Alih Kode Campur Kode dalam Dialog Film Sultan Agung (original) (raw)
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Alih Kode Dan Campur Kode Pada Dialog Antartokoh Film Bumi Manusia Karya Hanung Bramantyo
MEDAN MAKNA: Jurnal Ilmu Kebahasaan dan Kesastraan
This study aims to describe the forms of code-switching and code-mixing as well as the causal factors found in the film Earth of Mankind by Hanung Bramantyo. This research is a qualitative descriptive study using a sociolinguistic approach. The data collection technique used in this study is the observing and noting technique. The subject of this study is the film Bumi Manusia by Hanung Bramantyo. Based on the research that has been done, there are forms of code switching and code mixing as well as the causative factors that occur in the dialogue between the characters in the film Bumi Manusia by Hanung Bramantyo. The results of this study obtained 49 data, namely 11 code switching data and 38 code mixing data. In this case, there are several languages used, including Indonesian, English, Dutch, French and Javanese.
Alih Kode Dan Campur Kode Tokoh Dalam Film Rudy Habibie Sebagai Pembelajaran Berbasis Teks
AbstractThe researcher selected code and mixed switching as the research focus because of a frequet phenomenon in daily lives. Movie was selected because of portrayal of lives which was depicted into scenes in certain topic. The problems discussed in this research were code switching, mixed switching, factors that cause the used of code and mixed switching in movie Rudy Habibie and forms of texts as supplementary materials in teaching indonesian language, with a purpose to describe the problems. This research used some methods, namely data collection method, data validity assessment and data analysis. These methods aimed to give depiction of the result of research systematically, factually and acurately regarding facts, characters and the relations of problems investigated. This research was qualitative by using scientific background. The corpus was trascripted dilagoues of movie Rudy Habibie and the data used was utterances which contain code and mixed switching. The data collectio...
Campur Kode Dan Alih Kode Dalam Percakapan DI Lingkup Perpustakaan Universitas Bengkulu
Jurnal Ilmiah KORPUS
The purpose of this study is to describe the form of mixed code, the type of code transfer, the factors causing code interference, and the factors causing the transfer of code in the conversation in the library scope of University of Bengkulu. The method used in analyzing the data is descriptive qualitative method. Data collection technique in this research is done by documentation technique that is by recording conversation in library scope of University of Bengkulu and interviewing informant. The steps of analysis are done by stages: 1) Transcription data, 2) data identification, 3) data classification, 4) data reduction, 5) data analysis, 6) conclusion, and 7) data validation. The results of the analysis obtained in this research are: (1) the form of mixed code in the conversation in the library scope of Bengkulu University that occurs in the form of words, phrases, clauses, and tangible baster. (2) the type of code transfer in a conversation in the library scope of Bengkulu Univ...
LINGUISTIK : Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui alih kode yang terdapat pada film Yowis Be karya Fajar Nugros dan Bayu Eko Moektito, serta untuk mengetahui campur kode yang terdapat pada filmYowis Ben karya Fajar Nugros dan Bayu Eko Moektito.Sejalan dengan tujuan penelitian tersebut maka dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode iptif kualitatif. Dimana metode ini mendeskripsikan hasil penelitian yang sedang dianalisis dengan cara mengumpulkan data secara objektif. Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini adalah menonton film Yowis Ben karya Fajar Nugros dan Bayu Eko Moektito. Lalu menggunakan teknik simak dan teknik catat.Hasil penelitian terdapat alih kode dan campur kode pada filmYowis Ben karya Fajar Nugros dan Bayu Eko Moektito, berupa menggunakan bahasa Indonesia, bahasa Jawa, dan bahasa Inggris dalam percakapan.
Teknik Penerjemahan Tuturan Alih Kode dan Campur Kode dalam Film Aruna dan Lidahnya (2018)
This research is a translation-studies one discussing translation techniques used in Indonesian subtitle for English utterances and Indonesian utterances consisting English either words or expressions in the dialog of Aruna dan Lidahnya (2018) film. Analysis is done for utterances consisting code-switching and code-mixing. Methods used are descriptive-qualitative and library ones. Data are collected with content-analysis technique. Source text (ST) data are classified using code-switching and code-mixing classification. Target text (TT) data are classified using translation techniques by Molina and Albir (2002). Out of 72 data of bilingualism in use, 61.6% are code-mixing while 38.9% are code switching. Yet out of 37 utterances translated into Indonesian subtitle, 54.05% are code-switching while 45.95% are code-mixing. Out of 18 translation techniques proposed by Molina and Albir (2002), only 11 techniques used. Established equivalent is the most frequent techniques used, i.e. 23,1%...
Alih Kode, Campur Kode, Dan Variasi Bahasa Pada Pementasan Wayang Sasak
Jurnal Bahtera: Jurnal Pendidikan, Bahasa, Sastra, dan Budaya
The term Wayang Sasak refers to the puppet that developed and was staged in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. This study aims to describe the form of code mixing, code switching, and language variations in Sasak puppet performances. The source of the data was taken from the Sasak puppet performance with a play entitled "Sosialisasi Pencegahan Penularan Covid-19 di NTB" which was performed by dalang Lalu Nasib. This puppet performance is a form of socialization conducted by the Regional Secretariat of West Nusa Tenggara Province to provide education to the community. The results showed that the code switching and code mixing occurred in the performance. In addition, there are variations on ideolects, dialects and sociolects.
Campur Kode Dan Alih Kode Dalam Percakapan Situasi Formal
Perspektif, 2022
Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan bentuk campur kode, jenis alih kode, dan faktor penyebab terjadinya alih kode dan campur kode yang terjadi pada situasi formal. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data diambil melalui pengamatan rekaman, mencatat, mengidentifikasi, dan mengklasifikasikannya. Pada penelitian ini, berhasil menemukan 40 campur kode yang terdiri atas 27 campur kode berupa kata, 7 campur kode berbentuk frasa, dan 6 campur kode berbentuk leksikalisasi kongruen. Bahasa daerah (Jawa dan Betawi), bahasa Inggris, bahasa Arab, dan bahasa Korea mendominasi campur kode dalam penelitian ini. Faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya campur kode ada tiga, yaitu identifikasi peranan, identifikasi ragam, dan keinginan untuk menjelaskan dan menafsirkan. Sementara faktor penyebab terjadinya alih kode adalah karena hadirnya penutur dan lawan tutur. The purpose of this research is to find out the form of code-mixing, types of code-switchi...
Alih Kode dan Campur Kode Dialog Tutur Sepuh di Semarang Tv Edisi Januari-November 2019
Sutasoma : Jurnal Sastra Jawa
The purpose of this study is to describe the types of code switching that occur in the Speech Sepuh dialogue on Semarang TV January November 2019 edition and describe the form of code mixing in the form of words, phrases, baster, word repetition, clauses obtained in the Sepuh Speech dialogue on Semarang TV January edition. November 2019. The research method is descriptive qualitative. The data source for this research is video documents from youtube, the Tutur Sepuh event on Semarang TV in January November 2019. The data collection technique was obtained by the listening method followed by the note-taking technique. The data analysis technique uses the comparative method or also called the equivalent method. The results of the study were in the form of code switching from Javanese to Indonesian, forms of code mixing in Javanese with Indonesian, Javanese with Arabic, and several factors were found behind the occurrence of code switching and code mixing, namely the limitations of the ...
Campur Kode Dan Alih Kode Dalam Berkomunikasi DI Sman 1 Menjalin
AbstarctCampur kode dan alih kode komunikasi di SMAN 1 Menjalin ada dua macam, yaitu (1) berwujud alih bahasa, dan (2) alih tingkat tutur. Yang berwujud alih bahasa meliputi alih kode dari bahasa Dayak ke bahasa Indonesia dan alih kode dari bahasa Indonesia ke bahasa Dayak. Campur kode dalam komunikasi di kopersasi SMAN 1 Menjalin. Ada dua bentuk campur kode,(1) campur kode intern dan (2) campur kode ekstern. Campur kode intern berwujud (1) kata, (2) frasa, dan (3) perulangan kata. Sementara itu campur kode ekstern mencakup (1) bahasa Melayu, dan (2) bahasa Cina. Faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya alih kode dalam komunikasi di SMAN 1 Menjalin ada delapan, faktor yaitu (1) kemarahan siswa1 terhadap siswa2, (2) kejengkelan pembeli terhadap siswa1, (3) mempunyai maksud tertentu, (4) menyesuaikan dengan kode yang dipakai siswa2, (5) ekspresi keterkejutan siswa2, (6) kehadiran calon siswa lain ada saat tawar-menawar berlangsung, (7) bercanda pada pembeli, (8) basa-basi penju...