Short-term instabilities and long-term community dynamics (original) (raw)

The inherent multidimensionality of temporal variability: How common and rare species shape stability patterns

bioRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory), 2018

Empirical knowledge of ecosystem stability and diversity-stability relationships is mostly based on the analysis of temporal variability of population and ecosystem properties. Variability, however, often depends on external factors that act as disturbances, making it difficult to compare its value across systems and relate it to other stability concepts. Here we show how variability, when viewed as a response to stochastic perturbations, can reveal inherent stability properties of ecological communities, with clear connections with other stability notions. This requires abandoning one-dimensional representations, in which a single variability measurement is taken as a proxy for how stable a system is, and instead consider the whole set of variability values associated to a given community, reflecting the whole set of perturbations that can generate variability. Against the vertiginous dimensionality of the perturbation set, we show that a generic variability-abundance pattern emerges from community assembly, which relates variability to the abundance of perturbed species. As a consequence, the response to stochastic immigration is governed by rare species while common species drive the response to environmental perturbations. In particular, the contrasting contributions of different species abundance classes can lead to opposite diversity-stability patterns, which can be understood from basic statistics of the abundance distribution. Our work shows that a multidimensional perspective on variability allows one to better appreciate the dynamical richness of ecological systems and the underlying meaning of their stability patterns.

Positively and negatively autocorrelated environmental fluctuations have opposing effects on species coexistence


Environmental fluctuations can mediate coexistence between competing species via the storage effect. This fluctuation-dependent coexistence mechanism requires three conditions: (i) a positive covariance between environment conditions and the strength of competition, (ii) species-specific environmental responses, and (iii) species are less sensitive to competition in environmentally unfavorable years. In serially uncorrelated environments, condition (i) only occurs if favorable environmental conditions immediately and directly increase the strength of competition. For many demographic parameters, this direct link between favorable years and competition may not exist. Moreover, many environmental variables are temporal autocorrelated, but theory has largely focused on serially uncorrelated environments. To address this gap, a model of competing species in autocorrelated environments is analyzed. This analysis shows that positive autocorrelations in demographic rates that increase fitn...

Species dynamics alter community diversity–biomass stability relationships

Ecology …, 2012

The relationship between community diversity and biomass variability remains a crucial ecological topic, with positive, negative and neutral diversity-stability relationships reported from empirical studies. Theory highlights the relative importance of Species-Species or Species-Environment interactions in driving diversity-stability patterns. Much previous work is based on an assumption of identical (stable) species-level dynamics. We studied ecosystem models incorporating stable, cyclic and more complex species-level dynamics, with either linear or non-linear density dependence, within a locally stable community framework. Species composition varies with increasing diversity, interacting with the correlation of species' environmental responses to drive either positive or negative diversity-stability patterns, which theory based on communities with only stable species-level dynamics fails to predict. Including different dynamics points to new mechanisms that drive the full range of diversity-biomass stability relationships in empirical systems where a wider range of dynamical behaviours are important.

Environmental fluctuations restrict eco-evolutionary dynamics in predator-prey system

Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society, 2015

Environmental fluctuations, species interactions and rapid evolution are all predicted to affect community structure and their temporal dynamics. Although the effects of the abiotic environment and prey evolution on ecological community dynamics have been studied separately, these factors can also have interactive effects. Here we used bacteria-ciliate microcosm experiments to test for eco-evolutionary dynamics in fluctuating environments. Specifically, we followed population dynamics and a prey defence trait over time when populations were exposed to regular changes of bottom-up or top-down stressors, or combinations of these. We found that the rate of evolution of a defence trait was significantly lower in fluctuating compared with stable environments, and that the defence trait evolved to lower levels when two environmental stressors changed recurrently. The latter suggests that top-down and bottom-up changes can have additive effects constraining evolutionary response within pop...

Updates on mechanisms of maintenance of species diversity

Journal of Ecology, 2018

A quantitative approach to species coexistence based on the invasibility criterion has led to an appreciation of coexistence mechanisms in terms of stabilizing and equalizing components, but major challenges are the need to consider general multispecies settings, interactions beyond competition, and multiple scales of space and time. Moreover, two essential concepts, species‐level average fitness and scaling factors, have not had clear definitions. A general approach to defining average fitnesses and scaling factors is given, along with the origin of stabilizing mechanisms as deviations from a reference model where no coexistence is possible. Illustrations are general Lotka–Volterra models, models accounting specifically for resource use and natural enemies, and models with temporal fluctuations. Community averages of stabilizing mechanisms reveal overall opportunities for coexistence, and define mechanisms more precisely through their formulae. Average fitnesses adjusted for the pr...

Trait diversity promotes stability of community dynamics

Theoretical Ecology, 2013

The theoretical exploration of how diversity influences stability has traditionally been approached by species-centric methods. Here we offer an alternative approach to the diversity-stability problem by examining the stability and dynamics of size and trait distributions of individuals. The analysis is performed by comparing the properties of two size spectrum models. The first model considers all individuals as belonging to the same "average" species, i.e., without a description of diversity. The second model introduces diversity by further considering individuals by a trait, here asymptotic body size. The dynamic properties of the models are described by a stability analysis of equilibrium solutions and by the non-equilibrium dynamics. We find that the introduction of trait diversity expands the set of parameters for which the equilibrium is stable and, if the community is unstable, makes the oscillations smaller, slower, and more regular. The stabilizing mechanism is the variation in growth rate between individuals with the same body size but different trait values.

Species coexistence in a variable world

The contribution of deterministic and stochastic processes to species coexistence is widely debated. With the introduction of powerful statistical techniques, we can now better characterise different sources of uncertainty when quantifying niche differentiation. The theoretical literature on the effect of stochasticity on coexistence, however, is often ignored by field ecologists because of its technical nature and difficulties in its application. In this review, we examine how different sources of variability in population dynamics contribute to coexistence. Unfortunately, few general rules emerge among the different models that have been studied to date. Nonetheless, we believe that a greater understanding is possible, based on the integration of coexistence and population extinction risk theories. There are two conditions for coexistence in the presence of environmental and demographic variability: (1) the average per capita growth rates of all coexisting species must be positive when at low densities, and (2) these growth rates must be strong enough to overcome negative random events potentially pushing densities to extinction. We propose that critical tests for species coexistence must account for niche differentiation arising from this variability and should be based explicitly on notions of stability and ecological drift.


The focus of most ideas on diversity maintenance is species coexistence, which may be stable or unstable. Stable coexistence can be quantified by the long-term rates at which community members recover from low density. Quantification shows that coexistence mechanisms function in two major ways: They may be (a) equalizing because they tend to minimize average fitness differences between species, or (b) stabilizing because they tend to increase negative intraspecific interactions relative to negative interspecific interactions. Stabilizing mechanisms are essential for species coexistence and include traditional mechanisms such as resource partitioning and frequency-dependent predation, as well as mechanisms that depend on fluctuations in population densities and environmental factors in space and time. Equalizing mechanisms contribute to stable coexistence because they reduce large average fitness inequalities which might negate the effects of stabilizing mechanisms. Models of unstable coexitence, in which species diversity slowly decays over time, have focused almost exclusively on equalizing mechanisms. These models would be more robust if they also included stabilizing mechanisms, which arise in many and varied ways but need not be adequate for full stability of a system. Models of unstable coexistence invite a broader view of diversity maintenance incorporating species turnover.

Life history traits and functional processes generate multiple pathways to ecological stability

Ecology, 2017

Stability contributes to the persistence of ecological communities, yet the interactions among different stabilizing forces are poorly understood. We assembled mesocosms with an algal resource and one to eight different clones of the consumer Daphnia ambigua and tracked algal and Daphnia abundances through time. We then fitted coupled ordinary differential equations (ODEs) to the consumer-resource time series. We show that variation in different components of stability (local stability and the magnitude of population fluctuations) across mesocosms arises through variation in life history traits and the functional processes represented by ODE model parameters. Local stability was enhanced by increased algal growth rate and Daphnia mortality and foraging rate. Population fluctuations were dampened by high Daphnia conversion efficiency and lower interaction strengths, low algal growth rate, high Daphnia death rate, and low Daphnia foraging. These results indicate that (1) stability in consumer-resource systems may arise through the net effect of multiple related stabilizing pathways and (2) different aspects of stability can vary independently and may respond in opposite directions to the same forces.

Partitioning the effects of eco-evolutionary feedbacks on community stability


A fundamental challenge in ecology continues to be identifying mechanisms that stabilize community dynamics. By altering the interactions within a community, eco-evolutionary feedbacks may play a role in community stability. Indeed, recent empirical and theoretical studies demonstrate that these feedbacks can stabilize or destabilize communities, and moreover, that this sometimes depends on the relative rate of ecological to evolutionary processes. So far, theory on how eco-evolutionary feedbacks impact stability exists for only for a few special cases. In our work, we develop a general theory for determining the effects of eco-evolutionary feedbacks on stability in communities with an arbitrary number of interacting species and evolving traits for when evolution is slow and fast. We characterize how eco-evolutionary feedbacks lead to stable communities that would otherwise be unstable, and vice versa. We show how this characterization provides a partitioning of the roles of direct ...