The response of the western equatorial Pacific Ocean to westerly wind bursts during November 1989 to January 1990 (original) (raw)

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A Numerical Investigation of the Local Ocean Response to Westerly Wind Burst Forcing in the Western Equatorial Pacific Cover Page

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Large-scale circulation associated with westerly wind bursts and deep convection over the western equatorial Pacific Cover Page

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Atmospheric and surface variations during westerly wind bursts in the tropical western pacific Cover Page

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Fast, eastward-moving disturbances in the surface winds of the equatorial Pacific Cover Page

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Basin-wide zonal wind stress and ocean thermal variations in the equatorial Pacific Ocean Cover Page

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Intense surface currents in the tropical Pacific during 1996–1998 Cover Page

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Extratropical Forcing and the Burst of Equatorial Westerlies in the Western Pacific: A Synoptic Study Cover Page

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The response of the equatorial ocean to a moving wind field Cover Page

Response of Equatorial Pacific Mean Temperature Field to Intraseasonal Wind Forcing


The effects of intra-seasonal wind forcing on the mean field of the tropical Pacific Ocean has been studied using an ocean general circulation model (GCM). Idealized intra-seasonal zonal wind forcing with zero mean, which propagates eastward, in- duces net eastward jets at the equator that shift the warm water pool to the east. The mean temperature of the upper 200 m of the ocean increases off the equator and decreases at the equator. The change is independent of the propagation speed of the intra-seasonal wind forcing. The magnitude of the change depends on the amplitude and the period of the forcing, and the ocean structure, while the spatial pattern is independent of these parameters. A simple shallow water model is used to explain these changes. It is found that the term responsible for the enhanced eastward Equa- torial jet is the Reynolds stress term, which arises from a phase shift of the zonal current due to friction. The resultant convergence of eastward momentum on the equ...

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Response of Equatorial Pacific Mean Temperature Field to Intraseasonal Wind Forcing Cover Page

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The Structure of the Wind-Driven Circulation in the Subtropical South Pacific Ocean Cover Page