Evaluation of Fuel Burn-up and Radioactivity Inventory in the 2 MW TRIGA-Plate Bandung Research Reactor (original) (raw)

The Assessment of Bandung Triga Reactor Tank Radioactivity in the Period 2000-2014 Using ORIGEN-2

Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Nuklir Indonesia, 2017

THE ASSESSMENT OF BANDUNG TRIGA REACTOR TANK RADIOACTIVITY USING ORIGEN-2. In accordance with the regulation of the Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency of Indonesia related to the decommissioning of nuclear reactors, the management of the Bandung TRIGA reactor have to prepare a decommissioning plan document of the Bandung TRIGA research reactor. Decommissioning program documents shall be regularly updated every five years of the operation of nuclear reactor. In year 2000, Bandung TRIGA reactor tank have been lined using aluminum alloy 6061-T6 and has activated during reactor operation. The aluminum alloy 6061-T6 contains impurities that can produce high radioactivity and has a long half-life. This paper describes the radioactivity of the reactor tank after activation during the period from 2000 to 2014 using a software ORIGEN-2. Total radioactivity of the reactor tank bottom after decay for 5 years was 1.83 10-7 Curie, while the total radioactivity of reactor tank wall was 3.2 10-3 Curie.

Bandung Triga 2000 Reactor Power Analysis as a Function of the Number of Fuel Elements and the Power Peaking Factor


The reactivity value of the Bandung TRIGA 2000 reactor core has decreased over time, so the power generated by the reactor is also getting smaller, despite the control rod position is fully withdrawn. Therefore, it is necessary to reshuffle and refuel the fuel element to increase the excess reactivity by considering the safety parameters, such as axial and radial power peaking factors, DNBR, dTsat, and temperature on the cladding and in the center of the fuel element. The analyzed reactor safety parameters are the number of fuel elements, which varied at 105, 110, and 115 elements, as well as power peaking factor, which varied at 1.55, 1.65, 1.75, 1.85, and 1.95. The calculations were done using MCNP and COOLOD-N2 programs. If DNBR ≈ 1.3 is determined as the safety limit for the operation of the Bandung TRIGA 2000 reactor, at PPF 1.95 (105, 110, and 115 fuel elements), it can be considered to operate the reactor at the power of 600-700 kW. However, at PPF of 1.75 (105, 110, and 115 ...

Radionuclide inventory analysis of the FLEXBLUE small modular reactor


FLEXBLUE reactor is France's small modular power reactor type of pressurized water reactor with 160 MWe. This reactor is based on ocean site which is suitable to be built in archipelagoes like Indonesia. The purpose of the present work is to evaluate radioactivity inventory in FLEXBLUE reactor core. The analysis was carried out by calculations using the ORIGEN-2 program. Calculations were carried out based on pin cell calculations, where in the pin cell there were 4 regions namely UO2 fuel region with enrichment of 4.95%, region 2 vacuum area containing He, region 3 in the form of cladding Zr-4 and Region 4 are extra regions consisting of homogenization of Gd2O3 and H2O. The results obtained were radionuclide inventory in a reactor consisting of 8 radionuclide groups namely Tritium, Noble gas, Halogen, Alkali metal, Tellurium, Strontium and Barium, Nobel metal, Lanthanide and Cerium. The biggest radionuclide activity was in the Halogen group namely nuclei I-134 of 1.12E+18 Bq. In addition, it also obtained activity from large and dangerous gamma transmitter nuclides for the body, namely I-131 and Cs-137, each of which had activities of 4.92E+17 Bq and 2.72E+16 Bq.

TRIGA fuel enrichment verification based on the measurement of short-lived fission products

Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 1999

A method is developed to verify the 235 U content of TRIGA fresh fuel using gamma-ray spectrometry of the short-lived ®ssion products 97 Zra 97 Nb, 132 I and 140 La. The short-lived ®ssion-product activities can be established by irradiating the fuel in a nuclear reactor. Based on the measured activities, the 235 U content can be deduced by iterative calculations. The aim of this work is to establish a calibration method for estimating the burnup values of the rod-type spent fuels without the need for detailed data on fuel irradiation history. #

Fuel burnup analysis for the Moroccan TRIGA research reactor

Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2013

The fundamental advantage and main reason to use Monte Carlo methods for burnup calculations is the possibility to generate extremely accurate burnup dependent one group cross-sections and neutron fluxes for arbitrary core and fuel geometries. Yet, a set of values determined for a material at a given position and time remains accurate only in a local region, in which neutron spectrum and flux vary weaklyand only for a limited period of time, during which changes of the local isotopic composition are minor.

Radionuclide inventories : ORIGEN2.2 isotopic depletion calculation for high burnup low-enriched uranium and weapons-grade mixed-oxide pressurized-water reactor fuel assemblies


The Oak Ridge National Laboratory computer code, ORIGEN2.2 (CCC-371, 2002), was used to obtain the elemental composition of irradiated low-enriched uranium (LEU)/mixed-oxide (MOX) pressurized-water reactor fuel assemblies. Described in this report are the input parameters for the ORIGEN2.2 calculations. The rationale for performing the ORIGEN2.2 calculation was to generate inventories to be used to populate MELCOR radionuclide classes. Therefore the ORIGEN2.2 output was subsequently manipulated. The procedures performed in this data reduction process are also described herein. A listing of the ORIGEN2.2 input deck for two-cycle MOX is provided in the appendix. The final output from this data reduction process was three tables containing the radionuclide inventories for LEU/MOX in elemental form. Masses, thermal powers, and activities were reported for each category.

Analysis of the optimal fuel composition for the Indonesian experimental power reactor

Kerntechnik, 2017

The optimal fuel composition of the 10 MWth Experimental Power Reactor (RDE), to be built by the Indonesian National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN), is a very important design parameter since it will directly affect the fuel cost, new and spent fuel storage capacity, and other back-end environmental burden. The RDE is a very small sized pebble-bed high temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) with low enriched uranium (LEU) UO2 TRISO fuel under multipass or once-through-then-out fueling scheme. A scoping study on fuel composition parameters, namely heavy metal (HM) loading per pebble and uranium enrichment is conducted. All burnup, criticality calculations and core equilibrium search are carried out by using BATAN-MPASS, a general in-core fuel management code for pebble bed HTGRs, featured with many automatic equilibrium searching options as well as thermal-hydraulic calculation capability. The RDE User Requirement Document issued by BATAN is used to derive the main core design paramete...

Fuel burnup analysis and fuel management for TRIGA Mark III research reactor

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019

The fundamental advantage in using Monte Carlo methods for burnup calculations is to formulate an effective optimal fuel management strategy for the TRR-1/M1 research reactor. The core management study has been performed by utilizing the essentially parameters including multiplication factor, power peaking, neutron flux and burnup calculation based on the Monte Carlo calculation. The fuel element burnup was calculated after reshuffling the reactor core. The fuel cycle length and core parameters such as core excess reactivity, neutron flux, axial and radial power factors and other parameters are determined. The core excess reactivity was calculated as a function of burnup. The maximum excess reactivity shall not exceed 6.3% Δk/k. The maximum fuel temperature shall not exceed 930 ºC during steady-state operation. Typically, a core loading operated with the maximum burnup between 100 to 200 MWD depending on the utilization requirements. The thermal neutron flux in the irradiation positions is within the order of 10 11-10 13 n/cm 2-sec. The study gives valuable results into the behaviour of the TRR-1/M1 research reactor and will ensure optimized utilization and operation of the reactor during its life time. It will establish the strategic planning for fuel management in the reshuffling and reloading schemes patterns and its safe implementation in the future.

Fuel Burn-up and Radioactivity Inventory Analysis for New In-core Fuel Management of the RSG-GAS Research Reactor

Journal of Physics: Conference Series

A new fuel management pattern has been applied to the RSG-GAS Research reactor operation. The new fuel management pattern is done so that the replacement of fuel in every operating cycle is more efficient. The new fuel replacement pattern required various safety analyzes, among others related to the fuel fraction and radioactivity inventory of the RSG-GAS. Both of those are the main elements in dose acceptance analysis for workers and communities around the reactor when the reactor operates both in normal or in abnormal conditions. Fuel burn-up and inventory analysis was performed using ORIGEN2 computer program. Inputs for ORIGEN2 are the fuel mass, the time required for one operating cycle as well as the peak power factor in each fuel in the specified fuel management pattern. The result for the 97 th Core configuration (T97) is that the average burn-up fraction of each cycle is 6.79%, and the maximus fuel fraction is 52.36% for Fuel Elemet and 56.52% for Contro Elemet. It is also obtained that the largest and dangerous human inventory activity at the end of cycle (EOC) for Iodine radionuclide group is I-131 for 5.18E+04 Ci, and for the alkali metal radionuclide group Cs-137 of 7.65E+03 Ci.

Neutronic analysis for fresh instrumented fuel element ID 9884 type 204 with 8.5 wt% position in existing Bandung TRIGA 2000 core


Bandung TRIGA 2000 is a research reactor that can be operated up to 2 MWTh. Reactor core always needs reshuffling and refueling to gain safety parameters and operable conditions. Based on recent reshuffling program for Bandung TRIGA 2000 reactor core have decided to place fresh instrumented fuel element with 204 type with 8,5% wt. From last existing reshuffling program, the hot channel predicted will be at one of Ring-B position. Since the Ring-B has 6 positions and only one position will be placed with IFE; so that neutronic analysis will be required to analyze based on determined safety parameters in operating condition limit. We have conducted analysis regarding to parameters; core excess, shutdown reactivity, one stuck rods criteria, analysis of power peaking factor (PPF) axial and radial by control rods withdrawal position functions. Based on these analyses we found that the best position for this fresh instrumented Fuel element will be at B-2 position. In this position this fuel will get 16.02 kWTh with 1 MWTh operation power. Furthermore, the criticality profiles are; Fully up keff=1.01086 with core excess reactivity 1.49 ;shutdownreactivity−15.96; shutdown reactivity-15.96;shutdownreactivity15.96. Then, the fully up radial PFF is 1.672 and PPF axial 1.25. All of these results are not exceeding the operating conditions limits.