Environmental competency of future mining engineers (original) (raw)
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Environmental Competence of the Future Mining Engineer in the Process of the Training
A holistic solution to the problem of formation of ecological competence of the future engineer requires the definition of its content, structure, place in the system of professional competences, levels of forming and criteria of measurement the rationale for the select on and development of a technique of use of information, communication and learning technologies that promote formation of ecological competence. The study is of interest to environmental competence of future mining engineer as personal education, characterized by acquired in the process of professional preparation professionally oriented environmental knowledge (cognitive criterion), learned the ways of securing environmentally safe mining works (praxiological criterion) in the interests of sustainable development (axiological criterion) and is formed by the qualities of socially responsible environmental behavior (social-behavioral criterion) and consists of the following components: understanding and perception of...
Modern Ukrainian multi-stage education gradually obtains competency-oriented approach, that is the development and formation of certain students' professionally important kinds of competences will enable them to be highly qualified and competitive specialists. The authors outlined the main problematic issues of the theory of competence, primarily: a) clarification of the categorical-conceptual apparatus; b) making amendments to normative-legal acts related to competence; c) the need for the development and implementation of "The map of the competence of a specialist", which proposes to clarify the types and subtypes of the competence of the representative of a particular profession; to reveal the essence of each type through the system of professionally important knowledge, abilities, skills, habits, proficiency, qualities, motivation and attitude; to indicate the required level of the development degree of a particular type of competence for the representative of a certain profession (i.e. to specify "competence profile"). There was given the definition of the notion "competence"; there were highlighted components that determine the competence of an individual (knowledge, skills, habits, professional qualities, professional skills, motivation and attitude). The contents of general and special knowledge, skills and professionally important abilities; substantive nature of skills, habits, motivation and attitude were disclosed in the article. There were classified groups of professionally important qualities and abilities and complemented by classification of the varieties of skills in the article. It was also emphasized that the proposed specific contents of competence components will provide substantial assistance to higher education establishments in which it will contribute; firstly, determining the list of disciplines of a certain training; secondly, selecting the most effective forms of training to ensure a process of development and formation of professionally important knowledge, abilities, skills, habits, qualities, proficiency, motivation and attitude.
Competence and Its Implications
Challenges of Science, 2018
This article deals with the term ‘competence’ which is a key solution for the survival of organisations in the labor market. Authors give explanation on term ‘competence’. And the paper attempts to clarify how important to develop competence for students while they are studying at university.
Defining the Structure of Environmental Competence of Future Mining Engineers: ICT Approach
Педагогіка вищої та середньої школи, 2018
Morkun S.V., Semerikov S.O., Morkun N.V., Hryshchenko S.M. and Kiv A.E. Defining the Structure of Environmental Competence of Future Mining Engineers: ICT Approach. The object is to the reasonable selection of the ICT tools for formation of ecological competence. Pressing task is constructive and research approach to preparation of future engineers to performance of professional duties in order to make them capable to develop engineering projects independently and exercise control competently. Subject of research: the theoretical justification of competence system of future mining engineers. Methods: source analysis on the problem of ecological competence formation. Results: defining the structure of environmental competence of future mining engineers. Conclusion: the relevance of the material covered in the article, due to the need to ensure the effectiveness of the educational process in the preparation of the future mining engineers.
Defying some difficulties of the assessment of several generic competences
A reference to concepts, procedures and attitudes and also to acquisition of capacities was frequent when people were interchanging opinions about the aspects that could be evaluated in a university-level student. Now, we speak in terms of competences: there are specific competences, generic competences,. Just trying to speak about them is a hard job; to obtain competences will represent an enormous challenge. It's important to mention the extensive difficulty to find a common definition of the word "competence". One of the many meanings is: the knowledge needed to do something, the knowledge needed to do something with people, the knowledge needed to do something with criteria, the knowledge of when and why is necessary to do something. Common elements to the numerous definitions are the references to: a set of conceptual knowledge, the procedures and the attitudes, feasibility in its learning with recurrent training, an explanation on its attainment in the action, it...
The article reveals the essence and content of the concepts of «competence», «competence approach»; comparative learning outcomes with competencies; the student-centered approach to training is described on the basis of a competently oriented process of professional training of future specialists; The didactic conditions of competently oriented learning are defined and theoretically grounded. On the basis of analysis and generalization of Ukrainian and foreign scientific pedagogical literature it was determined that the competence approach involves such a kind of educational content that is not limited to a knowledge-based component, but involves a holistic experience in solving life problems, the implementation of key functions, social roles, and competencies. It has been scientifically proven that competence is the main qualitative indicator of learning outcomes.
Medical Teacher, 1996
There has been a tendency for people to think about competence in a narrow way that undermines any possible benefits to be gained fiom adopting competency standards. This paper will attempt to clarib exactly what competence is. It will be found that the logic of the concept of competence is itself such as to support a broader view about competency standards rather than the narrow one that is so often taken for granted. Second, the benefits of recognizing and employing a broader, richer conception of competence will be outlined and discussed.
In this paper we comment on the notion of competence and on the widely recommended practice of defining learning and assessment in terms of competence statements. Two lines of comment are explored.