Centroid tracking and velocity measurement of white blood cell in video (original) (raw)

Measuring Shape and Motion of White Blood Cells from Sequences of Fluorescence Microscopy Images

Selected Papers from the 9th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, 1995

We present an image analysis system developed to measure the motion of white blood cells from a temporal sequence of uorescence microscopy images. A twopass spatio-temporal segmentation system is used. Pixels are classi ed as cell and background pixels by an initial segmentation in the rst pass. Region labeling, correction and cell tracking are done in the second pass. After segmentation, shape features are estimated from binary discrete regions, and cell motion is then measured by using shape features. A supervised method based on shape features is used to evaluate the results of the segmentation.

Measuring Red Blood Cell Velocity with a Keyhole Tracking Algorithm

IFMBE Proceedings, 2007

A tracking algorithm is proposed to measure the velocity of red blood cells traveling through microvessels of tumors growing in skin flaps implanted on mice. The tracking is based on a keyhole model that describes the probable movement of a segmented cell between contiguous frames in a video sequence. When a history of movements exists, past, present and a predicted landing position define two regions of probability with a keyhole shape. This keyhole is used to determine if cells in contiguous frames should be linked to form tracks. Pre-processing segments cells from background and post-processing joins tracks and discards links that could have been formed due to noise or uncertainty. The algorithm presents several advantages over traditional methods such as kymographs or particle image velocimetry: manual intervention is restricted to the thresholding, several vessels can be analyzed simultaneously, algorithm is robust to noise and a wealth of statistical measures can be obtained. Two tumors with different geometries were analyzed; average velocities were 211±136 [µm/s] (mean±std) with a range 15.9-797 [µm/s], and 89±62 [µm/s] with a range 5.5-300 [µm/s] respectively, which are consistent with previous results in the literature.

Automatic tracking of red blood cells in micro channels using OpenCV


The present study aims to developan automatic method able to track red blood cells (RBCs) trajectories flowing through a microchannel using the Open Source Computer Vision (OpenCV). The developed method is based on optical flux calculation assisted by the maximization of the template-matching product. The experimental results show a good functional performance of this method.

Automatic extraction and measurement of leukocyte motion in microvessels using spatiotemporal image analysis

IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 1997

This paper describes a computer vision system for the automatic extraction and velocity measurement of moving leukocytes that adhere to microvessel walls from a sequence of images. The motion of these leukocytes can be visualized as motion along the wall contours. We use the constraint that the leukocytes move along the vessel wall contours to generate a spatiotemporal image, and the leukocyte motion is then extracted using the methods of spatiotemporal image analysis. The generated spatiotemporal image is processed by a special-purpose orientation-selective filter and a subsequent grouping process newly developed for this application. The orientation-selective filter is designed by considering the particular properties of the spatiotemporal image in this application in order to enhance only the traces of leukocytes. In the subsequent grouping process, leukocyte trace segments are selected and grouped among all the segments obtained by simple thresholding and skeletonizing operations. We show experimentally that the proposed method can stably extract leukocyte motion.

An Image Analysis System for Measuring Shape and Motion of White Blood Cells from a Sequence of Fluorescence Microscopy Images


Chapter 5 provides a r e v i e w o f e d ge-based s e gmentation methods a n d t h e e xperimental results o f s o m e o f t he methods f o r t h e u o r e s c e nce c e l l i m a ges. Chapter 6 describes t h r e e t y pes o f g r a y l e v e l t h r e sholding t e c h n i q u e s : g l obal, local and d y namic t h r e sholding. A new d y n a m i c t h r e s h o l d i n g m e t h od is p r e s e n t e d. Chapter 7 presents a t w o-pass s patial-temporal i m age s e gmentation s y s t e m f o r t he uorescence c e l l i m a ge sequences. T e c h n i q u e s d i s c u s s e d i n C h apter 5 a n d 6 a r e used i n t h e r s t p a s s. C e l l o b j e c t t r a c k i n g , r e g i o n c l o s i n g a n d b o u ndary s m oothing are d o n e i n t he second p ass. C h apter 4 , 5 , 6 a n d 7 l e ad to a c omplete s e gmentation system, w h i c h i s e v a l u a t e d i n C h a p t e r 1 1. Chapter 8 contains a l i s t o f s h a pe features. C e l l m o t i on description b ased o n t he features i s d i scussed.

Flow evaluation of red blood cells in capillaroscopic videos

Proceedings of the 26th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, 2013

We aim at describing a non-parametric approach to evaluate blood cells velocity in oral capillascopic videos. The proposed methodology is based on the application of standard optical flow algorithms and it is part of a general environment to support during the diagnostic process for evaluating peripheral microcirculation in real time. We validated our approach versus handmade measurements provided by physicians. Results on real data pointed out that our system returns an output coherent to these latter observations.

Motion gradient vector flow: an external force for tracking rolling leukocytes with shape and size constrained active contours

IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2004

Recording rolling leukocyte velocities from intravital microscopic video imagery is a critical task in inflammation research and drug validation. Since manual tracking is excessively time consuming, an automated method is desired. This paper illustrates an active contour based automated tracking method, where we propose a novel external force to guide the active contour that takes the hemodynamic flow direction into account. The construction of the proposed force field, referred to as motion gradient vector flow (MGVF), is accomplished by minimizing an energy functional involving the motion direction, and the image gradient magnitude. The tracking experiments demonstrate that MGVF can be used to track both slow-and fast-rolling leukocytes, thus extending the capture range of previously designed cell tracking techniques.

An Improved Computer Vision Method for White Blood Cells Detection

Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 2013

The automatic detection of white blood cells (WBCs) still remains as an unsolved issue in medical imaging. The analysis of WBC images has engaged researchers from fields of medicine and computer vision alike. Since WBC can be approximated by an ellipsoid form, an ellipse detector algorithm may be successfully applied in order to recognize such elements. This paper presents an algorithm for the automatic detection of WBC embedded in complicated and cluttered smear images that considers the complete process as a multiellipse detection problem. The approach, which is based on the differential evolution (DE) algorithm, transforms the detection task into an optimization problem whose individuals represent candidate ellipses. An objective function evaluates if such candidate ellipses are actually present in the edge map of the smear image. Guided by the values of such function, the set of encoded candidate ellipses (individuals) are evolved using the DE algorithm so that they can fit into...

Automatic tracking of labeled red blood cells in microchannels


The current study proposes an automatic method for the segmentation and tracking of red blood cells flowing through a 100-m glass capillary. The original images were obtained by means of a confocal system and then processed in MATLAB using the Image Processing Toolbox. The measurements obtained with the proposed automatic method were compared with the results determined by a manual tracking method. The comparison was performed by using both linear regressions and Bland-Altman analysis. The results have shown a good agreement between the two methods. Therefore, the proposed automatic method is a powerful way to provide rapid and accurate measurements for in vitro blood experiments in microchannels. Copyright