Hüququn fəlsəfi mövzuları: təbii, pozitiv, tarixi, ictimai, analitik və fəlsəfi məktəblərin ictimai-siyasi, etik və psixoloji prinsipləri (original) (raw)
2020, Bakı Universitetinin xəbərləri, sosial-siyasi elmləri seriyası jurnalı. “Bakı Universiteti”.
The philosophical subjects studied in the philosophy of law, especially the schools (doctrine) have a close connection not only with the science of law, but also with socio-political, ethical and psychological sciences. The ideas put forward in these schools have influenced the relationship between law, government and the public and have been in need of study over time. Schools that are widely analyzed in the philosophy of law are not only covering the established laws, but also an indicator of ethical norms. The main purpose here is to show law and the tasks related to law not only within the framework of laws, but also as a science covering socio-political, ethical and psychological issues. On the other hand, the main objective of these schools is not only to explain the differences between law and principles, but also to show that the most basic aim is to show that the rights have always been the head of Man and that man is subject to the established system. Of course, this system – law was called in all periods, in accordance with that period with different names. The present article focuses on the main schools studied in the philosophy of law, the socio-political, ethical and psychological principles of the natural, positive, historical, social, analytical and philosophical schools here, and the differences between them are analyzed both in the legal and philosophical aspects. Key words: philosophy of law, natural, positive, historical, social, analytical, philosophical schools, ethics, society.