Start a Revolution in Your Head! The Rebirth of ICT Ethics Education [2020]* (original) (raw)

Integrating computer ethics into the computing curriculum: A framework for implementation

Proceedings of IS2003, …, 2003

The advent of the Information Age and global connectivity has placed ethics center stage in the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). As the drive towards the establishment of a socalled IT profession gains momentum, ethical conduct and codes of ethics have recently been formulated and introduced formally. Initiatives in this regard can be attributed to, among others, the ACM and the IEEE. Of particular significance is the ImpactCS Project commissioned by the joint taskforce of the ACM and IEEE, and funded by the USA's National Science Foundation. The increased globalization and inherent nature of ICT transcend physical and cultural borders, making it increasingly difficult to enforce accepted laws, regulations, and codes of conduct. It is thus the responsibility of Computer Science and Information Systems instructors to teach and instill professional values and ethical analysis skills in each and every student. Therefore, we investigate some issues pertaining to the teaching of computer ethics. We conclude this paper by presenting a possible framework to be used in the teaching of computer ethics, and apply this framework to our own institution.

Experiences in Teaching Ethics to ICT Students

Ethical and moral behaviour in business and society has come into much greater prominence at the beginning of the 21 st century. More specifically, the ever increasing use of information and communications technologies (ICT) has raised a wide variety of ethical issues specific to these technologies. This paper describes the development and delivery of a required Applied Ethics in ICT course in a large hybrid business and ICT undergraduate degree program. It demonstrates that such a course can be delivered effectively with a high level of student engagement, and produces changes in student awareness and attitudes, despite their limited workplace experience.

Introducing computer ethics into the computing curriculum: two very different experiments

Ubiquitous computing and global connectivity via the internet and the worldwide web raise new ethical as well as social questions and issues, and often require new interpretations of, and a fresh look at existing ones. In this paper we consider the teaching of Computer Ethics (CE) to our computing students. We review issues such as why the teaching of CE is important, how this should be done in a systematic and integrated fashion, and we then present two different experiments undertaken at our institution.

Integrating ethical content into computing curricula


This paper contributes to the ongoing dialogue about the inclusion of ethics content within computing education. It presents a brief exposition of the challenges facing the teaching of ethics, favouring a highly integrated approach across the curriculum. As an example of how some of those challenges may be simply addressed, it introduces a non-intrusive means of motivating an ethical dimension within existing units of study by innovative use of a survey instrument. The focus of discussion is on the use of this instrument to explore issues related to plagiarism. Finally, the paper appraises this simple concept in terms of the challenges raised at the head of the paper.

Integrating Ethics into Computer Science Education

54th ACM Technical Symposium on Computing Science Education V. 1 (SIGCSE 2023), 2023

While calls to integrate ethics into computer science education go back decades, recent high-profile ethical failures related to computing technology by large technology companies, governments, and academic institutions have accelerated the adoption of computer ethics education at all levels of instruction. Discussions of how to integrate ethics into existing computer science programmes often focus on the structure of the intervention-embedded modules or dedicated courses, humanists or computer scientists as ethics instructors-or on the specific content to be included-lists of case studies and essential topics to cover. While proponents of computer ethics education often emphasize the importance of closely connecting ethical and technical content in these initiatives, most do not reflect in depth on the variety of ways in which the disciplines can be combined. In this paper, I deploy a framework from crossdisciplinary studies that categorizes academic projects that work across disciplines as multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, or transdisciplinary, depending on the degree of integration. When applied to computer ethics education, this framework is orthogonal to the structure and content of the initiative, as I illustrate using examples of dedicated ethics courses and embedded modules. It therefore highlights additional features of cross-disciplinary teaching that need to be considered when planning a computer ethics programme. I argue that computer ethics education should aim to be at least interdisciplinary-multidisciplinary initiatives are less aligned with the pedagogical aims of computer ethics-and that computer ethics educators should experiment with fully transdisciplinary education that could transform computer science as a whole for the better. CCS CONCEPTS • Social and professional topics → Computer science education; Codes of ethics.

Education in ethical values: a pedagogical proposal for the training of ICT professionals


Aquest treball de recerca investiga la formacio en valors etics dels professionals de les TIC amb l’objectiu de destacar un marc educatiu on portar a terme el proces d’aprenentatge dins de les escoles d’enginyeria. Aquest marc educatiu s’estudia a traves de tres eixos principals: quin paper juga l’etica dins del context de les TIC; quines implicacions morals te l’etica professional; quins son els requeriments educatius essencials necessaris per tal que els professionals de les TIC puguin desenvolupar un perfil etic adequat. Consequentment, les principals contribucions d’aquest treball son dues. En primer lloc, detectar les implicacions morals de la tecnologia i com aquestes configuren i influencien l’exercici practic diari del professional de les TIC. En segon lloc, proveir els estudiants de les escoles d’enginyeria d’una etica professional, la qual es implementada mitjancant un conjunt de recursos metodologics i pedagogics, per tal d’ensenyar-los a treballar d’acord amb els valors ...

The development of the 'ethical' ICT professional: and the vision of an ethical on-line society: how far have we come and where are we going?

ACM SIGCAS Computers and Society

It has been a decade since Computer Ethics came into prominence within the field of computer science and engineering, changing not only the profession but the classroom as well. The commercialization and globalization of the World Wide Web has impacted us all, both producers and consumers alike. What was once the province of the few has become the virtual society of the multitudes. Ethical issues concerning security, privacy, information, identity, community and equity of access once contained and localized, have assumed additional complexity in the global environment. Every day, the front pages of our newspapers and magazines report violations of one sort or another. This paper will address two questions: As we move into the 21 't century, how can we shape 'ethical' information communication technology (ICT) professionals? And, is our vision of an 'ethical' global on-line society a realistic one?

What Do We Teach When We Teach Tech Ethics?

Proceedings of the 51st ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2020

As issues of technology ethics become more pervasive in the media and public discussions, there is increasing interest in what role ethics should play in computing education. Not only are there more standalone ethics classes being offered at universities, but calls for greater integration of ethics across computer science curriculum mean that a growing number of CS instructors may be including ethics as part of their courses. To both describe current trends in computing ethics coursework and to provide guidance for further ethics inclusion in computing, we present an in-depth qualitative analysis of 115 syllabi from university technology ethics courses. Our analysis contributes a snapshot of the content and goals of tech ethics classes, and recommendations for how these might be integrated across a computing curriculum. CCS CONCEPTS • Social and professional topics → Computing education.