Preliminary effects of Italy's ban on smoking in enclosed public places (original) (raw)

, the Italian government enacted Law 3/2003 1 which bans smoking in all enclosed places, except those areas reserved for smokers and in private houses. The law permits the establishment of adequate rooms for smokers, and defines measures for controlling and sanctioning violations. The prohibition includes places open to the public, including all working places, shops, amusement and meeting places, and even common spaces (halls, stairs etc) in condominiums. It was expected that the introduction of such a law would initially present several obstacles connected both with its interpretation and implementation, and that the fear of economic damage to restaurant owners, tobacco shops and cigarette producers would generate opposition. The Italian Ministry of Health initiated national awareness campaigns to strongly support the new law. A month before the law became effective, the Ministry of Health issued a notice interpreting and explaining the new law including a toll-free number to answer citizens' questions and give information regarding the new legislation. Systematic random inspections were carried out by Special Corps in many public places and workplaces, including hospitals, clinics, banks, public offices, schools, restaurants, bars, discos, museums, and train stations. During the period from January to November 2005, total sales of cigarettes (in kg) in Italy decreased by 5.7% (from 90 216 285.34 kg to 85 104 045.52 kg) in comparison with the same period in 2004. The adult per capita sales of cigarettes packs (20 cigarettes per pack) decreased from 94 packs in 2004 to 87.8 packs in 2005 (26.6%). This reduction would appear to be associated with the impact of the law. There was a reduction of nearly 2.8% (in kg