Etika və hüququn nisbəti: Etik və ictimai öhdəliklərdə hüquq, ədalət və vicdan prinsiplərinin hüquqi, ictimai-siyasi funksiyası (original) (raw)
2023, ANAS Ganja Department. News Roundup. "Social sciences and humanities" series
The ratio of ethics and law: legal, socio-political influence of the principles of law, justice and conscience in ethical and social obligations Justice and conscience, which are important features of ethics, have a special effect on the creation, formation and development of laws. Ethical rules are related to a person's conscience, judgments related to ethics are based on will and reason. Although laws are created by the state, the influence of ethical rules - justice and conscience - is very important in the development of laws. The presence of the principles of law, justice and conscience in ethical and social obligations, their socio-political influence is manifested in moral norms, which are divided into several parts. Each of these norms implies a person's ethical and social responsibility. Ethical responsibility refers to moral duty, which carries with it responsibility; responsibility, that is, to be demanding towards oneself in obligations and duties related to ethics. Social responsibility is an individual's obligation to others. The existence of legal norms is the main condition for the proper fulfillment of ethical and social responsibility. Therefore, in order to cope with ethical and social responsibility, a person should conform to the law and fulfill his duties based on the law. Fulfillment of duties under the law arises from ethical and social responsibility, which is based on legal and sociological principles. The existence of public order in society, as well as adherence to the principles of justice and conscience will lead to the development and development of people. In such a case, along with sociological requirements, the existence of legal principles is considered important. Considering that legal and sociological laws originate from ethical and social responsibility, we can say that ethics and law have an important influence not only in social duties and obligations, but also in solving issues necessary for human life. In the current study, referring to the authoritative works of Muslim and Western scholars, the topic was studied and analyzed in philosophical, legal, socio-political and sociological aspects. Keywords: ethics, law, morality, justice, conscience, law, ethical responsibility, social responsibility, community.