Validated HPTLC Analysis for Estimation of Quercetin in Seeds of Anethum graveolens (original) (raw)

Development and Validation of an HPTLC Method for Qualitative and Quantitative Estimation of Quercetin in Glinus oppositifolius (L

Internation Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences , 2023

Glinus oppositifolius(L.) is a perennial herb used in Indian folk medicineas a stomachic, aperients, antiseptic, uterine stimulant, and to promotemenses and lochia. The reported pharmacological activities of this plantare immunomodulatory, hepatoprotectivite, anthelmintic, anti-hyperglycemicetc. activities. To an HPTLC densitometric method was developed and val-idated for the qualitative and quantitative estimation quercetin inGlinusoppositifolius(L.) available from West Bengal. The shad-dried leaves ofGli-nus oppositifolius(L.) were extracted with Methanol. HPTLC analysis was car-ried out on aluminum-backed silica gel 60 F254 plates with Ethyl acetate-Toluene–Formic acid 5:4:0.2 (v/v/v) as mobile phase. The HPTLC densito-metric method was developed and validated as per ICH guidelines for esti-mation of quercetin. Total Flavonoid Content (TFC) is 102.953.85 mg QE/gm. In HPTLC analysis,G. oppositifoliusethanolic extract showed a maximumof 8 well-resolved peaks at Rf0.005, 0.098, 0.266, 0.466, 0.655, 0.724, 0.776and 0.827. Well separated and compact spots (Rf) of quercetin (0.810.06)were detected. The regression equation obtained was y = 0.0002x + 0.0019,with a correlation coefβicient (R2) of 0.9852. The linearity range (g/spot)20-100. Quercetin content was found to be 0.250.0047 mg of quercetin/100gm sample.The developed method was fond precise, robust an accurateand was successfully used for the detection and quantiβication of quercetin inGlinus oppositifolius(L.) and the quantities of quercetin was 0.250.0047 mgof quercetin /100gm sample.

Development of Validated HPTLC Method for Simultaneous Quantification of Rutin and Quercetin from Bark of Anogeissus Latifolia


A simple and fast method was developed for simultaneous quantitative determination of two biologically active flavonoid compounds i.e. quercetin and rutin in bark of Anogeissus latifolia using High-Performance Thin-layer Chromatography. The separation was performed on TLC aluminium plates precoated with silica gel 60 F 254. Good separation was achieved in the mobile phase of Ethyl acetate: Formic acid: Glacial acetic acid: Water (100:11:11:26, v/v) and densitometric determination of these compounds was carried out at 366 nm in reflection/absorbance mode. The rutin and quercetin content of hydroalcohol bark extract of Anogeissus latifolia were found to be 0.1617% w/w and 1.875%w/w respectively. The linear regression analysis data for the calibration plots showed a good linear relationship with r=0.9997 and r= 0.9942 for rutin and quercetin, respectively. The average recovery of rutin and quercetin was 99.98 % and 100.11%, respectively indicating the excellent reproducibility. Statistical analysis of the data showed that the method is reproducible. The present method is being reported first time and may be used for routine quality control of the bark of Anogeissus latifolia. This HPTLC method was found to be simple and convenient for rapid screening of active compounds and quantification of the investigated flavonoids in Anogeissus latifolia.

Quantitative Determination of Quercetin in Michelia Champaca (L.) Flowers by HPTLC Technique

A sensitive and reliable high performance thin layer chromatographic method has been developed for quantitation of quercetin in the dried flowers of Michelia champaca. The methanolic extract of flowers was chromatographed on silica gel 60 F254 plates with toluene: ethyl acetate: formic acid, 5: 4: 1 (v/v/v), as mobile phase. Detection and quantitation were performed by densitometric scanning at λ= 254 nm, by using deuterium lamp. The accuracy of the method was checked by conducting recovery studies using the standard addition method and the average recovery of quercetin was found to be 0.1439%w/w. The proposed HPTLC method provides a good resolution of quercetin from other constituents present in methanolic extract of dried flowers of M.champaca. The method is rapid, simple and precise.


Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies, 2001

of Maced on ia , Institute of Pharmac ogno sy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Vod nj an ska 17, 1000 Skopje, Repub lic of Maced on ia ABSTRACT A new and ra pid procedure for sc reening of flavonols (rnyrice tin, querce tin and kaernpferol) and fo r determ ination o f quer cetin by RP-I-IP LC w ith UV-di ode array detecti on in 16 medi c inal plants is presen ted . Scree ning of the ex trac ts sh owed that q uerce tin is the most abundan t flavon ol , es pecia lly in Hyp erici herba , Uvae ursifolium and Pruni sp inosaejlos . Kaemp ferol was the most ab unda nt in Rvbi niae pse udoaca ciae flos an d Pruni spin osaeflos, whe reas myricetin was identified onl y in Betulae folium.

A Simple HPLC Method for Quantitation of Quercetin in Herbal Extracts


A reversed-phase HPLC method with UV detection was developed for the determination of quercetin. The method produced linear response over a wide concentration range, with an average accuracy of 95% and average intra- and interday variation of 0.75 and 0.3, respectively. The exactness of the method was proven by determining the recovery rates from 50 to 150% of standard concentration, which were found within the acceptable range of 95 to 105%. The method was used for quantitation of quercetin in the extracts of Psidium guajava, Vitis vinifera, and extracts rich in quercetin and other flavonols in the flavonoid family.

Standardization of quercetin in Hibiscus rosa-sinensis flower by high-performance thin-layer chromatography


Aim: This is done from regulatory perspective to ensure the efficacy, quality, as well safety of the herbal drugs present in a plant. Materials and Methods: Standardization of plants material by high-performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC): HPTLC is a method to standardize and identify the chemical component which is expected to be present in a medicinal plant. This is done from regulatory perspective to ensure the quality, efficacy, and safety of the herbal drugs present in a plant. Results and Discussion: The flower of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis was dried and pulverized. The phytoconstituents of the pulverized plant material were extracted with methanol. Quercetin, reported to have anti-inflammatory, antihypertensive, vasodilator effects, antiobesity, antihypercholesterolemic, and antiatherosclerotic, etc., activities, was selected as the active biomarker for quantification of the aforementioned plant material. HPTLC was carried out for quantification. The percentage content of ...

A comparative estimation of quercetin content from Cuscuta reflexaRoxb.using validated HPTLC and HPLC techniques

journal of applied pharmaceutical science, 2014

HPTLC and HPLC are two most widely accepted methods for determination of natural products. Present research work envisages microwave assisted extraction of quercetin from hydroethanolic extract of Cuscuta reflexa Roxb. (Cuscutaceae), an unusual parasitic vine. Further, chromatographic characterization of hydroethanolic extract of C. reflexa was carried out in terms of quercetin content using two validated methods (HPTLC and RP-HPLC). Confirmation of the presence of quercetin in the samples was carried out using Mass Spectrometry. HPTLC separation of quercetin was achieved on an aluminum-backed layer of silica gel 60 F254 using Toluene: ethyl acetate and formic acid as mobile phase while RP-HPLC was performed on Cosmosil C18-column (150 mm x 4.6 mm, 5 μm) using mobile phase comprising of 0.025 M NaH2PO4 buffer – ACN (pH - 2.6) at a flow rate of 1.2 mL/min. ICH guidelines were followed for validation of both the the chromatographic methods. Samples of C. reflexa collected from diffe...

Quantitative Estimation of Quercetin in Mimusops elengi L.(Bakul) Leaves by HPTLC

Mimusops elengi L. is a medicinally valuable herb in the Ayurvedic and traditional systems of medicine. Various activities have been reported in almost all parts of Mimusops elengi, some of which includes diuretic activity, antidiabetic, antibacterial etc. Quercetin, one of the most important flavanoid is active against various cardio vascular diseases, cancer, tuberculosis, neurological diseases, cataract etc. In the present study High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography has been developed for detection and quantification of quercetin in Mimusops elengi leaves. Increasing serial dilutions of reference standard quercetin (200 to 1000 µg/mL) were scanned at 366 nm to detect and quantify the concentrations of quercetin in the test sample.The estimated values obtained from the same was 19.191mg/gm quercetin in powdered leaf sample.The method provided a rapid and easy approach for detection and the quantitation of the bio-marker quercetin. The authors also aim to validate the present method in terms of ruggedness and accuracy and undertake the isolation of quercetin from the said plant.