Pelatihan dan Pendampingan Akuntansi Manajemen UKM Batik di Bantul Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (original) (raw)
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Martabe : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2018
The patner of this program is Paguyuban Batik Tulis Giriloyo Wukirsari village Imogiri Bantul Yogyakarta.Paguyuban has two problems: recording the transaction manually and didnot match with acoounting standart for SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises). Paguyuban doesn’t have an apllication as an information management system. Information System is a tool of human in storing, processing, and organizing data. The Sophistication of information systems will accelerate the processing and management of data. Based on above, this devotion program is empowerment,strengthening understanding and technical capability of accounting process related preparing financial statement easily.and accurate. The developing information systems appication that will be used in SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) to obtain report of sale, report of inventory based database Access application effectively and relevance.The model of this devotion was descriptive qualitatif which measure target quantity, effic...
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J-ABDI: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
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Melihat pentingnya peranan lembaga pembiayaan dalam pengembangan UMKM terutama sektor perdagangan sebagai alternatif sumber pembiayaan maka pemerintah perlu dilakukan sosialisasi kepada UMKM tentang eksistensi lembaga pembiayaan baik bank maupun non-bank khususnya koperasi. Selain itu, bagi lembaga pembiayan perbankan yang tidak memiliki core usaha pada usaha mikro dapat menggunakan model pembiayaan linkage dan channeling dengan lembaga pembiayaan lainnya. Permasalahan yang terjadi di Lembaga Keungan Mikro serta UKM di daerah Tulang Bawang Barat bahwa pengelola belum memahami mengenai pelaporan akuntansi berdasarkan PSAK, belum mempunyai kemampuan dalam melaporkan laporan keuangan yang sesuai dengan PSAK EMKM sehingga laporan keuangan yang dihasilkan tidak informative dan tidak sesuai dengan PSAK yang berlaku.
Peningkatan Mutu Manajemen Keuangan dan Akuntansi pada UMKM Batik di Kabupaten Pati
Muria Jurnal Layanan Masyarakat
The purpose of this community service is to provide financial management and accounting training for Batik SMEs in Pati Regency. MSMEs have a strategic position in regional and national economic growth in general. Universities assist local governments in developing MSMEs through training, mentoring, and distribution of assistance to MSMEs. This Financial Management and Accounting Training helps MSMEs understand business performance, separate business finance from household finances, know the value of business assets, be able to make tax calculations, and can facilitate access to banking. The methods used in this community service are lectures, simulations, and discussions. This community service has been carried out well and smoothly in June 2021 in the Cooperatives and UMKM Service Hall of Pati Regency.
Analisa situasi terindikasi permasalahan UKM UD. SS Sam yaitu pembatasan personil yang kurang sepadan dengan kapasitas, tata organisasi usaha lemah, pembukuan sederhana, akibatnya dimungkinkan UKM Mitra ini stagnan usahanya, tidak jelas share yang diterima, bahkan cash flow tidak terkontrol, manajer yang berangsur-angsur berumur tua akibatnya dikhawatirkan akan mengalami kebrangkutan. Diperlukan pembinaan dan pendampingan menata manajemen dan akuntansi agar UKM ini lebih sehat dari sisi bisnis, meningkat omzet pasar, terkontrol tata kelola keuangannya. Setelah dilakukan pembinaan dan pendampingan selama 6 (enam) bulan terjadi perubahan psikologis manajer terkait keyakinan perlunya penataan organisasi, akuntabilitas diantaranya pencatatan yang sistematis, teratur, terkontrol; memiliki perencanaan usaha yang jelas; sistem penggajian yang terstruktur sehingga menjamin karyawan bekerja dengan tenang dan berprestasi, pada gilirannya kapasitas usaha (perusahaan) selalu meningkat serta ma...
Pengelolaan manajemen keuangan yang baik merupakan hal yang penting untuk peningkatan kapasitas usaha. Pengelolaan keuangan adalah kunci kekuatan terhindarnya dari kegagalan suatu usaha. Mitra dalam pengabdian ini adalah Galery Batik Zhorif di Kecematan Danau Teluk Kota Jambi. Permasalahan mitra yang menjadi sasaran adalah penentuan harga pokok produk dilakukan tidak tepat, kurang baiknya metode pencatatan persediaan yang dilakukan, keuangan pribadi masih tercampur dengan keuangan usaha dan lemahnya pengetahuan mengenai pencatatan transaksi keuangan dan pengelolaan keuangan. Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah meningkatan kemampuan pelaku usaha batik Jambi melalui pelatihan dan pendampingan bidang manajemen keuangan. Pencapaian tujuan dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode ceramah, tutorial dan diskusi. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini memberikan solusi kepada mitra yaitu meningkatnya pemahaman mitra mengenai pengelolaan keuangan untuk usaha dan tersedianya form untuk penc...
State revenue from the tax sector can drive the development process in Indonesia. In 2018, the government issued government regulation intended for taxpayers who have a certain gross income. On the other hand, some MSMEs were reluctant to pay taxes due distrust of the government. The aim of this activities were provides knowledge to MSMEs about in the importance of making financial report according to standards, to improve the skill of MSMEs actors in preparing financial report that are according to standards, both SAK ETAP and SAK EMKM and provide skill to MSMEs to calculate taxes in accordance with government regulation number 23 of 2018. The steps in this dedication were (1) the socialization stage regarding the importance of financial statements, (2) the second stage provides training on how to prepare financial reports using Microsoft Excel, (3) providing information dissemination to MSMEs concerning Government Regulation Number 23 of 2018. The impact of this activity is increa...
The purpose of the study was to analyze the effect of using accounting information and business age on business success. The population in this study is the MSMEs who are in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. The sample in this study in were batik MSMEs who were in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. The sampling technique in this study used purposive sampling with criteria of MSMEs who had recorded their business. The data collection of this study used a survey method which was carried out by distributing questionnaires directly to respondents who met the criteria. The respondents of this study were 40 respondents. Data analysis techniques in this study used multiple linear regression analysis with help of SPSS tools. This study found that the success of MSMEs was influenced by the use of accounting information and business age.
Pelatihan dan Pendampingan Pengelolaan Keuangan Usaha dan Pemanfaatan Aplikasi Akuntansi UKM
Yumary, 2022
SMEs are one of the vehicles that drive the country's economy in Indonesia. The existence of SMEs plays a major role in increasing the progress of a business wheel in Indonesia. As the driving force of the economy, SMEs must manage their finances well. Good financial management can be seen from how SMEs can plan business activities and control business activities properly. The purpose of this community service activity is to increase the application of science and technology in the Asyik Suka SME Community for the application of methods for managing business finances and the use of financial applications. Method: One of the methods used to manage finances well is to use Kakeibo. Kakeibo is a way of managing finances introduced by the Japanese. The media used in Kakeibo are envelopes and notes related to financial planning. Service activities will be carried out with the UKM Asyik Suka Community in Palembang City. In addition to using Kakeibo, service activities are also supported by the use of the SME Accounting Application. The SME Accounting Application is used to facilitate business activities by entering information related to SME finance. The method of service activities is carried out using lecture media and the practice of using Kakeibo and UKM Accounting Applications. Results: Based on the results of the questionnaire graph that the participants are in the 70-80% interval, it means that this service activity has a positive impact on increasing the application of science and technology to the participants. Conclusion: The service activities that have been carried out at the home of the Chairperson of the Asyik Suka MSME Community, namely Mrs. Yeni Rozak and the participants of the Asyik Suka MSME activity, totaling 11 MSME owners, from the discussion of material and direct practice to the participants of the Asyik Suka MSME Community service were greatly helped and increased knowledge about the use of technology to help businesses, especially in the use of MSME Accounting Application technology.