PERANAN INDUSTRI KECIL DALAM MENINGKATKAN PENDAPATAN MASYARAKAT Kasus Pada Industri Kerajinan Batik Kayu di Dusun Krebet, Sendangsari, Pajangan, Bantul (original) (raw)
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Home industry of household ware made of wood has a potential to decrease the number of unemployed citizens because will recruits many labor. This industry that in Klaten has increased production value. Unfortunately, this increasing was not balanced with the increasing of investment value, material, and the number of employee. The purpose of this research is to analyze the in influance of wage capital and production value to word labor demand. This research use the concept of elasticity of demand and offer of employee which based on production theory function. The research used primary data from direct interviews to 91 correspondents whom are entrepreneurs of household ware home industry at Klaten with lists of questions which have been prepared before. To reach the goal, this research use, OLS analysis method. The result of the research shows that: 1. The influence of wage towards the recruitment is negative and not significant to in fluance labor demand. 2. The influence of working capital towards recruitment is positive and significant, means the increase of material will improve the number of recruitment. 3. The influence of production value is positive and significant means the improvement of production value will increase the recruitment number.
Jurnal Ekonomi STIEP
This study discusses the characteristics, constraints and factors of production of Trusmi written batik SMEs in Trusmi Wetan and Trusmi Kulon Villages, Plered District, Cirebon Regency. The objectives of this study are: (1) analyzing the characteristics of Trusmi handmade batik seen from business owners, the output/products produced and marketing, (2) analyzing the difficulties/obstacles experienced by Trusmi handmade batik UKM, (3) analyzing the influence of factors -factors of production against the amount of batik production Trusmi. This study uses statistical analysis tools both descriptive and inferential. Descriptive analysis is used to determine the characteristics, difficulties and obstacles experienced by SMEs in batik writing. Multiple linear regression is used to determine the effect of variable raw materials, wages, labour, education and business experience on the amount of Trusmi written batik production in Trusmi Wetan and Kulon villages, Plered District, Cirebon Regen...
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