Identification of the factors in corporate management that influence construction company’s performance in Indonesia

There are many internal problems caused by the company itself and actually are in the control of the company’s organization. These problems usually relate to the frailty of corporate management. There-fore, management problem is one of key factor behind the company’s failures. The purpose of this paper is to identify and analyze the factors in corporate management that influence the construction company’s perfor-mance capability. The methods used are survey and structured interview to identify the factors. Analyses used in this research are statistical analysis. The results show that end-product quality and the quality of the compa-ny’s leadership in solving conflicts and creating resources plan are the most influential factors in corporate management that can increase the performance of construction company in Indonesia where better capability of company’s management in planning, instructing, leading, communicating and managing information to de-termine resources requirement so it will improve company’s performance.

Management Control Systems and Its Effect on Performance

Journal of Accounting Management and Economics, 2018

This paper discusses how Management Control Systems is used to control performance in local government owned companies in Indonesia. Performance becomes important and unique in local government owned companies since those companies are not only targeted by profit but they also have responsibilities for social function. This study focuses on performance control in water supply companies as typical local government owned company in Indonesia. Balance Scorecard is chosen as the performance measurement tool in all water supply companies in Indonesia. This research applies quantitative research in order to analyze cause effect relationship between variables by using Multiple Regression Analysis. Data is collected through survey by using questionnaires. The respondents were the managerial team and employees of local government owned companies in Indonesia. The results show that four perspectives of Balance Scorecard are modified into four types of performance i.e. financial, service, oper...

FACTORS THAT AFFECT THE MANAGER'S PERCEPTION ABOUT THE FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE COMPANY PERFORMANCE (Empirical Study on State-owned enterprises of Indonesia Companies in the Construction Sector in Medan City) Muliadi


This research aims to know and analyze about Factors That Influence Manager Perception Of Factors Affecting Company Performance (Empirical Study On State Enterprise Of Construction Sector In Medan). This type of research is causal research. The population in this study is State-Owned Enterprise Sector Construction In Medan. The sampling technique used was Purposive sampling with 102 respondents. This research was conducted by the method of spreading the questionnaire to each StateOwned Enterprise of Construction Sector in Medan. Testing of research data using multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study indicate that the overall variables studied are: Perceptions of Environmental Uncertainty, Managerial Competence, Extent of Coverage Area, Information Technology and Openness of Society in Receiving Development significantly and positively influence on the Performance of State-Owned Enterprise Construction Sector contained in Medan.

THE EFFECT OF MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ON CORPORATE PERFORMANCE (A Study of 179 Companies, Manufacturing Sector, Listed on the Jakarta Stock Exchange Year 1998 - 2000)


This study proposed the concept of management system as one of the variables that are considered to have an influence on the resulting performance of the company, meant that by applying the participatory management system, which is considered as the most ideal management system, the performance of the companies have a tendency to be better when compared to the company which implements a non participatory management system. This study has three main objectives, namely: (i) analyze the extent to which the implementation of the Management participatory system by a number of companies in the manufacturing sector, (ii) analyze the performance of a number of manufacturing companies ranging from 1998-2000, and (iii) analyze the influence that occurs between the implementation of management system to the company performance. Measurement tool for management system, implemented by the company, using a questionnaire “Profile of the Organizational Characteristic” developed by Rensis Likert (198...

Total Quality Management Influence on Company Performance in PT. PLN (Persero) UP3 South Bali


Companies can improve overall company performance by improving management systems, such as making Total Quality Management (TQM) an organizational strategy. The purpose of this study is to determine whether the TQM variable consisting of a focus on customers, teamwork, continuous system improvement, education and training as well as employee involvement and empowerment have an influence on company performance. This research was conducted at PT. PLN (Persero) UP3 South Bali. Data collection through questionnaires and interviews, using a saturated sample of 118 employees. The data analysis technique is multiple linear regression. TQM variables which include customer focus, teamwork, continuous system improvement, education and training as well as employee involvement and empowerment have a positive and significant effect on company performance. The coefficient of determination of 0.892 shows that 89.2 percent of the variation in company performance can be explained by the five indepen...

Improving quality management system implementation in Indonesian construction firms : a research project

This paper has two main sections, the first of which presents a summarized review of the literature concerning previous studies on the implementation of ISO 9000 quality management systems (QMSs) both in global construction companies as well as in Indonesian construction firms, and the perceived correlation between organisational culture and QMS practices in the construction sector. The first section of the paper contributes to the development of the second section, which presents details of the research project being undertaken. Based on the fundamental questions that led to the development of the main research objectives, suitable research methods have been developed in order to meet these objectives. Primary data will be collected by use of a mixed methods approach, i.e., questionnaire surveys and focus group discussions/interviews in order to obtain opinions from respondents drawn from targeted ISO construction firms. Most of the data expected to be obtained will be in future be analyzed using statistical software then the findings will be discussed in order to ultimately develop a culture-based QMS framework.

Main Performance Indicators for a Construction Company in Indonesia

Asia Pacific Journal of Advanced Business and Social Studies, 2017

The era of free market and world economy globalization further encourages the opening of cooperation in various fields, as well as an opportunity for foreign investors to develop its business in Indonesia, not least in the sector of construction industry. This condition has certainly improved the climate of increasingly fierce competition in this sector. To face this global competition, it is necessary to take some anticipatory steps to perform various improvements to the construction company to improve the quality of the company's performance. Efforts to improve the company's construction services can be done through a system of control over the factors that affect the company's performance that ultimately determine the success of company in achieving its goals. This paper aims to identify and define main indicators that determine the performance of construction companies in Indonesia, as a first step in an effort to design a suitable Performance Management System (PMS) for construction industry. With specific reference to Knowledgebased Performance Management System (KBPMS), appropriate performance variables were chosen from various literatures. Questionnaires were addressed to the Executives of selected construction SOEs (state-owned enterprises). The Delphi method was conducted to analyze variables interrelation. Findings of this case study research provide a set of main indicators that are useful as an initial step to design a PMS at corporate level for measuring performance of construction services companies in Indonesia.

4196-moses-ie-Impact of Quality Management Practices on Firm Performance The Research Evolution 2011 Didik Wahjudi Moses L Singgih Patdono Suwignjo

Quality management has been known as a method to improve the organizational performance. Several organization types have implemented quality management, i.e. manufacturing and service companies, educational institution, healthcare provider, and public administration. Many studies have been done in this area exploring the effects of quality management on firm performance. Those researches varies in terms of organizational background, quality management practices, performance measures, mediating/moderating factors, analysis tools used, and research models. Several authors have reviewed papers on this topic. Last journal review is done by Nair in 2006. No author has done elaborative effort to review papers published since 2006. The aim of this paper is to capture the development of research in this field and to offer further research direction. In this literature review, papers will be classified in terms of organizational background, quality management practices, performance measures, mediating/moderating factors, analysis tools, and their research models. Findings of review and recommendations for further research will be presented.

Analyses Implementation ISO 9001 Quality Management System in Indonesian and Romanian Construction Company


The Indonesia is facing a serious quality management system shortage problem. Lack of management principle and inadequate quality (Koskela, 1993). For company ISO certification, one aspect is caused of fault the quality management standard usage from all level management (Speech of Prof. Puti Farida Marzuki, ITB) explained that construction managementis needed toensure the efficiencyandproductivity ofa construction projectto meetthe expectationsandrequirements established. For fulfill those aspect the leader of company need to give consideration to all level management. Some literature and data analysis found that there are many correlation between Organizational Structure performance and Quality Management System which impact some quality problem. This studies based on perspective of Romanian Law for construction quality (LAW NO 10/1995-On Quality in Construction), UU RI No 18/1999 Indonesian construction company and theirs relationship with the ISO 9001-2008 practices. This resear...