Floristic list and biological spectra of plants of Arrang Sire Ghar, Bajaur district of Khyber Pakhtonkhwa, Pakistan (original) (raw)
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International Journal of Plant Research, 2012
During present study the species diversity of the vascular flora in various climat ic and vegetational zones of Allai valley was evaluated. An ethno-botanical survey was carried out for collecting in formation regard ing the species diversity and traditional uses of the plants in different sub localities of Allai valley. The aim o f the study was to document plant resources, usage and conservation issues of the selected plants. Field observations showed that the visible threats to the vegetation of the study area was the trend to urbanizat ion, deforestation, over grazing, overexp loitation, introduction of exotic taxa and loss of habitat. A total of 415 species of vascular plants, belonging to 111 families were co llected and identified fro m A llai Valley. These include 246 herbs, 75 shrubs, 68 trees, 06 climbing shrubs, 18 climbers and 03 epiphytes. Based on local uses, there were 185 medicinal plants, 21 were poisonous, 261 were fodder species, 126 were fuel wood species, 37 were t imber yielding plants, 43 were thatching and sheltering plants, 31 were hedge plants, 73 were wild ornamental, 100 were weeds, 48 species yield edible fruits and seeds, 43 were used as vegetable and pot herb. The critically endangered species include; Acer caesium, Betula utilis, Dioscorea deltoidea, Taxus wallichiana and Ulmus wallichiana. Measures for the conservation of plant resources of Allai Valley are urgently needed.
Plant Science Today, 2018
An ethnomedicinal survey of the plants of Maidan Valley, Lower Dir District, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province, Pakistan was carried out to collect and document the information available with the local people. A total of 43 ethnomedicinal taxa were identified, that were distributed among 40 genera and 31 families and utilized by the local people for the treatment of various ailments. Amongst them thirty eight taxa were Angiosperms that included thirty four Dicotyledons and four Monocotyledons. The remaining five taxa comprised of two Pteridophytes, two Gymnosperms and one Fungus. Lamiaceae was the largest family with seven taxa, Apiaceae, the second largest family with three taxa followed by Amaranthaceae, Berberidaceae, Rhamnaceae, Rutaceae and Violaceae having two taxa each. The remaining families viz. Anacardiaceae, Asteraceae, Buxaceae, Canabiaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Fagaceae, Fumariaceae, Geraniaceae, Juglandaceae, Liliaceae, Morchellaceae, Oleaceae, Papaveraceae, Papilio...
Pure and Applied Biology, 2016
Floral diversity at Ikram pur (Baizo kharki) district Mardan comprised a total of 68 plant species belonging to 63 genera and 34 families. The leading families were Poaceae and Asteraceae having 06 species each (8.82%), Lamiaceae with 05 species (7.35%), followed by Solanaceae and Moraceae having 04 species each (5.88%), Mimosaceae and Apocynaceae having 3 species each (4.41%) while Asclepiadaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Brassicaceae, Zygophyllaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Rhamnaceae, Malvaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Papilionaceae and Myrtaceae having 2 species each (2.94%). Rest of 17 families shared 01 species each (1.47%). The dominant life form was therophyte with 20 species (29.41%), followed by nanophanerophyte having 16 species (23.52%), microphanerophyte was represented by 13 species (19.11%), hemicryptophyte 9 species (13.23%), geophytes 6 species (8.82%) and chamaephytes 4 species (5.88%). Dominant leaf size was nanophylls with 36 species (52.94%), followed by microphylls 12 species (17.64%), leptophylls 8 species (11.76%), mesophylls 6 species (8.82%), megaphylls 4 species (5.88%) and aphyllous by 2 species (2.94%). Fifty five plant species (80.88%) were of dry habitate, followed by 8 species (11.76%) in wet and 6 species (8.82%) both dry and wet habitats. In the 68 plants species, 57 were non-spiny and 11 spiny.
Classification of Plant Species in Tehsil Katlang, District Mardan, Khyber Pakhtunkhawa, Pakistan
Medicinal Plant Research, 2003
The study was designed to classify the plant species on the basis of different aspect. The plants were classified into different life form and leaf size classes. The flora consisted of 165 plant species belonging to 124 genera and 54 families. Asteraceae and Poaceae are the dominant families. The biological spectrum explains that therophytes (78 spp., 47.27%) were the dominant followed by chamaephytes (29 spp., 17.58%). In leaf size classes the microphylls (78 spp., 47.27%) were dominant followed by mesophylls (34 spp., 20.61%). Analysis of the study reveals the phytoclimate to be of therophytic type. The domination of therophytes indicates that the investigated area is under deep biotic stress.
Assessment of Herbaceous Flora of Lower Tanawal, Pakistan
The present work has been carried out to collect information about herbaceous flora of Lower Tanawal District Abbottabad, KP, and Pakistan. Herbaceous species are vital constituents of ecosystems. Floristic studies have increasing importance in recent years to evaluate the plant wealth. During the present research study there are total 187 plant species (herbs) belonging to 60 families and 146 genera were recorded from the study area. Out of 60 families Asteraceae was the most dominant family with 22 species and 18 genera and other main contributing families were Lamiaceae (16 species and 12 genera), Poaceae, (14 species and 12 genera), Fabaceae (12 species and 7 genera), Brassicaceae (7 species and 7 genera) and Rubiaceae (6 species and 2 genera). The most dominant life from was wild.
Floral diversity of District Bagh, Azad Jammu and Kashmir Pakistan
The study showed the floral diversity and variation in the structure of vegetation in District Bagh, AJ&K. A total of 200 plants belong to 65 families and 170 genera were documented from seven localities. The most species richest site was found Mahmood Galli with 101 species (dicots 55, monocots 35, pteridophytes 10 and gymnosperm 1) followed by Toliper 100 spp. (dicots 55, monocots 31, pteridophytes 13 and gymnosperms 1), Lasdana, 85 spp. (dicots 47, monocots 35, pteridophytes 6 and gymnosperms 2), Plungi 81spp. (dicots 51, monocots13, pteridophytes 16 and gymnosperm 1), Khurshidabad, 74 spp. (dicots 34, monocots 21, pteridophytes 19), Kahutta, 70 spp. (dicots 36, monocots 15, pteridophytes 19 ) and Kiran 46 Spp. dicots 34, gymnosperm 3). Among pteridophytes, Polystichum squarrosum had highest distribution percentage 85.71 % while Lepisorus clathratus and Pyrrosia mollis have least percentage distribution 4.28 %. Among gymnosperms, Pinus wallichiana had highest distribution percentage 57.14 % while Cedrus deodara and Pinus roxburgii have least distribution percentage 14.28. Aristida abnormis had highest distribution percentage with 71.42 % while Zizania aquatica and Themeda anathera have least distribution percentage with 14.28 %. In dicots, Amaranthus viridis, Amaranthus spinosus and Cucumis sativus had highest distribution percentage with 85.71 % and Oxalis corniculata, Quercus incana and Fragaria nubicola had least frequency with 14.28 %. Species diversity was high in the tree layer in the middle part of the altitudinal gradient. It decreases both towards upper and lower altitude, which was due to deforestation, human interaction, encroachment pressure, low number of species and soil erosion.
Floral Diversity of Balkassar, District Chakwal Pakistan
Present study was conducted in Balkassar, one of the rapidly growing village of Chakwal, Pakistan for collecting basic information about flora pattern and community structure which was unknown and not well documented before. Different plant species were collected using Quadrat method. The collected specimens were dried, pressed and mounted on herbarium sheets. The taxonomic classification was done for differentiation of plant groups. A total of 45 plant species including 26 herbs belonging to 15 families, 10 shrubs belonging to 9 families and 9 trees belonging to 6 families were studied and identified from 15 selected sites. Amaranthaceae, Asteraceae, Poaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Malvaceae, Apocynaceae, Fabaceae and Moraceae were the most common families of herbs, shrubs and trees which were recognized from the selected area. Present study findings suggest that this area is rich in herb flora. There is a need of accomplishment and improvement of preservation of biodiversity of the area. ...
Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, 2021
The present study is a first attempt to describe the dominant plant families of the flora of Lower Tanawal, Pakistan. It provides valuable information about the different plant species of dominant plant families of the area. The present work is based upon investigating four dominant families (Asteraceae, Fabaceae, Rosaceae, and Lamiaceae) of Lower Tanawal District Abbottabad, Pakistan. Many study visits were conducted during the year 2016-2018 for the documentation and collection of data. The present paper deals with the 88 species belonging to 64 genera of four dominant families in which Asteraceae was dominant with 25 species followed by Fabaceae 24 species Rosaceae with 20 species and Lamiaceae with 19 species.
District Tor Ghar lies on the western most edge of the Himalayas Range of Mountains. Plant scientists have explored most parts of Pakistan but still certain regions including Tor Ghar are un-explored. Thus it is imperative to introduce region in floristic terms for the first time. The study was initiated to not only provide first inventory of vascular plants but also to evaluate floristic diversity of the region. The research area was extensively visited during flowering and fruiting seasons of plants during the summers of 2012 and 2013. Plants were collected from various localities, voucher numbers were given to specimens and other relevant data pertaining to locality i.e., habitat, habit, family, scientific and local names were recorded for each species. Mounted copy of each voucher specimens were deposited to the Herbarium of Hazara University Mansehra. Results of this study were arranged according to Benthum & Hooker (1862-1883) system of classification. This first exploration revealed a total of 331 vascular plant species belonging to 246 genera and 101 families. These include 12 species of Pteridophytes, 6 gymnosperms and 313 Angiosperms. The dicotyledons were represented by 79 families, 197 genera and 267 species, while monocotyledons by 14 families, 38 genera and 46 species. Families Asteraceae and Leguminosae were the richest families with 25 & 24 species followed by Poaceae (21 species), Lamiaceae (17 species) and Rosaceae (14 species). Families Ranunculaceae and Brasicaceae were represented by 10 species and Euphorbiaceae had 9 species. Moraceae, Apiaceae and Polygonaceae each had 8 species. Remaining families either included 7 or less than 7 species. It is believed that this very first check list of vascular plants of Tor Ghar District is a comprehensive picture of floristic diversity and will serve as a base line for future studies. This exploration is a part of an ongoing project in which we will explore plant communities and ecological as well as anthropogenic gradients of the regional flora in near future.
The floristic study carried out during 2015-2018 revealed that the flora of Koh-e-Safaid Range comprised of 654 species, 401 genera from 116 families. Leading families were Poaceae 72 species (11.07%), Asteraceae 56 species (8.61%), Rosaceae 43 species (6.61%), Lamiaceae 41 species (6.25%), Papilionaceae 38 species (5.84%), Brassicaceae 32 species (4.92%), Ranunculaceae 17 species (2.61%), Apiaceae and Polygonaceae each with 16 species (2.41%). The largest genera were: Prunus (9 species), Potentilla and Astragalus (8 species each), Artemisia, Allium (7 species) Euphorbia and Amaranthus (6 species each), Lepidium, Nepeta and Cotoneaster (5 species each). Therophytes with 257 species (39.23%) were the dominant life form, followed by nanophanerophytes 104 species (15.92%), geophytes 100 species (15.31%), hemicryptophytes 98 species (15.00%). Cuscuta reflexa, Viscum album and Viscum articulatum were three of the shoot parasites. The leaf spectrum was dominated by nanophylls 246 species (37.67%) followed by microphylls 140 species (21.43%) and mesophylls 128 species (19.54%). Eleven species (1.68%) were aphyllous. Majority of the species (459 species, 70.29%) had simple lamina while seven species (1.07%) had spiny leaves. Present report also listed the some of the endemic species while Cleome amblycarpa and Salvia reflexa are reported as a new addition to the list of Flora of Pakistan.