Story Mapping Strategy to Teach Reading Comprehension Achievement (original) (raw)
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Pancaran Pendidikan, 2013
This article was intended to investigate the effect of using Story Mapping Technique on reading comprehension achievement at MTs. Negeri Bangsalsari. Through Story Mapping, the students were helped to comprehend the English text more easily. In this research, two classes were chosen as the experimental and control group. The quantitative data gathered from the result of the mean difference from both of groups to answer the question "Is there any significant effect of using story mapping technique?". The result of the research proved that "There is a significant effect of using Story Mapping Technique on reading comprehension achievement of the eighth year students at MTs. Negeri Bangsalsari". The findings of the research suggested the English teacher to apply Story Mapping Technique in teaching reading comprehension to help and improve students' ability in comprehending the text, so that it give positive impact for students' learning achievement.
The Implementation of Story Mapping Strategy in Increasing Students’ Reading Comprehension
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti bagaimana meningkatkan kemampuan pemahaman siswa SMPN 2 Trimurjo dalam pembelajaran membaca menggunakan strategi Story Mapping. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindak kelas. Data diperoleh dari pre-test, post-test, lembar pengamatan, dan kuisioner. Sampel dari penelitian ini adalah 25 siswa SMPN 2 Trimurjo dari kelas VIII B. Data dianalisa menggunakan uraian deskripsi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa yang mencapai target nilai minimum adalah sebanyak 88% siswa di cycle II. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa 84% siswa terlibat aktif dalam pembelajaran membaca setelah menggunakan strategi Story Mapping. Ini dapat disarankan bahwa penggunaan strategi Story Mapping dalam membaca dapat membantu meningkatkan kemampuan pemahaman siswa.This research was aimed to explore the implementation of Story Mapping strategy to foster the students' reading comprehension achievement at the second grade of SMPN 2 Trimurjo. This research was classroom...
This research studies about the effectiveness of story mapping technique in teaching reading compprehension of narrative text at the ninth grade students of MTsN 3 Tapin. The sample of this research was 70 students, consisted of 35 students from Class IXb as experiment class and 35 students from Class IXa as control class. The sampling technique used in this research was purposive sampling. This research used quantitative method which the data was served by numerical and tested by statistical formula or t-test. The research design in this research was experiment research. The researcher compares the result of one group to another group to find out the specific treatment influence. The technique of data collection used in this research was tests, which consisted of 25 items multiple choice reading test to measure the understanding of students towards narrative text. The data were analyzed by using t-test formula to test the hypothesis. Based on the result of statistical calculation, ...
The study was conducted to see whether or not there was a significant improvement in reading narrative comprehension achievement between the students who were taught by using Story Mapping and those who were taught by Guided Reading, to know what the students’ reading motivation, and to know whether or not reading motivation significantly contributed to reading narrative comprehension achievement of tenth grader of SMAN 1 Kotapadang Bengkulu. The experimental research with non-equivalent control design was applied in this study. The population was the tenth graders of SMAN 1 Kotapadang and sixty students were selected as the sample purposefully; they were equally grouped into experimental and control ones. To collect the data, Reading Comprehension Test and Motivation Reading Questionnaire (MRQ) were used. The results showed that there was significant improvement in reading narrative comprehension achievement of the students who were taught by Story Mapping, students’ reading motiva...
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on English Language and Teaching (ICOELT 2019), 2020
The objective of this research was to investigate the effect of story mapping strategy toward students' reading comprehension of narrative text. Type of this research was a quantitative research which used quasi-experimental design. It was conducted at the ninth grade of SMPN 2 Tilatang Kamang Agam. The sample was chosen by using cluster random sampling technique. The sample of this research was 56 students of IX grade which divided into two groups, IX.4 as experimental class and IX.3 as control class. Each group consists of 28 students. The story mapping strategy was used in the experimental class and the conventional strategy was used in the control class in teaching reading comprehension. Reading comprehension test was used to collect the data of this research. Then, the data was analyzed by using t-test formula. The result of data analysis showed that story mapping strategy gave better result than conventional teaching strategy on students' reading comprehension of narrative text.
Although English has been taught in schools starting from elementary to junior high school levels, the fact shows that many student still difficult to read English texts. They may read fast but get nothing or they need a very long time to understand the texts. It means that they are not effective readers. It can be assumed that their comprehension skill is not good. Dealing with these phenomena, the teacher be given another technique to make their student to be effective readers. Because of that the teacher uses story mapping to solve the students’ problem. So we expect that this technique helps students to deepen their reading comprehension and ability to apply story mapping teaching strategies
This research aims at (1) finding out whether Story Mapping Strategy (SMS) can improve students‘ reading comprehension in finding main idea and (2) describing classroom climate when Story Mapping Strategy (SMS) is implemented in the class. The preliminary research showed that the students had problems in determining main idea of the text and main idea in each paragraph and in finding the supporting details of the main idea in each paragraph. This research was conducted at SMA Kemala Bhayangkari 1 Jakarta. The subject of the research was the students of class XI IPA 1 consisting of 30 students. The method of this research was Classroom Action Research and it was conducted in three cycles. Each cycle covered planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. In collecting the data, the researcher used observation field note, interview, questionnaire, diary, and test. Having collecting the data, the researcher analyzed quantitative and qualitative data. The quantitative data were analy...
English Education : English Journal for Teaching and Learning
ini, peneliti menggunakan dua tes baca dan dua siklus. Partisipan adalah kelas VIII-5 yang terdiri dari 30 siswa dan juga ada kolaborasi dengan guru bahasa Inggris. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, menunjukkan nilai mean perbaikan siswa. Uji pertama pada siklus I adalah 70,33 (43,33%) dan uji kedua pada siklus II adalah 80,83 (86,66%). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa nilai rata-rata pada siklus kedua lebih tinggi daripada siklus pertama. Kemudian hasil perhitungannya menjadi = 5,58, ttabel dengan df = 29, tingkat signifikasi pada (tt5% = 2,045). Dapat diketahui bahwa hasilnya lebih besar dari tt. Berdasarkan catatan observasi menyatakan bahwa siswa mendapat peningkatan dan siswa lebih aktif dan tertarik untuk belajar membaca pemahaman. Berkaitan dengan hasil wawancara, dapat diketahui bahwa pemahaman bacaan siswa telah membaik. Ini menegaskan bahwa dengan menggunakan Teknik Story Mapping meningkatkan pemahaman teks naratif membaca naratif.
Abstrak:Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan proses peningkatan pemahaman bacaan teks naratif siswa melalui story mapping strategy di SMP NEGERI 12 Sungai Raya. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada siswa kelas sembilan, khususnya siswa kelas sembilan B sebagai subyek penelitian. Metode penelitian yang digunakan peneliti dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas. Instrumen pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah tes, lembar pengamatan dan catatan proses belajar mengajar. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa story mapping strategy dapat meningkatkan pemahaman bacaan siswa. Nilai ratarata siswa meningkat dari 56,68 menjadi 73,19. Para siswa mampu memetakan komponen dasar dari cerita seperti setting, masalah, tujuan, tindakan, dan hasil. Story mapping strategi menyediakan struktur dan organisasi sehingga siswa mampu memahami cerita lebih efektif. Abstract:This research aimed to describe the process of improving students¡¦ reading comprehension of narrative text through story mapping strategy in SMP NEGERI 12 Sungai Raya. It was conducted to the ninth year students, especially class IXB as the subject of research. The researcher conducted a classroom action research. Achievement test, observation checklist and field note used as the tools of data collecting. The research findings showed that story mapping strategy was appropriate for teaching reading comprehension. Students¡¦ mean score increased from 56.68 to 73.19. The students were able to map out basic components of the story such as setting, problem, goals, action, and outcomes. Story mapping