Connections between scientific research and education in the field of tourism and leisure in the Czech Republic

European Journal of Tourism Research, 2017

This article provides insight into the development of tourism research and education in the period 1993–2015 in the Czech Republic. Tourism research and education have a strong tradition dating back to the 1950s, to the time of the former Czechoslovakia. Changes in the political and economic situation in 1989 marked the beginning of a new stage in tourism development. The initial phase was characterized by poorly completed projects and fragmented, uncoordinated approaches to rapidly growing incoming tourism. Currently, research on tourism has been dealt with by the national tourism office, the Czech Tourist Authority – CzechTourism. It was here that the Institute of Tourism was established. Public and private universities operating in the Czech Republic are also significant initiators of support for tourism research at the national and international level. The Society of Scientific Experts on Tourism was founded in 2009 as a platform for tourism research.

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on tourism in the Czech Republic

Terra Economicus

Our paper aims at scrutinizing and evaluating the impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on international and domestic tourism in the Czech Republic. Our methodology includes the analysis of empirical and statistical data provided by the statistical agencies that stems from the systematic and holistic literature review. The empirical research includes analysis and comparison of time series of economic indicators. The paper evaluates two groups of statistical indicators. The first group consists of domestic and inbound tourism in the Czech Republic. The second area of research is the analysis of the hotel sector in the Prague region. The analysis of the hotel industry focuses on the development of the following internationally used economic indicators: average daily rate, occupancy, and revenue per available room. Our results reveal that there were significant effects of the coronavirus pandemic both on the inbound and the domestic tourism which brought about a plethora of social and economic implications such as the decrease in the average occupancy of hotel rooms or the revenues for the tourism and hospitality sector. As a result of the pandemic, the tourism structure in the Czech Republic has changed significantly with the institutions of tourism undegoing serious transformational and structural changes that might take lots of time to revert and to mitigate by the relevant tourism authorities, stakeholders, and policymakers.

Bibliometric and Content Analysis of Literature on Role of Healthcare Hotel in Medical and Wellness Tourism

Acta Turistica, 2023

SAŽETAK: Cilj ovoga rada je dati pregled literature kako bi se ustanovile varijable, teorije i modeli koji utječu na odluke turista o izboru zdravstvenog hotela za svoje liječenje i wellness. U članku se korištenjem tražilice Google Scholar bibliometrijski i sadržajno analiziraju sva značajna područja istraživanja provedena posljednjih dvadeset godina. Rezultati studije preporučuju zdravstvenim hotelima fokusiranje na sljedeće varijable za stjecanje konkurentne prednosti: medicinska i ne-medicinska infrastruktura, zadovoljstvo klijenata, kvaliteta usluge, materijalni uvjeti, itd. Također se znanstvenicima i turističkim stručnjacima predlažu smjernice za buduća istraživanja, poput koristi i mogućnosti pretvaranja nespecifičnih hotela u zdravstvene ili dodavanja jedinica za zdravstvenu skrb postojećim hotelima, uloge zdravstvenog hotela kao izvora deviznog priljeva od međunarodnih zdravstvenih i wellness turista kao i značaj hotela zdravstvene skrbi u vrijeme epidemije ili pandemije.



This Monograph is composed with selected articles of PhD students from many Polish universities. These articles are a selection of papers submitted to the II International Conference of Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation 2014 (EJTHR 2014), that took place in Poznan (Poland), on 19th -21st May, 2014. The Conference was co-organized by the following entities: GITUR – Tourism Research Unit of the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (Portugal); European Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation - EJTHR; University School of Physical Education in Poznan (Poland); University of Economy in Bydgoszcz (Poland) Edited by GITUR’s members Francisco Dias | Simão Oliveira | Joanna Kosmaczewska | Ângela Pereira


FRAŇOVÁ, Vanesa. Cross-cultural research in tourism and decision-making. [Bachelor thesis] Institute of Hospitality Management in Prague. Prague: 2020. 77 pages. This thesis focuses on finding out, which factors influence the decision-making of tourists from specific cultures when choosing a destination to travel to, with a special focus on those travellers coming to Czech and Slovak Republic. Five cultures are being examined, namely the European, American, Asian, African and Australian cultures. The objectives of this thesis are to find out whether the culture influences the decision-making of tourists, to analyze factors that have an impact on the decision-making in a pre-purchase stage of choosing a destination, and to find out which factors are most important for travellers coming to Czech and Slovak Republic. The methods used in this thesis are analysis of secondary data related to the views of investigators on the specific topic, analysis of primary data based on statistical information related to the current statistics of international tourist arrivals to Czech and Slovak Republic, and analysis of results of the primary data collected by the quantitative method of research, namely the questionnaire. The answers of the respondents from five cultures are compared to the typical characteristics of these cultures found out by various researchers. This thesis shall be interesting for all researchers who deal with the decision-making of tourists from various cultures, and to Czech and Slovak tourism agencies aimed at promoting of these countries.

The European Journal of Tourism Research: A Personal Journey

This paper presents an overview of the history of the European Journal of Tourism Research – the first and only English-language academic journal in the field of tourism and hospitality studies in Bulgaria. It analyses the submissions by year, type and key topics, discusses journal's policies and elaborates on the future of the journal.

Regional products offered by tourist information centers in Slovakia

XXII. mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních vědách, Velké Bílovice, 12.–14. června 2019, 2019

Publikace neprošla jazykovou úpravou. / Publication is not a subject of language check. Za správnost obsahu a originalitu výzkumu zodpovídají autoři. / Authors are fully responsible for the content and originality of the articles.

Analysis of the leading tourism journals 1999-2008

Annals of Tourism Research, 2012

The purpose of this article is to examine the research themes, method and outcome trends that have been published in the three leading tourism journals from 1999 to 2008. This study builds upon previous research relating to tourism publications throughout the 1980s and 1990s, but includes analysis of adopted methodology and practical versus theoretical implications. This study involved a content analysis of 1584 articles published between 1999 and 2008 in the three most prominent tourism journals. It was found that greater numbers of articles are being published and a consistency of research themes is being researched. A commonality of research methods is discernible and although practical outcomes still dominate, an increased number of theoretical outcomes are evident. This is the largest content analysis conducted of research in tourism and, contributes an analysis of the development of the top echelons of tourism research over the last decade.

The Impact of COVID-19 on Tourism in Romania. Exploratory Case Study on the Prahova Valley Region

Amfiteatru Economic, 2021

Europe stands first in the world ranking of tourist destinations. Tourism is at the heart of a huge business ecosystem that contributes substantially to prosperity and job creation in all Member States of the European Union. The COVID-19 epidemic puts the EU tourism industry under unprecedented pressure. It has led to the suspension of most domestic and international travel, causing a significant reduction in revenue and creating liquidity problems for all tour operators. Both travellers and businesses face uncertain prospects. The goals of this research focused on the main directions: 1) to assess the main concerns for the tourism industry in Romania in the autumn of 2020 and 2) to identify immediate measures to support the Romanian tourism sector. A questionnaire was applied to acquire the viewpoints of the sixteen representatives of eleven prestigious hotels in the mountain region of Valea Prahovei in Romania. The outcomes show their considerations on lifting travel restrictions, restoring traveller confidence and rethinking the Romanian tourism sector for the future.