TECHNOLOGY Utilization of Fly ash in Improving Concrete Properties (original) (raw)
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Utilization of Fly ash in Improving Concrete Properties
The following paper is related with finding out the utilization of fly ash in improving concrete properties and its several environmental benefits. Fly ash is pozzolonic material & it improves the properties of concrete like compressive strength & Durability. Here the method used for determining this is experimental. Here cubes casted with different amounts of fly ash proportions ranging from 10%-30% are used and their 7 and 28 days strength are found out. The strength of cubes was found out by the use of compressive testing machine. Their degree of economy has also been found out. In the present study the results obtained are discussed and compared with the available literature.
In India, right now a lot of fly ash is created for the most part in warm force plants with a basic blow on condition and living life form. The utilization of fly ash in concrete can decrease the utilization of common assets and furthermore reduces the impact of contamination in condition. In late examinations, numerous analysts found that the utilization of extra cementitious materials likes fly ash in concrete is practical and solid. This examination is a piece of exploratory program did to contemplate the use of non-customary structure material (fly ash) for improvement of new materials and innovation. It is focused on materials which can satisfy the desires for the development business in various zones. In this examination, concrete has been supplanted by fly ash in like manner in the scope of 0% ,5%10%,15%, 20% by weight of concrete for M-30 grade in with .43 water cement proportion. The most significant mechanical property of concrete is compressive quality and it is assessed on 150X150X150 mm 3D squares by The compressive quality is acquired for multi day quality and results are investigations.
To Analysis the Properties of Concrete with Adding Fly Ash
Aim of the study is to analysis the properties of concrete with adding fly ash. So using this waste in road construction can dispose this waste and also beneficial in minimize pollution in environment due to this waste. It saves the cement requirement for the same strength thus saving of raw material. In present study aims preparing concrete by replacement of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) with fly ash. A comparison is made between fly ash and cement properties which are used as sub-grade, base in Highway construction.
Concrete is predominantly made up of cement. Cement manufacturing results in the emission of a large quantity of carbon dioxide in the air. Use of fly ash in concrete is advantageous for the environment and provides lasting durability. By utilizing a reduced amount of cement, it contributes to the conservation of materials such as limestone and coal that are essential for cement production. While it remains ever-present and never diminishes, generating it requires a considerable amount of power. So, it's a good idea to use cement carefully. Concrete is a durable substance can be moulded into various forms. It is frequently employed in construction for its multifunctionality. Finding a good replacement for cement in concrete is really important because we don't want to make the quality of the concrete worse. A powdery substance known as fly ash contains a significant quantity of cement. The study investigated the replacing other materials with fly ash on the M30 grade high strength concrete. We tested different quantities of cement, such as no cement, 10%, 20%, and 30%. Incorporating a larger amount of fly ash in the concrete mix creates a more manageable and robust material. Furthermore, it's been discovered that the inclusion of higher proportions of fly ash results in a reduction of concrete durability.
The Use of Fly Ash as Additive Material to High Strength Concrete
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan, 2018
The use of coal waste (Fly Ash) is currently being developed in building materials technology, as a highstrength concrete mix material. This study aims to determine the strength of concrete by adding fly ash as a substitute for cement in high-strength concrete mixtures. This research was conducted using an experimental method to obtain results and data that would confirm the variables studied. The total numbers of specimens used in this study were 36 pieces with different sizes of cube tests which were 15 cm x 15 cm x 15 cm. A total of 36 concrete samples were used to test the compressive strength of concrete with a percentage of Fly Ash in 0% (normal concrete), 20%, 25% and 30% with a concrete treatment age of 7 days, 21 days and 28 days. A total of 12 more samples were used to test water absorption in concrete at 28 days of maintenance. Each percentage of Fly Ash uses 3 concrete test samples. The increase in compressive strength occurs at 7, 21 and 28 days in concrete. However, the compressive strength of concrete produced by concrete using the percentage of Fly Ash is always lower than the value of normal concrete compressive strength. From testing the compressive strength of concrete at 28 days of treatment with
An Experimental Study on Strength and Durability for Utilization of Fly Ash in Concrete Mix
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2014
The intention of this study is to discuss the variation of concrete exposed to high sulfate environment of a specific region with respect to strength and durability. Secondly, it is aimed to discuss the possibility of reducing the cement amount in construction of concrete structures. For this purpose, laboratory tests were conducted to investigate compressive strength and sulfate resisting capacity of concrete by using 20% fly ash as mineral additives, waste materials, instead of cement. As a case study the soil samples, received from Siirt Province areas which contain high sulfate rate, have been compared with respect to sulfate standard parameters of TS 12457-4. In such regions contact of underground water seep into hardened concrete substructures poses a risk of concrete deterioration. In order to determine the variation of strength and durability for concrete exposed to such aggressive environment, the samples were rested in a solution of Na 2 SO 4 (150 g/lt) in accordance with ASTM C 1012 for the tests. As a result of this experimental study, it is noted that the use of 20% fly ash, replacement material instead of cement, has no significant effect on compressive strength of concrete over time.
International Journal of Structural Engineering
Fly ash is a fine grey powder consisting mostly of spherical, glassy particles produced as a by-product in coal-fired power stations having pozzolanic properties that exhibits supplementary cementitious material. This paper essentially investigated about the effects of fly ash on concrete 'with and without admixture, and as well as mixed form' in aspect of water-binder ratio, fly ash replacement percentages and curing ages (days). For modelling and analysis of these properties statistical best fit functions were used. This comprehensive study shows that in all types of concrete, compressive strength decreasing with increasing water-binder ratio. However, in maximum cases, highest compressive strength observed in case of 'with admixture fly ash concrete' is at 20% fly ash (FA) replacement level and shows maximum strength gaining initiates between 7-90 days in case of 'with admixture FA concrete' whereas significant strength gaining observed after 90 days onwards and ultimate strength gaining at 365 days.
Technology Effects and Benefits of Using High Content of Fly Ash in Concrete
The usage of fly ash products by the South African cement and construction industries has saved the country over 6 million tons of harmful greenhouse gas emissions. The recycling of it as cement extenders provides an immediate benefit for the environment while still improving the quality of concrete, and increasing the amount used in concrete can promote sustainable development. This study evaluated properties of 35MPa/9,5mm concrete with fly ash substituted at 30%, 40%, 50% and 60%. Increasing the fly ash content can result in more workable and less permeable concrete. The compressive strength and durability index results showed that the fly ash content can be increased beyond 50% and still achieve the required strength and produce durable concrete. Substituting high volumes of cement with fly ash in concrete can provide good quality concrete and a relief to the environment without compromising the quality and cost of concrete.
A Study on Low Quality Fly Ash as an Opportunity for Sustainable and Economical Concrete
International Journal of Scientific Research, 2012
As concrete usually has been produced by using high quality fly ash and without fly ash (standard concrete). By using high quality fly ash constituents, increase drastically the initial cost of concrete. The objectives of this research work were to intend to study the possibility of producing low cost concrete. To verify the impact of carbon content on fly ash on the strength and durability of concrete. For this purpose it was decided to enhance the 'as received' fly ash by eliminating particles coarser than 75μm, thus reducing the carbon content by 50%. It was also observed that the carbon content did have little impact on the strength and durability of concrete. Applications of fly ash, which is technically, sound, environmentally safe for sustainable development. Use of fly ash in various engineering applications can solve the problem of disposal of fly ash and other purposes. The major constituents of most of the fly ashes are Silica (SiO2), alumina (Al2O3), ferric oxide (Fe2O3) and calcium oxide (CaO). The other minor constituent of the fly ash are MgO, Na2O, K2O, SO3, MnO, TiO2 and unburnt carbon. This paper is study on low quality fly ash as an opportunity for sustainable and economical concrete for a new millennium.
Fly ash concrete has economical and environmental advantages. It also makes concrete sustainable. In India presently less than 50% of fly ash produced is consumed. Infrastructural Development is at its peak all over the world and is a symbol of growth for any country. The most popular construction material, involves use of cement which is responsible for 7% of total world's carbon dioxide emissions. Carbon dioxide is the main threat in causing global warming of the environment. The attempts have been made to reduce CO 2 emissions in environment by all possible ways, but cement has not found a suitable replacement for it till date. Fly ash Concrete is an effort in reducing cement content of construction. The paper aims at discussing the use of fly ash concrete in construction as a solution to address two environmental problems-one, disposal of huge amounts of fly ash, by production of thermal power plants, causing environmental degradation through large areas of landfills and two...