Moslem Scholars’ View on the Position of Arabic Within the Classifications of Sciences (original) (raw)

The Studies of Arabic Language During the Classical Period of Islamic Education


The studies of Arabic language had taken place since the early classical age of Islam. The studies were influenced much by the interests of Moslems in understanding and articulating the message of the Qur’an and hadith. Historically, for many centuries the Arabic language had an important role in uniting the different ethnic groups, nations, and even religions under one Islamic empire. However, while the conversions of the subdued inhabitants to Islam required a longer period, the acceptance of Arabic as the common language took even longer, and still some groups clung to their native language. Besides, the ulama always sought to subordinate the study of Arabic grammar to the Islamic religious sciences and to limit to influence of grammarians over young men. They feared that grammar which relied on Greek logic as a methodology could lead to fascination with other Greek intellectual

The relation between the language of the Quran and science


The true interdisciplinary study needs knowledge and mastery in three levels of epistemological, methodological and linguistic requisites. The linguistic level is one of the most important fundamental levels in science, which needs to be considered in interdisciplinary communication. Two major approaches about the language of the Qur’an are considered by researchers till now: philosophichermeneutics and textual. Muslim researchers are interested in the former approach and orientalists frequently incline to the latter. Although the relation between the language of the Qur’an and the language of science with text-oriented approach is less frequently taken into account. Considering the foresaid approach in this article, the author studies the differences between the language of the Qur’an and the language of science and classifies them into five categories: 1. The use of ambiguity and linguistic amphibology; 2. The use of analogy, metaphor and metonymy; 3. Holism and polysemy; 4. The application of the language of sermon and dialogue; 5. The application of verbal complexity. The use of these five linguistic features of the Qur’an is to a large extent different from their use in science. It thus causes complexity in the relation between the Qur’an and humanism on the one hand and experimental sciences on the other.

Arabic and Islamic Philosophy and Sciences: Method and Truth


What are Arabic and Islamic philosophy and sciences? How and where did they come about? I am trying in this preface to provide a short and brief answer to those two questions. Having done this, I sketch the contents of five papers trying to study Arabic and Islamic philosophy and sciences from its perspective to method and truth.

“Classification of the Sciences in Islam: beyond the paradigms”

Thought lecture (2 hours) by Celeste Gianni Course: Arabic Critical Theory and Thought 2016/17 Weeks 4 & 5: “Sciences of Language and Logic in Classification of the Sciences” , 31 October 2016 SOAS – University of London Assigned text: Ibn Khaldun from the Muqaddima (excerpts) Required readings: Muhammad ‘Abid al-Jabiri, ‘Reason and Culture’ (3-34), ‘The Reigious “Rational” and the Irrational of “Reason”’ (159-194), and ‘Knowledge, Science and Politics in Arab Culture’ (413-438), The Formation of Arab Reason. Mohamed Arkoun, ‘Logocentrism and Religious Truth in Islamic Thought: the example of al-I‘lam bi–manaqib al-Islam’ (170-203), The Unthought in Contemporary Islamic Thought. Michel Foucault, The Archaeology of Knowledge. Michel Foucault, ‘Classifying’, The Order of Things: an Archaeology of the Human Sciences, 125-165.

History of the development of the Arabic language in summary through learning at the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Arabic Literature Study Program

Zuhgrian Attarik, 2023

Through history we can see the development of an event whether it is something formal, universal, or individual. The development of language is a witness that language is always evolving from year to year. Language is a communication tool used by humans to interact with each other which on both sides knows or understands each other. In linguistics language is defined as an arbitrary sound system, which is used by members of a society to cooperate, interact, and identify (KBBI). Arabic is a language that exists in the arabian peninsula. This language is a language found in the holy book of Muslims, namely the Qur'an. The Arabic language itself has a very significant development. The Arabic language has a very complex development. Generally, people who lived in Arabia at the time of the Prophet shalallahu 'alaihi wa sallam were Arabic linguists they were people who would understand Arabic very well. The history of Arabic has made Arabic a language with a huge number of meanings.

Trends of the Arabic Research on the Nature of Science

International Education Studies, 2018

The paper investigates the trends of the Arabic research with the emphasis on the nature of science. Hence, a descriptive analytical approach, both qualitative and quantitative forms, was used to explore 42 online journals and articles. The research sample was defined by online journals and articles cover the question of the Nature of Science (NOS) in the Arabic setting. The data collection tool has implemented a content analysis checklist that contains three sections the fields of study section, the subjects of each field, as well as methods and procedures. The results taken from the data analysis have shown that most Arabic researchers focus on the curriculum, teaching and learning environments and their improvement, the use of new teaching methods, students' understanding of NOS, as well as teacher's knowledge and teaching strategies. Also, many researchers have used descriptive methods and techniques. The research findings suggest that Arabic NOS has been done by teaching science through education. The paper provides recommendations to ensure greater government involvement in establishing science centers that attract graduating students in science learning and relevant projects.

The Miracle of Arabic Language: From Pre-Islamic To Islamization

Jurnal Ilmu Agama: Mengkaji Doktrin, Pemikiran, dan Fenomena Agama

Language contributes greatly to human civilization. Among the world's major languages ​​spoken by mankind is Arabic. Arabic influences many aspects of life, such as Roman civilization in many fields, even music and poetry. Jahiliyyah Arabic only serves as a literary language. But when Islam came, Arabic underwent a very significant development, becoming the language of science. This is what is meant by the process of Islamization. This study aims to explain the influence of Islam on Arabic. Therefore, through this paper it can be concluded that even though there are several Arabic terms that are the same as those used during the Jahiliyyah and the advent of Islam, basically they have different meanings and emphasis. Islam came to have an influence in facilitating the pronunciation of Arabic terms which were previously complicated or even providing new Arabic vocabulary that was not known during the Jahiliyya period.

Arabic as a scholarly language? Pitfalls of multilingualism in scholarship.

"Middle East – Topics and Arguments", Volume 13: “Contacts”, 2019

Virtually all Arabists at some point ask themselves whether they should take into account specialized literature in Arabic, whether to take part in conferences held in Arabic countries, and which language they should choose for publishing their work. In this paper, we try to review this question in a broader context of the language of scholarship. By adducing historical and typological parallels, we reflect on the role of language in conducting research and exchanging ideas. The authors of this article are both linguists specialized in Semitic languages; therefore, they concentrate on the problems of their field, although these should be relevant to some extent also for the adjacent fields in the humanities.