The Invisible Multilingualism of Post-Soviet Migration as a Challenge to the Theory of Translanguaging (original) (raw)
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It is summarized that the terminological presentation of the concepts of migration discourse in the Ukrainian language is appropriate. However, there is a need to compile (update existing) dictionaries and handbooks (translationand interpretation) on migration terminology, which will contain a system of codified term units. The main problem in term usage and term creation in the field of migration is ambiguity and synonymy, terminological cavities, which are caused both by the active development of the migration field, more precisely by the specificity of new migration waves, which requires new nominative units to denote new concepts, as well as translation and editorial errors
Bilingual Education and the Problems of Ethnic and Linguistic Identity in the USSR and Modern Russia
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices
The article discusses the relationship of bilingual education with the problems of ethnic and language identification in the USSR and modern Russia. The concept of protecting the rights of national minorities includes an extensive range of linguistic rights and the right to education in minority languages. This right is protected by many international agreements and documents of international organizations and is considered to be an unconditional conquest of fighters for human rights. However, this ignores cases of inconsistencies in ethnic and linguistic identity, which are increasingly frequent in the modern world, and the right of citizens to free ethnic and linguistic self-determination. Planning in the field of bilingual education and teacher training requires objective information on the real number of people willing to study in minority languages, which can be obtained as a result of language monitoring and censuses.
Buryat Russian Bilingualism: Psycholinguistic Aspect
This volume presents the first comprehensive study on psycholinguistic aspects of the Buryat-Russian bilingualism. The bilingualism in Buryatia has been widely studied, but almost exclusively external factors have been considered, such as language policy of the Soviet state and dominance of the Russian population. Therefore, the investigation of inner, psycholinguistic, cognitive factors has been a desideratum in the Buryat linguistics for long time. The main goal of the book is to describe psycholinguistic aspects of structural changes in the Buryat language related to extralinguistic ones and to reveal specific features of ethnolinguistic consciousness of the Buryat ethnie which has been in intensive contact with the Russian ethnie since the XVIIth century. Two levels of analysis are presented: structural and discursive ones. The structural analysis deals with cultural semantics of linguistic signs – texts, dictionaries, and data of a psycholinguistic experiment. On the discursive level the authors analyze the Buryat-Russian discourse of modern bilingual Buryats. By doing this, the authors define the speakers’ communicative competence in both languages, which includes not only linguistic, but also cultural competence. The chapter one Inner Factors Forming the Buryat-Russian Discourse is written by P. Dashinimaeva (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1) and E. Khilkhanova (1.1, 1.2.4). The part 1.1. On History and Theory of the Subject examines various theoretical and methodological perspectives from Western and Russian psycho-, neuro- and cognitive linguistics. Unlike most psycholinguists who generally avoid engaging with naturally occurring language, the authors study informal and spontaneous discourse while only spontaneous, natural language (first of all code switching) and not the data elicited from a controlled psycholinguistic experiments can give us information about factors and mechanisms of how two languages co-exist and function in a bilingual brain. The part 1.2. Cognitive-psycholinguistic Factors of Language Interaction on Example of the Buryat-Russian Bilingualism discusses functional bilateralization of the brain and separate storage of form and content as inner factors of bilingualism. The authors are interested in such type of bilingualism when the first (Buryat) language is being learned first, and after some time – the second one (Russian). The type of speech lateralization by bilinguals has its peculiarities depending on the level and mode of the second language acquisition. The structure of hemisphere interaction in speech processes by early bilinguals is the same as by monolinguals while the late second language acquisition involves both cerebral hemispheres differently. From a cognitive point of view, languages always are in a functional competition. Therefore, only conscious use of both languages by bilinguals and conditions that make it possible can provide relatively «ideal» bilingualism. Otherwise, the result is an asymmetric bilingualism. The functional weakening of the mother tongue is reflected first of all in the lexicon and leads to the constant code switching. It means that activation of words in the native language is only possible when a speaker feels the lexical deficit and makes conscious efforts to produce words in the native language. This is how defunctionalization of lexical units works. The degree of «going away» of lexical units from the collective Buryat ethnic memory demonstrates negative dynamics from the elder to the younger generations. The regress of the Buryat language is evident not only in increase of the passive vocabulary, but also in absence of practice to give names to new objects, that is to produce neologisms. The following groups of «going-away» lexemes have been defined: 1) units that designate disappeared cultural objects; 2) units of technolect; 3) taboo words; 4) names with abstract and evaluative semantics; 5) terms designating kinds of natural objects and artifacts; 6) synonyms. The cognitive mechanism in a bilingual situation functions as follows: passionar of the ethnie → reserved verbal and non-verbal behavior → absence of motivation to thought’s externalization → irregular input of suitable phonological units → weak representation of units in a short-term and later on in a long-term memory → loss of plasticity and mobility of approximate neuron ties → difficult recognition of lexemes as phoneme sequences in the output while establishing contact with the semantic component. The Buryat spoken discourse is characterized by the active penetration of the Russian speech variations into all social strata of the Buryat society. The authors define three groups of psycholinguistic factors that determine language choice and switching bilingual codes: 1) automatisation of language skills combined with economy of speaking efforts and habitual speaking in Russian, 2) triggering, and 3) insufficient linguistic compe6 tence in Lа combined with a high linguistic competence in Lb, as well as frequency of usage Lb. Further on, the authors offer some Methodologies of the Buryat- Russian Discourse Investigation (part 1.3). Chapter two deals with the structural level of analysis. In part 2.1 the authors try to reveal the difference between the language potential (system and norm) and language functions categorized and saved in various configurations in the mental lexicon of bilingual Buryats. Assuming that functioning of language is based on associative memory the authors conducted an associative experiment. The associative experiment demonstrates that speech and mental stereotypes depend on linguistic knowledge which is stored in various memory types. Chapter two containing the associative experiment results is written by G. Dyrkheeva (2.1) and Zh. Zhalsanova (2.2). The free associative experiment results have shown that the national language code, which is equal to correlation of the number of Buryat words to the general number of responses, is rather high and is equal to 0,81. The diversity of associative fields is evidence of high level of respondents’ reflexion ability as well as of good knowledge of the Russian language. Reactions to stimuli words given in two languages reveal diversity and plurality of bilinguals' thinking. Numerous traditional, standard associations show that the Buryat ethnolinguistic consciousness is rather stable, although new associations in both Buryat and Russian language also emerge. The national-cultural specifics of associations is the most salient in words with religious semantics (бурхан ‘God’, дацан ‘buddhist temple’). The research on gender stereotypes (part 2.3) by Buryats and Russians has revealed that gender stereotypes of both ethnies are typical for patriarchal consciousness. In particular, the gender stereotype of «masculinity» in the Buryat linguistic consciousness is contains a more careful attitude to men from their very childhood. For Russian respondents, little boys are perceived as children who become men only when they grow up. In both cultures the woman is first of all a wife and a mother. Woman as a person is not presented in linguistic consciousness of both ethnies. Additionally, gender stereotypes in the Buryat linguistic consciousness are marked by strong kinship ties. The research has also shown that gender stereotypes are not stable entities; they are dynamic and are subjects of social modeling and manipulation. The Introduction is written by G. Dyrkheeva and P. Dashinimaeva, the Conclusion – by P. Dashinimaeva. The English summary is written by E. Khilkhanova.
Linguocultural Adaptation of Migrants in the Context of Educational Migration to Russia
Гуманитарный вектор, 2022
Образовательная международная миграция выступает неотъемлемым элементом современного мира, что актуализирует проблему адаптации образовательных мигрантов. Особенно интересна лингвокультурная адаптация, поскольку она определяет адаптационную стратегию и результат дальнейшей интеграции мигранта в новом обществе. Цель статьи состоит в исследовании лингвокультурной адаптации субъектов международной академической миграции в контексте нового пространства повседневности. Эмпирической базой исследования стали результаты межрегионального исследования в рамках качественного подхода с применением методов глубинного и полуструктурированного интервью (20 интервью), проведённого в январе 2022 г. Тактикой качественного подхода явился метод кейс-стади, локальными кейсами выступили Краснодарский край и Новосибирская область. 巳 Краснодарском крае были опрошены выходцы из арабо-мусульманских стран, в Новосибирской области - учащиеся из Китая. Анализ интервью позволил выделить факторы, определяющие успешность лингвокультурной адаптации образовательных мигрантов, а также основные сложности в процессе формирования языковой компетенции, следовательно, и лингвокультурной адаптации как студентов из арабо-мусульманских стран, так и китайских студентов. Проведённое исследование показало, что внимание к этнонациональным особенностям иностранных студентов, к их системе мотивации при организации процесса обучения, включение в культуру принимающего сообщества способствуют более быстрой и успешной лингвокультурной адаптации. Сделан вывод о детерминации новых видов идентичности в процессе лингвокультурной адаптации степенью эмпатичности родной культуры мигранта. Результаты исследования могут быть использованы при формировании программ адаптации образовательных мигрантов в российских вузах.
Bilingualism in Ukraine and the Problems of National Identity
Ca' Foscari Japanese Studies. Religion and thought, 2022
The article clarifies the terminological basis of the study of bilingualism in Ukraine and proposes a consistent demarcation of individual or collective bearer of the sign when using concepts such as mono-, bi- and polylingualism, dominant language, etc. to prevent erroneous conclusions or deliberate manipulation of language issues. Based on the results of the 2001 census and a statistically significant mass survey in 2017, the features of ethnic and linguistic self-identification of Ukrainian citizens in the early twentieth century were analysed and its regional specificity was determined. In the issue, the first results of an online survey of Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) and locals, in connection with the war in Ukraine, are presented, which show significant shifts in the language consciousness of Russian-speaking citizens of Ukraine.
Vestnik Rossijskogo universiteta družby narodov, 2017
Статья посвящена вопросам функционирования казахского, русского и английского языков в поликультурном пространстве Казахстана. Представлен анализ использования языков в деловой коммуникации, в визуальных текстах социально-коммуникативного пространства г. Астаны. Результаты социолингвистических методов исследования (анкетирование, интервьюирование) показали языковые предпочтения граждан страны, а также факторы, влияющие на выбор языка. Полученные результаты позволили обозначить существующие в условиях новой языковой политики государства проблемы, проследить процессы языкового развития в коммуникативной среде и прогнозировать тенденции распространения, укрепления, взаимодействия, сосуществования языков в перспективе.
Psycholinguistic aspect of polylingualism
This article reveals the importance of multilingual knowledge in modern society and the need to introduce multilingual education. This article deals with the complexity of the process of development of polylingual personality, the influence of psychological factors on multilingual, the interconnection between linguistics and psychology. The components of the linguistic aspect of polylingualism and the essence of the concept of “psycholinguistics” are revealed. The article describes how language, speech, and comprehension correlate and interact with psychological processes. The results of theoretical generalizations of the subject and the importance of psycholinguistics are presented. The components of psycholinguistics and their significance are outlined. The stages of formation of psycholinguistics as science are investigated. The article substantiates the importance of developing a polylingual personality taking into account human psychological characteristics. Thanks to scientifi...