Web Application Programming Interfaces (APIs): general-purpose standards, terms and European Commission initiatives (original) (raw)

APIs and emerging economy - driving digital transformation through e-government

SHS Web of Conferences

Digital transformation is increasingly determining the development of societies through ubiquitous deployment of modern information technologies. One of the main drivers that are still not paid sufficient attention are application programming interfaces (APIs). These are not essential just for new services development and adoption, but have further reach and may result even in creation of new industries. Their importance is therefore not to be overlooked for further development, especially by taking into account that the main focus is still on developers (i.e. bottom-up approach). However, higher level business views (i.e. top-down approach) are to be considered in de facto and de iure APIs development, deployment and standardization processes, which is currently not the case. Therefore this paper presents a framework for facilitating APIs (services) evolution by considering top-down business views and their proper addressing. The approach builds on lessons learnt with complex servi...

An Application Programming Interface (API) framework for digital government


This publication is a technical report by the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Commission's science and knowledge service. It aims to provide evidence-based scientific support to the European policymaking process. The scientific output expressed does not imply a policy position of the European Commission. Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is res ponsible for the use that might be made of this publication. For information on the methodology and quality underlying the data use d in this publication for which the source is neither Eurostat nor other Commission services, users should contact the referenced sourc e. The designations employed and the presentation of material on the maps do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the European Union concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.

Developing Systems for API Governance

As scalable information technology evolves to a more cloud-like model, digital assets (code, data and software environments) that increasingly form the basis of research and education require curation as web-accessible services. “Serviceizing” digital assets consists of encapsulating assets in software that exposes them to web and mobile applications via welldefined, network accessible, application programming interfaces (APIs). The stability, maintenance, and lifecycle of these APIs is critical to the utility of the digital assets they serve. Our work focuses on the development methodologies and technologies for API governance – policy, implementation, and deployment functions for IT management of APIs at scale. This paper presents our view of API governance in a technology landscape that is trending towards reliance on web services. It also outlines some early results generated by our investigation of a prototype we are developing for implementing API governance at scale.

Application Programming Interface (API) Research

International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems

The purpose of this study is to perform a synthesis of API research. The study took stock of literature from academic journals on APIs with their associated themes, frameworks, methodologies, publication outlets and level of analysis. The authors draw on a total of 104 articles from academic journals and conferences published from 2010 to 2018. A systematic literature review was conducted on the selected articles. The findings suggest that API research is primarily atheoretical and largely focuses on the technological dimensions such as design and usage; thus, neglecting most of the social issues such as the business and managerial applications of APIs, which are equally important. Future research directions are provided concerning the gaps identified.

E-Government 4.0: Managing APIs as Facilitators for Digital Transformation

Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2022

Digital transformation is, among others, notably driven by servitization, and consequently, IT artifacts called Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), together with disruptive technologies and innovations. In order to set up proper policies, the understanding of the above factors is essential, including their influences on value adding chains. This paper therefore provides an analysis of APIs developments together with their impacts on digital transformation. As they can affect organizations and even national economies at strategic level, appropriate management from a systemic perspective is justified, including e-Government initiatives. Further, APIs cannot be treated without their relations to disruptive technologies, innovations and value chains. Therefore, the advancements of theoretical understanding of evolution of value chains, and practical directions for e-government initiatives are given in this paper. In addition, an archetype model is developed that provides a basis ...

Not (just) a Repository, nor (just) a Digital Library, nor (just) a Portal: A Portrait of Europeana as an API

In the wide public Europeana is primarily perceived as a portal exposing a great amount of cultural heritage information. Even though this perception is not entirely misleading, the main goal of Europeana rather is to build an open services platform enabling users and cultural institutions to access and manage a large collection of surrogate objects representing digital and digitised content via an Application Program Interface (API). The paper covers some details of the overall data space schema, of the API description and of the Europeana Portal implementation; it also discusses use cases and the mental approach that users, in particular cultural institutions, should adopt to completely exploit the potential of the Europeana services platform together with a discussion of related risks. The authors represent key players in the Europeana specification, development and implementation process currently under way. What is Europeana? In the wide public Europeana is primarily perceived as a Portal exposing increasingly impressive amounts of cultural heritage from various sources to Europe's citizens. Even though this perception of course is not entirely misleading (and even conforms to most of the European Commission's communication about Europeana) it does not capture the essential characteristics of what we try to build in Europeana. On a very abstract level Europeana can be seen as a large collection of

Investigating Web APIs on the World Wide Web


Abstract The world of services on the Web, thus far limited to" classical" Web services based on WSDL and SOAP, has been increasingly marked by the domination of Web APIs, characterised by their relative simplicity and their natural suitability for the Web. Currently, the development of Web APIs is rather autonomous, guided by no established standards or rules, and Web API documentation is commonly not based on an interface description language such as WSDL, but is rather given directly in HTML as part of a web page.