Renewable sources to promote well-being in poor regions of Brazil (original) (raw)

THE ENERGY ACCESS IN RURAL OR ISOLATED AREAS IN BRAZIL: A VIABILITY REVIEW. In: Sustainable Development and Energy Matrix in Latin America

This work aims to analyze the renewable energy access in rural areas in Brazil. Regarding its energy matrix, it is observed the country uses mainly renewable resources; however, they are still underexploited, especially wind and solar energy. In recent years, the Brazilian government has implemented energy access public policy with some success, called Light for All Programme (Programa Luz Para Todos). However, it remains the need to expand the access, which can be implemented through renewable energy equipments. The main current challenge is expand energy access to the Brazilian Amazon region. The proposal to achieve full energy access for Brazilian rural or isolated population is by using different resources, such as small-scale water resources, biomass through dedicated and residual form and exploitation of wind and solar energy potentials.

Electric energy generation from small-scale solar and wind power in Brazil: The influence of location, area and shape

Electric energy generation from small-scale solar and wind power in Brazil: The influence of location, area and shape, 2015

Power production from renewable sources is identified as one of the tools to attain sustainable development in economic and social terms in Brazil. Awareness of how to prioritize renewable energy sources and technologies becomes increasingly important. Solar and wind energy have been highlighted in this context as being clean, safe and also relatively mature technologies. In addition, they are also renowned for having great energy potential and allowing different mounting options for energy harvesting systems. This article seeks to contribute to the knowledge of the effects that the key attributes, location, area and shape, of a site can have on the potential of renewable generation. In order to incorporate these attributes into an integrated analysis, a comparison method is developed and subsequently applied in a case study for two Brazilian cities. Results indicate that the amount of energy obtained by a given power generation system can undergo large variations depending on the characteristics of attributes such as site location, area and shape. This variation may ultra-pass 200%, in some cases, which demonstrates the importance of a better understanding of the role of these attributes in determining energy production.

The renewable energy market in Brazil: Current status and potential

Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2012

Renewable energy offers a range of options with which to meet the growing demand for energy, particularly in the context of the pursuit (especially in developing countries) of economic development which takes into account social and environmental issues. Brazil has abundant natural sources of renewable energy, such as wind and solar power, hydraulic energy, small hydroelectric plants, ethanol and biodiesel. These sources form part of the Brazilian strategy aimed at satisfying the demand for 6300 MW of fresh capacity per year arising out of projected economic growth of 5.1% per year over the next 10 years. Renewable energy sources currently provide 47.2% of the internal supply of primary energy in Brazil. Brazil has been pursuing a strategy of maintaining its renewable energy matrix and developing and providing incentives for further low carbon initiatives.

Strategies to promote renewable energy in Brazil

Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2011

The present study is the result of recent research that has been developed in Brazil in cooperation with international research centers. The aim is to analyze the best strategies for maintaining the high share of renewable sources in Brazil's electric power generation system. The results show that, for the time horizon considered, the country still has plentiful energy resources available, notably its hydroelectric potential, and that the introduction of mitigation measures in the electricity sector has only a small impact on the price of electricity. The study also shows that the country has made a significant contribution to the struggle against global warming.

Energy in Brazil: Toward sustainable development?

Energy Policy, 2008

The objective of this study is to analyze the evolution of the Brazilian energy sector with reference to the results of the business-asusual scenario of the National Energy Outlook 2030 studies. The analysis was made with, as a starting point, energy indicators for sustainable development, which take into account social, economic and environmental aspects. The study demonstrates that the country has great availability of energy resources and that renewable sources can contribute to maintain a big participation in the production and use of energy, giving the country considerable advantages in economic and environmental terms. As regards the social aspect, on the other hand, the unequal distribution of income continues to be the country's principal weak point in achieving sustainable development. r

Indicators for sustainable energy development: Brazil's case study

Natural Resources Forum, 2005

This article summarizes the results of the project on indicators for sustainable energy development (ISED) in Brazil. The project's aim was to present energy related economic, social and environmental data to policy makers in a coherent and consistent form, showing interlinkages, time-series and cross-sectoral analyses and assess energy policy. Two priority areas assessed by these indicators, regarding the country's energy supply and demand, helped in the identification of a number of energy policy options that focused on specific aspects of the country's energy sector. On the supply side, these options include the development and stimulation of renewable energy, such as small-scale hydroelectric, wind, solar photovoltaic power and bagasse cogeneration; stimulation of programmes for ethanol use as automotive fuel and sugarcane bagasse cogeneration; and implementation of natural gas-fired, combined heat and power (CHP) plants. On the demand side, policy options include: the full implementation of the law on efficiency standards for appliances; expansion of utility investment in end-use energy efficiency; adoption of targets and protocols to reduce energy intensity in the industrial sector; improvement of passenger transport efficiency; and the creation of a fund to improve energy affordability for the poor.

Renewable Energy in Urban Low Income Communities Case Study of Santa Marta Rio De Janeiro

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2020

Atualmente, 55% da população mundial vivem em áreas urbanas, estimando-se que vá crescer para 68% até o final de 2050. O desenvolvimento sustentável depende cada vez mais do planeamento e gestão adequada do desenvolvimento urbano, incluindo serviços básicos, como o da eletricidade. Os preços brasileiros da eletricidade estão entre os mais altos da América Latina e demonstraram alta volatilidade nos últimos anos. Na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, mais de 22% da população vive em assentamentos informais, áreas superlotadas caracterizadas por moradias de padrão baixo, serviços e infraestruturas precários, habitadas por pessoas pobres. Estas famílias de baixos rendimentos são obrigadas usar grande parte do seu orçamento para pagar o serviço de eletricidade. Este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar, do ponto de vista tecno-económico, o uso de energias renováveis em comunidades urbanas de baixa renda, com foco no estudo de caso de Santa Marta, no Rio de Janeiro. Os resultados mostram que os sistemas solares fotovoltaicos são extremamente competitivos quando comparados com a eletricidade fornecida pela rede elétrica e podem representar uma solução para comunidades de baixos rendimentos, se forem implementados um modelos de negócios e de financiamento adequados.

Perspectives for the expansion of new renewable energy sources in Brazil

Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2013

The aim of this article is to show the opportunities for penetration of new renewable energy sources into the Brazilian energy mix, enabling it to continue generating a high quantity of clean energy compared to the world average. Different scenarios for the evolution of such sources in Brazil and in the world were analyzed within the 2010-2030 horizon. The study showed not only the benefits brought by these sources in terms of GHG emission avoidance but also the impact in terms of employment creation and the public investment necessary to obtain such benefits.

Bringing to light a new energy path: the case of Minas Gerais State, Brazil

Background In Brazil, more than 60% of the energy comes from hydroelectricity, making the system highly vulnerable in the context of global climate change, with precipitation and temperature shifts over the years. Characterized by its multiple opportunities of sources and conversion technologies for energy, biomass has a high potential to become responsible for a relevant share on the renewable energy supply. Previous studies on biomass energy production in Brazil confirm promising results. This paper highlights possibilities for biomass power generation in Minas Gerais State. To estimate the energy productivity, a Sustainable Technical Coefficient was adopted: a conservative index that considerers the portion of residues that could be used maintaining the integrity of the soil. Results This index was applied, together with the data on the silviculture and selected crops yield. The local energy demand was also calculated and compared to the potential energy production. Results show ...

Bringing to light a new energy path: the case of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil

Sustainability in Debate

In Brazil, more than 55% of the energy comes from hydroelectricity, making the system highly vulnerable in the context of global climate change, with precipitation and temperature shifts over the years. Characterised by its multiple opportunities in sources and conversion technologies for energy, biomass has a high potential to become responsible for a relevant share of the renewable energy supply. Previous studies on biomass energy production in Brazil confirm promising results. This paper highlights possibilities for biomass power generation in Minas Gerais State. To estimate energy productivity, a Sustainable Technical Coefficient was adopted: a conservative index that considers the portion of residues that could be used to maintain the integrity of the soil. This index was applied with the data on silviculture and selected crop yields. The local energy demand was also calculated and compared to the potential energy production. Results show that 78% of the municipalities could ha...