Minangkabau Women's Political Identity In Political Representation (original) (raw)

Woman’s Subordination in Politics in West Sumatera

Journalism and Mass Communication, 2017

Indonesia government has placed politically the chance for women to participate in political field because the women representation is still low if it is compared with men locally and nationally. Meanwhile, the involvement of women in politics becomes one of indicators to determine Gender Empowerment Measurement (GEM). West Sumatra which is well-known as Bundo Kanduang provides important position for women in making decision, either in custom, nagari, communal society. The aim of the study is to describe women participation in politics. It is also to identify some factors which influence the women representation in legislative level. Qualitative research was used in this study where the data taken from interview, documentation, and observation. 24 candidate of legislative in 2014 were involved in this study. The finding of the study showed that there was only 7.38% women got the position in legislative. The women participation is lower than 2009. The other finding described some factors that influenced the women involvement in parliament. It was caused by: (1) there is a stereotype of society that politics is for men only; (2) the process of selection in politic still subordinate women; (3) lack of publication support in parliament; (4) there is no organization, group and networking which not commit to support women in parliament; (5) there is no good support from family to involved in politics. It is suggested that the government should improve the women representation in legislative.

The Contribution of Batak Ethnic Women in the Province of North Sumatera Legislative

Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies (ICSSIS 2018), 2019

This study aims to determine the utilization of women's political networks in gaining opportunities for strategic positions in parliament, the contribution of Batak women in parliament in determining policies, and traditional political construction experienced by women who experience changes in parliament. The research uses qualitative research with a descriptive approach. Meanwhile data is collected through observation, interviews, and documentation studies. The results of the study explained that the existence of women in the utilization of political networks has the opportunity for strategic positions in the regional legislature (North Sumatra DPRD) through synergy with the North Sumatra DPRD Commission, the Women's Empowerment Agency (BPP) and the establishment of the Parliamentary Women's Caucus (KPP). The contribution of women, especially the Batak ethnic groups in parliament, is not optimal because of the weak decision making. Traditional political construction ex...

Social Construction of Women Holding the Position of Tunggu Tubang in South Sumatra

Wanita Tunggu Tubang secara paradoks memegang baik posisi terhormat maupun subordinat dalam komunitas Semende. Mereka bekerja untuk melestarikan budaya dan melakukan tugas mereka, namun pada saat yang sama mereka harus menghadapi berbagai masalah di ruang publik. Pertanyaan penelitian ini adalah bagaimana posisi ini secara sosial dibangun, dan teori yang diterapkan untuk menjawab pertanyaan adalah teori konstruksi realitas sosial. Pendekatan yang dipakai adalah kualitatif, dengan paradigma konstruksionisme kritis dan teknik sampling kriteria. Kegiatan para wanita dalam penelitian ini diamati dalam jangka waktu dua minggu, dan dua informan kunci dengan pekerjaan yang berbeda, kelas sosial, dan tempat tinggal diwawancarai. Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa konstruksi yang bias gender telah diproduksi dan direproduksi melalui penyebaran keyakinan seperti itu sejak kecil dan dominasi merajes di ranah sosial. Selain itu, perempuan Tunggu Tubang melihat posisi dan peran mereka sebagai takdir dan identitas budaya yang harus mereka terima. Namun, perspektif semacam itu tidak begitu luas di kalangan informan yang tinggal di daerah yang lebih maju karena gaya hidup mereka lebih berorientasi ekonomi dan praktis. The Tunggu Tubang women paradoxically hold both a respectable as well as subordinate position in the Semende community. They work to preserve the culture and perform their duties, yet at the same time they have to face various problems in the public sphere. The research question herein is how this position is socially constructed, and the theory applied to answer the question is that of the construction of social reality. The method chosen is that of the qualitative research, coupled with the critical constructionism paradigm and criterion sampling technique. The activities of the women in this study were observed in a period of two weeks, and two key informants with different jobs, social classes, and places of residence were interviewed. This study indicates that a gender-biased construction has been produced and reproduced through propagation of such belief since childhood and dominance of the Merajes in social realms. In addition, Tunggu Tubang women perceive their position and role as their destiny and a cultural identity which they have to assume. Such perspectives, however, are not as pervasive among informants living in more advanced areas as their lifestyle is more economy-oriented and practical.

The Patriarchal Interpretation and the Political Participation of Rural Women in Bondowoso East Java

Karsa: Journal of Social and Islamic Culture

This study aims to oversee the practice of gender injustice that affects rural women's lack of substantive political participation in Bondowoso Regency. During the Legislative General Election in 2014-2019 and 2019-2024, women's political participation was complimentary for the registration and administrative requirements rather than substantial involvement. This situation continues to happen even after the release of regulations that require the fulfillment of a quota of 30 percent of women’s representation in a political party. This study uses a qualitative approach. Furthermore, this study also uses a feminist approach. By using that feminist approach, this study aims to discover (1) how rural women in Bondowoso respond to political engagement and (2) how religious arguments are interpreted concerning the role of women in political engagement. This study found that (1) women’s involvement in politics is high in quantity rather than quality. Women’s political participation...

Political Dynamics of Women's Village Head Leadership

Political Dynamics of Women's Village Head Leadership, 2023

This study examines the Political Dynamics of Women's Reje Village (Village Head) Leadership in Bener Mulie Village, Wih Pesam District, Bener Meriah Regency. This study aims to discover how the political dynamics carried out by Reje Bener Mulie, Wih Pesam subdistrict, Bener Meriah Regency, and why the crisis of Trust in the Bener Mulie people has disappeared. The approach taken in this study is a qualitative method using Leadership Theory and Political Process Theory. Based on this research, the political dynamics carried out by Reje Kampung Bener Mulie needed to meet the expectations of the community both in the field of work and outside of work. Reje has negative attitudes towards the Bener Mulie village community. So that this causes the community to have their own opinions related to Reje's performance during his term of office. The cause of the crisis of public Trust in Reje consisted of changes in Reje's attitude before and after serving as Village Head (Village Head) of the community. Reje did not keep promises made during the Reje Kampung election period; Reje was not responsible for carrying out his duties as Reje Kampung, especially in development and food security in 2021.

Role of Women Politician in Political Contestation in Sikka (Phenomenological Study of Participation in Women Legislative Candidates)

Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 13th International Interdisciplinary Studies Seminar, IISS 2019, 30-31 October 2019, Malang, Indonesia, 2020

The representation system as a modern form of democracy implies the opening of equal access and opportunities for citizens in politics. But political reality shows that women occupy a small part of political positions. This is because women's opinions that politics is dirty. A patriarchal culture that develops in society and places women in a lower position participates in perpetuating this. This study aims to: 1) Understand and analyze the meaning of female candidates in the role of women politicians, 2) To explain the meaning and experience of women legislative candidates in political contestation, 3). illustrate the meaning of the existence of female candidates as women politicians in political competition the method used is a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach and a liberal feminist perspective with participants of women politicians from several political parties. Research conducted in Sikka District shows that the meaning of the role of women politicians in political competition for each politician is different. The struggle for gender equality in politics has several limitations: 1) Not all women legislative candidates understand the gender agenda, 2) Women politicians who understand and fight for the gender agenda have not been elected as legislators, 3) Women politicians who understand the gender agenda and are chosen as legislators, do not optimal for managing gender issues because there are still cultural constraints related to patriarchy and its domestic role. Not all women politicians fight for gender issues. The meaning of the role of each woman politician is different.


The role of women in Banyumaspolitics is an interesting object to be studied, especially if it is related to Banyumas culture. As the transition culture between Javanese and Sundanese culture, Banyumas culture have egalitarian values. It has relatively loose social structure compared to Javanese and Sundanese social stucture. Thus, the position of women in Banyumas traditional societyis quite unique. While it still reflects the values of patriarchy, there is space for women to play important roles. It is shown in politics under New Order Regime, that there was only few numbers of Banyumas women legislators. However, in Reform Era, the number is increasing. Unfortunately, most of them do not play prominent roles, neither in parliament as there presentation of the people nor in the political parties. Actually, in the patriarchical environment, there are still hopes for women to takeparts in politics. It was proven by assigning qualified women in the top positions in the candidates list, the party board, and the legislative structure. The low level of women political representation as an effect of the culture of patriarchy is probably due to the fact that the valueof egalitarianism in Banyumas culture untouched the area of women's political role. However, there is still space in Banyumas patriarchal values if it is compared to Javanese and Sundanese cultures which are highly patriarchic.

Women Leader and Political Linkage: Case Studies in Kutai Kertanegara and Bolaang Mongondow


Strengthening democracy in Indonesia provides an opportunity for women to involve informal politics. This condition is not only to show women's abilities but also to mainstream gender issues in public policy. This article explores cases of Rita Widyasari as Regent in Kutai Kartanegara and Yasti Soepredjo Mokoagow as Regent of Bolaang Mongondow to understand how they build political linkage in a local context. In this research, we use a qualitative method to gather deep information about women leaders and their linkage. The research shows that their success can not be separated from their ability to build and maintain the networks with various actors in the region, such as economic actors, civil society, and political actors. Although Rita and Yasti use a different pattern to build a local network, this research indicates that political linkage becomes one of the important points to establish women political career.

WOMEN'S BARRIERS IN PUBLIC DECISION-MAKING (A Critical analysis on Indonesia Political system in empowering Women in Public sphere

i Women's involvement in public policy making processes is important. To ensure the aspiration of women being heard and considered and to improve women status within society both in the short term and the long term are some of the reasons why it is necessary to promote women participation in politics, the means to get poweri and hence they are able to contribute to the policy making processes, In Indonesian case, history has shown convincing nidence that woman participation in politics encountered many obstacles and barriers. This article is intended to show three things, First is what women's barrier in public decision making processes are. Second is what the improwment that has been achieyed so far And last is what the contributtng factors to the improvement are, The writing will be outlined asfollows: explanation on tarious policies of diverse regimes towards women in public decision makingfollowed by the explanation on the recent trend in democratic and decentralization era that has brought a remarkable betterment, providing more opportunities and creates conducive environment for women to succeed in policy making process, compared to previous era. The article concludes that there is a promisingfuture for women to get more share of power in Indonesian politics, which means that they will be more able to ffict public decision making processes. The recent trend of decentralization, more democratic environment, higher educational attainment, and gender aware laws assuring political quotas, are some of the kqfactors for enhancing women participation in politics. At last, there are still several things government and society need to do in order to help the promisingfuture is happening, soon.