Effects of disorder on the non-zero temperature Mott transition (original) (raw)

Disorder induced power-law gaps in an insulator-metal Mott transition

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2018

A correlated material in the vicinity of an insulator-metal transition (IMT) exhibits rich phenomenology and a variety of interesting phases. A common avenue to induce IMTs in Mott insulators is doping, which inevitably leads to disorder. While disorder is well known to create electronic inhomogeneity, recent theoretical studies have indicated that it may play an unexpected and much more profound role in controlling the properties of Mott systems. Theory predicts that disorder might play a role in driving a Mott insulator across an IMT, with the emergent metallic state hosting a power-law suppression of the density of states (with exponent close to 1; V-shaped gap) centered at the Fermi energy. Such V-shaped gaps have been observed in Mott systems, but their origins are as-yet unknown. To investigate this, we use scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy to study isovalent Ru substitutions in Sr(IrRu)O (0 ≤ ≤ 0.5) which drive the system into an antiferromagnetic, metallic state...

Influence of disorder on incoherent transport near the Mott transition

Physical Review B, 2010

We calculate the optical and DC conductivity for half-filled disordered Hubbard model near the Mott metal-insulator transition. As in the clean case, large metallic resistivity is driven by a strong inelastic scattering, and Drude-like peak in the optical conductivity persists even at temperatures when the resistivity is well beyond the semiclassical Mott-Ioffe-Regel limit. Local random potential does not introduce new charge carriers, but it induces effective local carrier doping and broadens the bandwidth. This makes the system more metallic, in agreement with the recent experiments on X-ray irradiated charge-transfer salts.

Thermodynamics of a Bad Metal–Mott Insulator Transition in the Presence of Frustration

Physical Review Letters, 2013

Thermodynamic properties of the Hubbard model on the anisotropic triangular lattice at half filling are calculated by the finite-temperature Lanczos method. The charge susceptibility exhibits clear signatures of a Mott metal-insulator transition. The metallic phase is characterized by a small charge susceptibility, large entropy, large renormalized quasiparticle mass, and large spin susceptibility. The fluctuating local magnetic moment in the metallic phase is large and comparable to that in the insulating phase. These bad metallic characteristics occur above a relatively low coherence temperature, as seen in organic charge transfer salts.

Anderson localization effects near the Mott metal-insulator transition

Physical Review B, 2015

The interplay between Mott and Anderson routes to localization in disordered interacting systems gives rise to different transitions and transport regimes. Here, we investigate the phase diagram at finite temperatures using dynamical mean field theory combined with typical medium theory, which is an effective theory of the Mott-Anderson metal-insulator transition. We mainly focus on the properties of the coexistence region associated with the Mott phase transition. For weak disorder, the coexistence region is found to be similar as in the clean case. However, as we increase disorder Anderson localization effects are responsible for shrinking the coexistence region and at sufficiently strong disorder (approximately equal to twice the bare bandwidth) it drastically narrows, the critical temperature Tc abruptly goes to zero, and we observe a phase transition in the absence of a coexistence of the metallic and insulating phases. In this regime, the effects of interaction and disorder are found to be of comparable importance for charge localization.

Emergent Half Metal at Finite Temperatures in a Mott Insulator


Sustaining exotic quantum mechanical phases at high temperatures is a long-standing goal of condensed matter physics. Among them, half-metals are spin-polarized conductors that are essential for realizing room-temperature spin current sources. However, typical half-metals are low-temperature phases whose spin polarization rapidly deteriorates with temperature increase. Here, we first show that a low-temperature insulator with an unequal charge gap for the two spin channels can arise from competing Mott and band insulating tendencies. We establish that thermal fluctuations can drive this insulator to a half-metal through a first-order phase transition by closing the charge gap for one spin channel. This half-metal has 100% spin polarization at the onset temperature of metallization. Further, varying the strength of electron repulsion can enhance the onset temperature while preserving spin polarization. We outline experimental scenarios for realizing this tunable finite temperature ha...

Correlation driven Mott-insulator-to-metal transition

We study transport properties of the half-filled two-dimensional (2D) Hubbard model with spatially varying interactions, where a pattern of interacting and non-interacting sites is formed. We use Determinantal Quantum Monte Carlo method to calculate the double occupation, effective hopping and Drude weight. These data point to two phase transitions, driven by fermionic correlations. The first is the expected metal to a Mott insulating state. The second one, is an exotic transition from a Mott insulating state to a highly anisotropic metal, that takes place at large values of the fermionfermion interaction. This second transition occurs when the layers formed by the spatially varying interactions decouple due to the suppression of the hopping between interacting and non-interacting sites, leading to fermionic transport along the non-interacting ones.

Interaction-driven metal-insulator transitions in disordered fermion systems

Physical Review B, 1984

We study the effects of electron-electron interactions in disordered metals in and close to two dimensions (2D). We consider physical situations in which localization effects are suppressed. The field-theoretical renormalization-group (RG) calculation performed recently by Finkelstein is interpreted and rederived in terms of perturbative results. Surprisingly, except for the density of states, the scaling behavior is independent of the interaction range. We further extend the model to several new universality classes. In the presence of a strong magnetic field the metal is unstable in 2D and undergoes a metal-insulator transition in d =2+e. The conductivity exponent, defined by 0.-(nn,)i", is universal with p = 1+0(e) but N(EF) depends not only on the range of the interaction but also on its strength for short-ranged interactions. In 2D the conductivity has a universal temperature dependence [5o(T)=crn(2-2ln2)ln(Tr), o&-e /2+iii] if the interaction is Coulombic. If magnetic impurities (or strong spin-orbit scattering with a weak magnetic field) are present instead, the noninteracting fixed point is stable for short-ranged interactions (p=-,). For the Coulomb interaction the interaction is relevant and drives a metal-insulator transition in d =2+@ with universal critical properties (p=1). In 2D the conductivity also has a universal temperature dependence [5o(T) =o&ln(Tw)]. We also discuss the behavior of the dielectric constant on the insulator side and the frequency (temperature) dependence of the conductivity at criticality. Remarks are made on the relationship of the above to experiments.

Direct Mott insulator-to-superfluid transition in the presence of disorder

Physical Review B, 1998

We introduce a new renormalization group theory to examine the quantum phase transitions upon exiting the insulating phase of a disordered, strongly interacting boson system. For weak disorder we find a direct transition from this Mott insulator to the Superfluid phase. In d > 4 a finite region around the particle-hole symmetric point supports this direct transition, whereas for 2 ≤ d < 4 perturbative arguments suggest that the direct transition survives only precisely at commensurate filling. For strong disorder the renormalization trajectories pass next to two fixed points, describing a pair of distinct transitions; first from the Mott insulator to the Bose glass, and then from the Bose glass to the Superfluid. The latter fixed point possesses statistical particle-hole symmetry and a dynamical exponent z, equal to the dimension d.

Effects of finite temperature on the Mott-insulator state

Physical Review A, 2006

We investigate the effects of finite temperature on ultracold Bose atoms confined in an optical lattice plus a parabolic potential in the Mott insulator state. In particular, we analyze the temperature dependence of the density distribution of atomic pairs in the lattice, by means of exact Monte-Carlo simulations. We introduce a simple model that quantitatively accounts for the computed pair density distributions at low enough temperatures. We suggest that the temperature dependence of the atomic pair statistics may be used to estimate the system's temperature at energies of the order of the atoms' interaction energy.