time for practical works in biology is a barrier while 61.25% disagree. However, 48.75% agree that class size is not a challenge while 51.25% disagree. This study indicates that too long syllabus is a challenge agreed 27.5% and disagreed at 72.5%. For implementation of laboratories, results show that 75% agree that it is a challenge while 25% disagree. Therefore, practical works influenced learner’s understanding ability of lesson and retention of factual knowledge. Learning through theory good performance for 13 students (17.105%) and 63 students (82.8947%) failed while learners’ performance in biology through. Practically, the learner’s performance was increased where 62 students (81.579%) from ordinary level succeed and 14 students (18.4211%). Finally, the recommendations were given. The science teachers have to look at specific experiments and give them to students and let them be responsible for themselves in order to know that they should do even in the absence of a teachers. School administration should advice all teachers to use surrounding environment to create teaching aids to use in teaching and learning process. MINEDUC should provide materials to schools and advise teachers to adapt themselves on the use of improvisations.



This action research entitled “Relevance of practical works on teaching and learning biology in ordinary level, secondary education, was carried out at G.S NYAKINAMA I” with the purpose of exploring the relevance of practical work on teaching and learning biology. The total population of this study was 328 persons which make a sample of 81 participants using Yamane formula. The latter wase composed by 76 students, 3 staff members and 2 biology teachers. The sample was selected using purposive sampling, probability and non-probability sampling methods based on the information for the study. The primary data for this research was collected using structured interviews and questionnaires. Class tests were also used to evaluate student’s performance. The data was collected by using Microsoft excel and presented in tables. In our study, we found that teachers do not use practical work as it should. All respondents agreed that they gain many skills from practical works at 100%. Teachers’ views indicated that 38.75% of the respondent confirm that insufficient time for practical works in biology is a barrier while 61.25% disagree. However, 48.75% agree that class size is not a challenge while 51.25% disagree. This study indicates that too long syllabus is a challenge agreed 27.5% and disagreed at 72.5%. For implementation of laboratories, results show that 75% agree that it is a challenge while 25% disagree. Therefore, practical works influenced learner’s understanding ability of lesson and retention of factual knowledge. Learning through theory good performance for 13 students (17.105%) and 63 students (82.8947%) failed while learners’ performance in biology through. Practically, the learner’s performance was increased where 62 students (81.579%) from ordinary level succeed and 14 students (18.4211%). Finally, the recommendations were given. The science teachers have to look at specific experiments and give them to students and let them be responsible for themselves in order to know that they should do even in the absence of a teachers. School administration should advice all teachers to use surrounding environment to create teaching aids to use in teaching and learning process. MINEDUC should provide materials to schools and advise teachers to adapt themselves on the use of improvisations.

Effectiveness of the Module with Scientific Approach to the Study of Biology in Senior High School

— The learning process at first only lasted one direction or just focused on teachers (teacher centered), such as the concept of behaviristic. The process of learning that goes something like this causes students cannot develop creativity and he thought patterns tend to be monotonous. Therefore, the Government is encouraging a process the concept of learning and learning activities using the paradigm of Constructivism, concept of learning Constructivism form, i.e. by creating a media independent study that make proactive students. Module with scientific approach is media of learning in the form of independent learning materials include a series of learning process is arranged systematically with the steps that have been set, this module aims to help students learn independently but remain focused on the goal of the competence to learn, so that students master the competencies taught more easily and have an impact on the results of his studies, this research is research development. The subject of this development is research grade XI IPA high school Affairs Pakusari Jember Indonesian 2017/2018 academic year. Technique of data analysis used IE use the formula N-gain. Based on the results of the study showed that the scientific approach with the module on the respiratory system in high school Pakusari effective against student learning outcomes with high criteria.


This project work was carried out to determine the effect of biology practical activities on academic achievement of students Adamu Tafawa Balewa College of Education Kangere. Chapter one and two is the background of the study and the review of related literature respectively. The background of the study emphasized the use of practical activities in biology as stimulates learner’s interest in the science subject they are studying. In the review of literature, the need for the teaching and learning of biology in secondary schools were discussed. The factors which affect the achievement of biology students were also reviewed which include: inadequate laboratory facilities, teacher factors, student factors and environmental factors. In chapter three, the area of the study, population for study, data collection and analysis were presented. The study was carried out in the department of Biology College of Adamu Tafawa Balewa Education Kangere; the target population includes all the NCE I, II, and III students in Biology Department. The students were given tests and the test was marked and they were scored according to their performances using simple frequency and percentage counts. The discussion of the results, educational implications, recommendation, and conclusion were also treated in chapter five.

Lesson study at Bengkulu Iqro IT High School to improve learning outcomes and the role of teachers in supporting Biology learning

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021

Iqro IT High School is one of the high school level schools based on Islam in the city of Bengkulu. This study aims to improve the learning outcomes of class XI students and enhance the role of teachers in enhancing collaborative biology learning. This type of research is action research conducted using the lesson study method. Lesson studies are carried out collaboratively by involving the roles of teachers, peers, and lecturers. Lesson study activities carried out in two open lessons, where each open lesson consists of 3 sessions namely plan, do, and see. The instrument used in this study was the observation sheet of the implementation of lesson study and the test sheet of learning outcomes. The results showed an additional increase in the study of lessons from open lesson 1 to open lesson 2. In addition, there was also an increase in learning outcomes from open lesson 1 to open lesson 2. The conclusion of this study is that lesson study can help teachers to enhance their role in ...

Frequency Analysis and Evaluation of the Implementation of Class X Biology Practices in Senior High School

Jurnal Pelita Pendidikan

This study aims to determine students' frequency, evaluation, and perceptions on the implementation of practicum in SMA Negeri in Rantauprapat City. The sample in this study were 3 teachers and students of class X MIA at SMA Negeri 1 Rantau Utara, SMA Negeri 2 Rantau Utara and SMA Negeri 1 Rantau Selatan totaling 107 people taken by random sampling. The data analysis technique used is a quantitative descriptive analysis technique, which describes and explains the data based on the field. This research is an explorative survey, namely by observing, interviewing, and exploring. The analysis results show that the average frequency of practicum implementation is 66%, which is quite often done. The laboratory conditions in the three sample schools were classified as very good (83.18%). The student interest in laboratory activities is also classified as very good (86.14%), but some schools, namely SMA Negeri 1 Rantau Utara and SMA Negeri 2 Rantau Utara, experienced problems in the tim...

Problem of students in learning Biology practical in Ilorin West Local Government Area, Kwara State

Integrity Journal of Education and Training

The study investigated the problems of students in learning Biology practical in senior secondary schools in Ilorin West LGA, Kwara State. Three research questions and two hypotheses guided the study. Descriptive survey was adopted for this study. The population comprised SS1 to SS3 Biology students in Ilorin-West LGA, Kwara State. Questionnaires were involved in the collection of data from one hundred and eighty (180) Biology students and the data collected were analyzed using descriptive mean, t-test and analysis of variance ANOVA. The findings revealed that problems of students in learning Biology practical in Ilorin West LGA was significant. There was no significant difference in students' opinion towards the problem of learning Biology practical in senior secondary schools based on gender and class size. There was no significance difference in the problems of learning Biology practical in senior secondary school based on school type. In conclusion, it was recommended that G...

Analysis of Educational Problems and Biology Learning in Senior High School in Kerinci Regency

Sainstek : Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi, 2021

The purpose of this study was to determine the cause of high school biology education and learning in Kerinci Regency. This type of research is qualitative with a case study. Data comes from observations, interviews, and documentation. The results of the study concluded that SMA Negeri 12 Kerinci faces learning probabilities and biology education, namely the lack of biology laboratory facilities and infrastructure, lack of computers to carry out national exams, and the lack of students who are active in the learning process of biology SMA Negeri 4 Kerinci facing learning problems and biology education as minimal management of school facilities and infrastructure and the lack of educational media in the learning process of biology.