Prevalence of smoking and degree of nicotine addiction in adolescents of an urban preuniversity institute in Morelia (original) (raw)

[Social factors associated with the daily cigarette smoking among middle-school student adolescents in Bucaramanga, Colombia]

Biomédica: revista del Instituto Nacional de Salud

Introducción. El consumo diario de cigarrillo se asocia con una alta morbimortalidad en la adultez. Este patrón de consumo se inicia habitualmente en la adolescencia temprana. En adolescentes, el consumo diario de cigarrillo es factor de predicción importante del uso de sustancias ilegales que pueden producir dependencia. Se desconoce la frecuencia de consumo diario de cigarrillo en estudiantes colombianos. Objetivo. Determinar la prevalencia y los factores asociados con el consumo diario de cigarrillo en adolescentes estudiantes de sexto a noveno grado del área metropolitana de Bucaramanga, Colombia. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un estudio transversal. Una muestra probabilística de 2.586 estudiantes diligenció en forma anónima una encuesta que indagaba el consumo de sustancias legales e ilegales.

Cigarette smoking and the risk of high-school students becoming dependent on nicotine

Revista de Salud …, 2010

Objetivo Establecer la prevalencia y los factores asociados con el consumo de cigarrillo y riesgo de dependencia a la nicotina en adolescentes escolarizados de Cartagena, Colombia. Método Se realizó un estudio analítico transversal con una muestra probabilística de 1 152 estudiantes adolescentes de colegios públicos y privados. Los estudiantes diligenciaron en forma individual y anónima un cuestionario que incluía las características sociodemográficas y psicosociales. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de las variables investigadas, posteriormente, todas las variables, cualitativas y cuantitativas, se dicotomizaron y se estimaron razones de disparidad (OR) con intervalos de confianza del 95 % (IC95 %). Resultados 1 014 estudiantes completaron satisfactoriamente la encuesta. La edad media fue 15,1 años. 355 (35,0 %) estudiantes habían experimentado con cigarrillo, 70 (6,9 %) informaron fumar habitualmente y 18/70 (25,7 %) mostraron un alto riesgo de dependencia de la nicotina. Las variables que se asociaron con el consumo de cigarrillo fueron: ser estudiante de básica secundaria (OR 4,08;

Social factors associated with the daily cigarette smoking among middle-school student adolescents in Bucaramanga, Colombia (Spanish)

Biomédica, 2005

Introduction. Daily cigarette smoking is associated with high morbidity and mortality in adults. This pattern of tobacco use is established during the early adolescence. Among adolescents, daily cigarette smoking is a strong predictor of illegal, addictive substance use. The prevalence of daily cigarette smoking is not known in Colombian adolescent middle-school students. Objective. To assess smoking prevalence, daily cigarette smoking and associated factors among middle school-students in Bucaramanga, northeast Colombia. Materials and methods. An anonymous questionnaire concerning illegal and legal substance use was administered to a random sample of 2,586 students. Results. The group mean age was 13.0 years; 54.9% was male; 32.0% was in sixth grade, 31.7% in seventh, 25.2% in eighth and 11.1% in ninth grade, with 67.1% enrolled in public schools. The prevalence of daily cigarette smoking lasting the month prior to the questionnaire was 3.8% (95%CI 2.7-4.9). Logistic regression showed a significant association between being the best friend of a smoker or a drinker of alcohol (OR=3.71; 95%CI 1.71-8.04), having low academic performance perception (OR=3.83; 95%CI 1.0-14.2), and being older age (OR=1.4; 95%CI 1.2-1.8). Conclusions. These data demonstrated that one in 26 middle-school student adolescents from Bucaramanga is an everyday smoker. The most important associated factor was being the best friend of a smoker or a drinker of alcohol.

Prevalence of smoking in university students/ Prevalencia del consumo de tabaco en población universitaria

Health and Addictions/Salud y Drogas, 2004

This paper approaches the prevalence of tobacco consumption in the university population of the University Miguel Hernandez, with the aim of starting up tobacco prevention and treatment programs. The analyzed groups belong to a sample (n = 660) that represents students, administrative staff, and researchers and teachers. Data was gathered during the year 2003, using a self-administered questionnaire. The results indicate that the smoking population of this university corresponds with the general population of the Valencian Community. Significant differences clearly appear regarding with the gender variable, women consume more tobacco than men, despite the national surveys results. The highest consuming rates are located between the 20 and 30 years old in men, and between 40 and 50 in women. It could be highlighted that the average consumption of daily cigarettes of the smokers is significantly different from the national level average, being in our sample very high.

[Smoking habit in school age children, in Chile]

Revista medica de Chile

In Chile, there is no information about the prevalence of smoking among basic and high school students. To study the prevalence of smoking among school age population. MATERAL AND METHODS: A cross sectional survey was conducted during 2001, assessing tobacco use and smoking habit in a representative sample of 15,119 randomly selected students. Sixty four percent of students had smoked at least once in their lifetime. Eighteen percent of students smoked daily and 15%, occasionally. The figures for women were higher (19 and 18% respectively). The mean age for the first contact with smoking was 12.3 years and, for starting the smoking habit, 13.2 years. Smokers increased the amount of cigarettes during weekends. Higher prevalence rates of smoking were observed in students from the Southern region of the country and of lower socioeconomic levels. From the 3rd grade on, there is an increased risk of having contact with tobacco and smoking for the first time and from 6th grade on, this ri...


Introduction: cigarette consumption increases annually the number of deaths. However, smoking is common among Colombian medicine students and not much is known about the associated variables in this population. Objective: to identify the associated variables with daily cigarette consumption among medicine students from a private university in Bogotá-Colombia, in 2010. Methods: a cross-sectional observational analytical study was carried out, in which medicine students over 18 years old participated from a university in Bogotá. Demographic variables, academic performance, abusive alcohol consumption (AAC) (AUDIT), anxiety and depressive symptoms (ADS) (Personal Health Questionnaire), perceived stress (Perceived Stress Scale-10), risk of eating disorder (RED) (SCOFF Questionnaire) and daily cigarette consumption were quantified in the past month. Results: a total of 275 students participated in this study (with an average age of 21.7 years old, SD = 2.8), 62.5% women. It was noted that 82 students (28.4%) reported unsatisfactory academic performance; 86 (29.8%) AAC; 47 (16.3%) ADS; 23 (8.0%) high perceived stress; 59 (20.4%) RED; and 35 (12.1%) daily cigarette consumption in the past month. Ages over 20 years (OR=3.13, 95%CI 1.33-7.41, p=0.007) were associated with daily consumption in the last month. Conclusion: the daily cigarette consumption is common among medicine students from a private university in Bogotá-Colombia. Smoking is higher in students over 20 years old. It’s necessary to promote information to stop the cigarette consumption in this population. Rev.cienc.biomed. 2016;7(1):18-24.

Screening adolescents for nicotine dependence: The hooked on nicotine checklist

Journal of Adolescent Health, 2004

Su nombre exalta la búsqueda comprometida de vestigios-entendidos como respuestas tentativas a preguntas de investigaciónque permitan aportar, desde el quehacer académico, al desarrollo social y de la ciencia psicológica. Vestigio, como señal de algo inacabado, es una exhortación a la persistencia, a la búsqueda, e invita a continuar con la averiguación y el estudio de lo psicológico en un entorno tecnológicamente cambiante, metodológicamente diverso y socialmente complejo. Son propios de esta colección reflexiones, teorías, procedimientos, métodos, instrumentos, protocolos, procesos, hallazgos, documentación de innovación y demás tipos de formatos de aportes derivados de los avances contemporáneos de sus líneas de investigación, que, bajo principios de excelencia teórica y metodológica, sean seleccionados en el proceso característico de las publicaciones científicas.