"Area dell'Arcivescovado. La ricomposizione di contesti residenziali da vecchi e nuovi scavi", Fabio Fabiani e Claudia Rizzitelli in "Le case di Pisa. Edilizia privata tra Età romana e Medioevo, a cura di Federico Cantini, Fabio Fabiani, Maria Letizia Gualandi, Claudia Rizzitelli (original) (raw)

M. Brando, V. Pica, Un insediamento rinascimentale in Via Cassia Antica, angolo Viale Cortina D’Ampezzo presso il Fosso dell'Acquatraversa, in M. Brando et alii, Via Cassia. Nuovi dati sul paesaggio postantico intorno al V miglio (Municipio XV), BullCom CXXII, 2021, pp. 321-333 .

BullCom CXXII, 2021

Nel corso della seconda metà del XVI secolo, verosimilmente non oltre l’ultimo ventennio, quest’area a ridosso della via Cassia, nelle adiacenze del punto di confluenza del Fosso dei Frati con quello dell’Acquatraversa28 (fig. 7, C), viene interessata da una frequentazione a carattere artigianale/ produttivo

P. GALETTI, Strutture del paesaggio: spazi domestici e produttivi dell’edilizia residenziale tardoantica e altomedievale, in P. PENSABENE, C. SFAMENI (a cura di), La villa restaurata e i nuovi studi sull'edilizia residenziale, Bari 2014.

La villa restaurata e i nuovi studi sull'edilizia residenziale tardo antica, 2014

Strutture del paesaggio: spazi domestici e produttivi dell’edilizia residenziale tardoantica e altomedievale tra pensiero agronomico e organizzazione economico-insediativa The aim of this paper is to attempt to measure to what extent secular and ecclesiastical elites were able to generate new models, or to transform those started by previous generations, of the organization of space, both domestic and productive, within residential buildings. Assessing correctly the relationship between agricultural treatises and the realities of living off the land during late Roman times, is a complex task; it was a period characterized by multiple and profound socio-economic changes, as well as in the nature of the settlements themselves. The agricultural treatises at the heart of this paper begin with “Opus Agricolturae” by Palladius Rutilius (and, through his work, with its predcecessor, Columella’s De Re Rustica), and end with the work of Isidore of Seville and the even later writer, Rabanus Maurus. The actual life of working the land, however, is reconsructed using different types of written sources.

Arcate e muri nascosti in cortile. Nuove prospettive di ricerche per l’Insula Volusiana, in S. Benedetti, F. Benfante, I. Benincampi, D. Bigi, L. Kosmopoulos, Forme dell'abitare a Roma. Echi dell'antico nell'architettura del primo Novecento, Roma 2023.


The revival of archaeological investigations in the so-called Insula Volusiana – carried out by “Sapienza” Università degli Studi di Roma in collaboration with the Sovrintendenza Capitolina – has shed new light on the remains preserved in the courtyard of Via Petroselli 45, now the headquarters of the SIMU Department of Roma Capitale. The complex, characterised by a road flanked by rooms and structures of various types, mainly in brickwork, preserves ancient and post-antique contexts and phases of a sector of primary importance in the city. Careful research on the historical and photographic archives of the Sovrintendenza Capitolina has provided unpublished information which represents a fundamental tool for analysis and interpretation. Particularly important were the plans drawn up at the time of the discovery, often annotated in the margins by the contractors, and the images relating to the excavations that unexpectedly brought the archaeological complex to light in the 1930s. The work then focused on the examination of the remains present, framed within the general topography of the area – with particular attention to the adjacent sacred area of S. Omobono – and subjected to a direct survey and photogrammetric reconstruction of the elevations. The creation of phase plans, based on an accurate differentiation between the various construction activities and integrated with archive material and period images of the fascist demolitions, has thus made it possible to advance new interpretations of the entire complex, the first results of which are presented here.

I riusi produttivi e abitativi di una mansio nella Toscana centromeridionale: lo scavo di Santa Cristina in Caio (Buonconvento – SI) in Abitare nel Mediterraneo tardoantico, a cura di I. Baldini e C. Sfameni, Bari, 2019, pp. 385-390.


This paper deals with the fifth century residential and productive phases of the Santa Cristina in Caio, a Roman settlement functional at the cursus publicus (mansio) where between I and II centuries there ceramic production activities; the excavation revealed significant amounts of Mediterranean amphorae, dated between I and V centuries. Above the ruins of the Roman baths were built some houses in mixed technique, which reuses walls and roman building materials. On the the nearby hill of Poggio alle Fonti, we found another structure in mixed technique, probably a workshop of a blacksmith dating to the 5th century; this evidence testifies the continuation of production and commercial activities. The settlement of 5th century represents a transition between the phases of the Roman site, linked to an exchange economy and the early medieval period, based instead on agriculture and farming.

M. Roccia, A. Natali, "Guardando il mare. Saggi di scavo nell'abitato protostorico di Arcora (Campomarino)", in G. De Benedittis (a cura di), Realtà medioadriatiche a confronto. Contatti e scambi tra le due sponde. Atti del Convegno, Termoli 22-23 luglio 2016, Campobasso 2018.

This paper analyses the last excavations carried out by the Soprintendenza Archeologica del Molise, the Università degli Studi di Lecce and the Universidade de São Paulo, from 2005 to 2007, at Campomarino (CB). Many evidences, about the proto-historic settlement, testify early relationships with other settlements of the Adriatic coast during the late Bronze and Early Iron Age.