Finite elements method based on Galerkin’s formulation for predicting the sand bars position (original) (raw)

Numerical modeling

2013 A novel force-based approach for designing armor blocks of high-crested breakwaters

Accuracy of 3D (Three-Dimensional) Terrain Models in Simulations

International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences

The usage of realistic three-dimensional (3D) polygon terrain models with multiple levels of detail (LOD) is becoming widespread in popular applications like computer games or simulations, as it offers many advantages. These models, which represent an actual location in the world, are essential for the simulation-based training of military vehicles like planes, helicopters or tanks. Because training scenarios on this kind of simulations are used to observe or to hit a target on the modeled location. In addition to that, driving the behavior of terrestrial vehicles is influenced by the terrain properties like slopes, ramps, hitches, etc. because of the direct interaction with the ground. For this reason, the terrain models in the simulation scene should not only display the textures realistically, but also represent an accurate morphology; meaning the terrain altitudes should be modeled as correct as possible. Such terrain representations can be created by using Digital Terrain Model (DTM) for the geometry and satellite images for texturing. The geometry models are in the form of polygonal meshes through the triangulation methods. However, the accuracy is influenced by some parameters. Using insufficient (under-refined) triangles during the 3D modeling causes missing of some altitude vertices. That means these points will not be present in the model. Consequently, it can be thought that the number of triangles should be increased for a better geometrical fidelity. Nevertheless, it is not always correct as the usage of too much (overrefined) triangles can also cause errors, especially in terrains with almost vertical faces (like cliffs). In addition to that, the performance of the system deteriorates drastically through the increase in the number of triangles, as the computational complexity is also getting higher.

Méthodes algébriques robustes pour le calcul géométrique


Résumé: Le calcul géométrique en modélisation et en CAO nécessite la résolution approchée, et néanmoins certifiée, de systèmes polynomiaux. Nous introduisons de nouveaux algorithmes de sous-division afin de résoudre ce problème fondamental, calculant des développements en fractions continues des coordonnées des solutions. Au delà des exemples concrets, nous fournissons des estimations de la complexité en bits et des bornes dans le modèle de RAM réelle.

[Jaan Kiusalaas] Numerical Methods in Engineering (BookFi)-

Numerical Methods in Engineering with MATLAB R is a text for engineering students and a reference for practicing engineers. The choice of numerical methods was based on their relevance to engineering problems. Every method is discussed thoroughly and illustrated with problems involving both hand computation and programming. MATLAB M-files accompany each method and are available on the book Web site. This code is made simple and easy to understand by avoiding complex bookkeeping schemes while maintaining the essential features of the method. MATLAB was chosen as the example language because of its ubiquitous use in engineering studies and practice. This new edition includes the new MATLAB anonymous functions, which allow the programmer to embed functions into the program rather than storing them as separate files. Other changes include the addition of rational function interpolation in Chapter 3, the addition of Ridder's method in place of Brent's method in Chapter 4, and the addition of the downhill simplex method in place of the Fletcher-Reeves method of optimization in

Benchmark PROBLEM-3- (BM3)


Tsunami generation and runup due to a 2D landslide 1. Problem Description The objective of this problem is to predict the free surface elevation and runup as-sociated with translating a Gaussian shaped mass which is initially at the shoreline. In dimensional form, the seafloor can be described by: η(x, t) = H(x) + ηo(x, t) (1) where: H(x) = xtan(β) (2) ηo(x, t) = δexp