Journal of Technology Management & Innovation © Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Facultad de Economía y Negocios Technological Effort and Innovative Performance in Brazilian Bio Companies (original) (raw)
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Management of technological innovation : Case studies in biotechnology companies in Brazil
Management Research, 2011
Purpose-The aim of this paper is to contribute to understanding of the process of innovation in the biotechnology companies operating in Brazil. The paper identifies the most critical factors in the innovation process of the enterprises in this sector; the paper then analyses the dynamics of the sector and the contribution of the universities and incubators to the innovation process and also evaluates how these elements affect the management process of the technological innovation within and outside the organization. Design/methodology/approach-The research was of the qualitative exploratory type and involved seven case studies of biotechnology companies of different sizes, acting in various sectors, having undergone or not an incubation process. For interpretation of the results, content analysis was utilized. Findings-The study indicated that, among the many obstacles to innovation, access to finance is the most critical. Partnerships have been adversely affected due to institutional and regulatory factors, namely a lack of clear laws and rules regarding intellectual property. The companies have sought to compensate by making their internal processes agile, creating flexible organizational structures and an organizational environment favourable to innovation, which is internalized, as a practice, in a tacit manner. Research limitations/implications-Limitations are associated with the case study methodology: the results presented pertain to the companies studied, and, therefore, cannot be generalized or extended to other companies or areas. Practical implications-The management process of innovation occurs in an informal and less than systematic manner. The innovation process in Brazilian biotechnology companies benefits from a pro-active posture adopted by them to manage and learn from adversity. Originality/value-The paper increases understanding of the innovation process in Brazilian biotechnology companies.
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Technological strategies of successful Latin American biotechnological firms
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For that reason, the authors undertook case studies of firms of six countries of Latin America that share the characteristics of being successful in the market place while adopting technology-follower strategies. The analysis considers five dimensions that, according to the literature on the management of technology, constitute the basic benchmarks of the strategy. These dimensions include innovating activities of the firm to improve, its position on the market; orientation of research and dominant technological goals; technology sources used by the firm to acquire its critical technologies; level of technological investments to acquire and/or develop technologies; and organizational mechanisms to manage technological functions of the firm. Results of this study clearly show that Latin American firms can sustain competitive strategies on the intelligent management, combining in-house skills with excellent capabilities to locate, acquire and assimilate external technologies.
Innovation capabilities and performance of biotechnology firms
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Innovation capabilities and performance of biotechnology firms Some insights from a national survey in Mexico Capacidades de innovaci on y desempeño de las empresas de biotecnología Algunas ideas de una encuesta en México Capacidades de inovação e desempenho de empresas de biotecnologia Algunas idéias de uma pesquisa no México
Technological Innovation in Brazilian Industry
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2001
This article presents results of the technological innovation section of the PAEP survey, which is a large sample survey of firms in the most industrialized Brazilian federate State. The first PAEP collected data in 1997, referring to 1996, in more than 10,000 industrial firms. Innovation questions followed the OECD guidelines. The article starts with a methodological summary. It shows that the rate of innovation output in Sã o Paulo-that is the share of innovative firms-revealed a considerably extensive adoption of technologically new or improved products and/or processes in the period 1994/1996. The innovative performance of Sã o Paulo industrial firms is examined for distinct firm groups, taking into account firm size, the origin of capital ownership (national vs. transnational firms) and industrial sector. The article reveals that the distance between Sã o Paulo industrial firms and their counterpart in industrialized countries is even more substantial in terms of R&D activities. The findings about the sources of information for innovation and their motivation for innovation reinforce the features of the pattern of innovation presented in the article, that is, there has been quite substantial innovation but little knowledge in the innovation process of the industry of Sã o Paulo. 2001 Elsevier Science Inc.
Managing of technology in Mexican firms: the case of Instituto Bioclon
2006 IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology, 2006
Mexican innovative firms have to operate in a rather adverse environment because innovation policy offers little support. For that reason, studying firm's innovation strategies is very important to shed light on how small firms can innovate and participate in global markets of high technology products even in a weak policy environment. This paper presents a case study of Instituto Bioclón, a Mexican SME producing antidotes against venoms of poisonous animals. Instituto Bioclón's success is based on its model to manage innovation. This model relies on the creation of a wide network of collaboration with research institutions, opinion leaders and health specialists, complemented by internal capacities on technology and knowledge management, such as competitive intelligence, project management, IPR protection, training, knowledge sharing and market development. This forms a first class technology base with a strong market orientation. The model is analyzed taking into account its most important variables and trying to draw lessons for technology development and diffusion in other SMEs operating in developing countries.
Innovation and Competence Building in the Brazilian Biopharmaceutical Industry
Blucher Engineering Proceedings, 2016
This paper seeks to address the competence building process and the promotion of innovation in the Brazilian Biopharmaceutical Industry. In doing so, the paper focuses in two major issues. The first regards a preliminary assessment of the scientific and technological competencies of the Brazilian academic institutions with regard to crucial areas to the consolidation of the biopharmaceutical research, development and innovation (RD&I) chain in the country. The second issue is intended to explore university-industry relationships regarding technology transfers and knowledge flows. The analysis is based upon data obtained from the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development Research Groups directory (CNPq) and from the CNPq Investment Panel database. Moreover, in order to assess Brazilian insertion in international knowledge flows, a third data source concerning Brazilian scientific production indexed internationally by area of knowledge was gathered from SCImago Journal & Country Rank. Resumo Este artigo procura abordar o processo de criação de competências e a promoção da inovação na indústria biofarmacêutica brasileira. O estudo centra-se em duas questões principais. A primeira consiste em uma avaliação preliminar das competências científicas e tecnológicas das instituições acadêmicas brasileiras em relação a áreas cruciais para a consolidação da cadeia de P&D da indústria biofarmacêutica no país. A segunda questão destina-se a explorar as relações universidade-empresa em termos de transferências de tecnologia e fluxos de conhecimento. A análise é baseada em dados extraídos do Diretório dos Grupos de Pesquisa do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) e do Painel de Investimentos do CNPq. Além disso, a fim de avaliar a inserção brasileira em fluxos internacionais de conhecimento, uma terceira fonte de dados sobre a produção científica brasileira indexada internacionalmente por área de conhecimento foi recolhida a partir SCImago Journal & Country Rank.
Capacidade Absortiva e Inovação: Um Estudo Em Empresas De Base Tecnológica
Anais do XI Congresso Internacional de Conhecimento e Inovação (ciKi), 2022
This study aims to analyze the process of knowledge absorption capacity as a driver of innovation in technology-based companies located in the Brazilian territory. The research approach is quantitative, characterized by a case study. Data collection was carried out through the distribution channels of a Brazilian technology company by conducting a structured questionnaire. The sample consisted of 129 managers from the organization's strategic levels. The results show that the ability to acquire knowledge was the highest average. Regarding innovation, the dimension with the highest average was product innovation. It is concluded that the absorptive capacity process drives innovation, especially product innovation, promoting a competitive differential for the company to establish itself in the market.
Boosting Innovation Performance in Brazil
JT03219362 Document complet disponible sur OLIS dans son format d'origine Complete document available on OLIS in its original format ECO/WKP(2006)60 Unclassified English text only ECO/WKP(2006)60 2 ABSTRACT/RÉSUMÉ
With this work, we pretend to present, after a bibliographic review effort, a critical thinking about the initiatives of the government of the State of Amazonas in the promotion of the investments in innovation. The research maps the main economic sectors which are being benefited from the application of the public resources for promoting innovation. The results of this study allow concluding that the preoccupation and the interest of the regional companies mainly the information technology, phytocosmetics, phytotherapy, and food companies in running for public bids, like economic subsidy programs, may stimulate the appearing of new companies in the referred sectors and even promote the technological expansion and adding value to regional products. . Key-words: innovation; public investments; technological expansion. Amazonas. 1 Realiza estágio pós-doutoral na Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná UNIOESTE, possui doutorado em Biotecnologia, na área de Gestão da Inovação pela Uni...