The Influence of Digital Marketing and Campus Image on Student Decisions to Choose to Study at UKI Paulus Makassar (original) (raw)
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The number of higher education institution in Indonesia both public and private increased in the last decade. With this kind of competition, it is more important than ever that universities find new ways to stand out and effectively market themselves to prospective students. The importance of the digital media as commercial platform is generally recognized by now and universities increasingly adopt online marketing channels compared to traditional ones. A vital issue of this research paper is to discover the process by which students use digital media and more specifically what the media's role is in the decision making process of choosing a university. This knowledge on the use of digital marketing in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) especially as part of university marketing strategies is very crucial in order to compete for qualified students. The aim of this paper is to explore the impact of higher education institutions digital marketing on student decision making process. A qualitative research approach was employed in this study through semi-structured interviews, observation and documentation as data collection methods. This research involves a large public university in Indonesia which is actively engaged in managing institutional digital marketing media particularly at the university department of marketing and public relations. Creswell's analysis model was conducted and carried out inductively and interpreted with sentences that are logical and easily understood. Findings show that university marketing management engages with digital media since it has now become a trend in all the businesses around the globe including HEIs. Mostly, students engage social media to seek information about university before choosing the right one. The collaborative and engaging nature of social media provides an opportunity to balance the educational control since communication platform is built on opinions and experiences of students and other stakeholders.
New challenges and opportunities faced by HEIs marketers in this digital age. Digital marketing used by university is the utilization of electronic media to promote their institution to the target market. University digital marketing purpose is attracting students and other stakeholders as well as allowing them to interact with the institution through digital media. Yet little research has examined the potential of digital marketing for higher education institution. This study investigates the importance of digital marketing for both university marketers and students. Using qualitative research techniques, the researcher interviewed university recruitment managers, prospective students, current students which have been purposely selected, and thoroughly used secondary data to confirm the effectiveness of university digital marketing in five Indonesian public universities. The potential impact of digital marketing on the university recruitment management were examined along with the differences between traditional marketing and digital marketing. This study has explained various methods of university digital marketing, effectiveness of it and the impact it has on student decision making process in selecting a university. This study has contributed to the similar higher education institutions, university marketers and future researchers by providing a background of making a potential use through university digital marketing strategies.
This chapter examines the impacts of education brand on students’ decisions through advertising brochures for higher education institutions in Surabaya Indonesia. This chapter uses a random sampling in selecting the accredited senior high schools in Surabaya as the target groups and two outstanding accredited universities, representing Information Technology and Entrepreneurship programs as the objects. A questionnaire was administered to senior high school students in grade 12. The study indicated that attractive brochures helped students distinguish and define differences among the two universities. Moreover, the study found that the brand image of a university was significantly related to the student’s decision to enroll. Student’s good perceptions on the educational brand was a good model for predicting the students’ decisions to enroll in the university.
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Research aimed to get empirical evidences and finding obvious phenomenon and conclusion of the effect of three variables mentioned through purchase decision and it's implication on customer value and moderation effect of link and match at Polytechnic of LP3I. This research used descriptive and verification methods with the process as data collecting, serving, analyzing, hypothesis testing, instrument testing, causality testing among variables and making conclusion and suggestion. The result of data analysis concluded as follows: 1. The result of descriptive analysis show that the condition of institutional image, publicity, digital marketing, purchase decision, link and match, and customer value were in a good enough; 2. The institutional image, publicity, and digital marketing had significant effect on purchase decision.\_Vol.6\_Issue.12\_Dec2019/Abstract\_IJRR0058.html, 2019
This study aims to find out and analyze the significant effect of digital marketing promotion on the decision to choose study at UMN Alwasliyah Medan. The approach in this study is quantitative research. The data collection in this study was done using a questionnaire. The questionnaire was distributed directly to UMN Alwasliyah students who were used as research objects. The populations in this study were Economics Faculty students from the 2018-2019 academic year totaling 401 people. Whereas based on calculations using the Slovin formula, obtained a sample that is equal to 191 people. The questionnaire provided uses a basic scale Likert scale measurement. From the results of the research data shows that digital marketing promotion does not significantly influence the decision to choose college.
Journal of Consumer Sciences, 2020
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