Moiré Inteferometry Applied to Plant Architectural Studies / Moiré Interferométrico Aplicado Ao Estudo Da Arquitetura De Plantas (original) (raw)
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Development of a new method for volume measurement based on moiré techniques
INMATEH-Agricultural Engineering, 2014
This research work reports a shadow moiré method applied in generating spatial dimensions of solid figures. The focus of this work is to study as well as to turn feasible a new method of measuring object shape as plant organs. Selected experimental setup included four Ronchi optical grids out of phase by ¼ of period, a conventional white light source and a digital camera. The samples were hold by a support, following by data acquisition process generating four elevation digital models (EDM). EDM were employed to create the tridimensional Model (TM) which, in turn, was also applied to generate the object volume. The method of water volume displacement has been used for data comparison in which the change of liquid volume is equal to the object volume. The results allowed to state that moiré techniques can be used for volumetric determination of irregular objects as fruits and others vegetable organs. The work includes error determination.
This research work reports a shadow moiré method applied in generating spatial dimensions of solid figures. The focus of this work is to study as well as to turn feasible a new method of measuring object shape as plant organs. Selected experimental setup included four Ronchi optical grids out of phase by 1⁄4 of period, a conventional white light source and a digital camera. The samples were hold by a support, following by data acquisition process generating four elevation digital models (EDM). EDM were employed to create the tridimensional Model (TM) which, in turn, was also applied to generate the object volume. The method of water volume displacement has been used for data comparison in which the change of liquid volume is equal to the object volume. The results allowed to state that moiré techniques can be used for volumetric determination of irregular objects as fruits and others vegetable organs. The work includes error determination.
Suppression of border effects in moiré techniques using three-dimensional methods
Biosystems Engineering, 2009
Methods to generate three-dimensional images using moiré techniques with segmentation and reconstruction are presented. Moiré techniques have been employed in many areas, presenting alternatives to laser scanner for research and technical applications. However, one challenge for the widespread use of moiré techniques is associated with the reliability in presenting object images that are free of noise effects at their edges; these are associated with shade areas generated by the illumination process. Three-dimensional views under multiple angles could overcome this limitation. Two methods for the observation and reconstruction of images to obtain the desired section of the reproduced object were adopted. They were tested on distinct object shapes; the image reconstructions exhibited the ability to reproduce regular as well as irregular body geometries. (R.A. Braga). A v a i l a b l e a t w w w . s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m / l o c a t e / i s s n / 1 5 3 7 5 1 1 0 1537-5110/$ -see front matter ª b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 1 0 2 ( 2 0 0 9 ) 1 -8 To Federal University of Lavras -Brazil, State University of Campinas -Brazil, IAC -Brazil, and CNPq DT and PIBIC, Fapemig PIBIC. r e f e r e n c e s Abdullah M Z; Mohamad-Saleh J; Fathinul-Syahir A S; Mohd-Asemi B M N (2006). Discrimination and classification of freshcut starfruits (Averrhoa carambola L.) using automated machine vision system. Journal of Food Engineering, 76, 506-523. Asundi A; Yung K H (1991). Phase shifting and logical moiré .
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An Analysis of Surface and Growth Differences in Plants of Different Stages Using Image Processing
International Journal of Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology
Genomes are main reason for growth and surface differences in the plants. All plants grow on basis of their different surrounding like soil, water, breed of seed, and climatic session. This paper attempts to find stem growth from birth to maturity level of selected plant using image processing technique. Few reasons have been observed commonly by the researchers that some plants could not grow sufficiently as to the other plants of similar breed and age. Images were taken of different stage of bean plant and images of some other plant samples were also included for better assessment. Researchers are trying to understand through their calculative analysis by image processing emulator in MATLAB to view its reasons. Suitable comparison technique is applied to detect their period of growth. Image processing methods like Restoration, stem or leaves spots, filtering, and plant comparison have applied in MATLAB. Those effects that are not supporting to grow the plants of their similar age group are matter to calculate scientifically later in the future. The observation would help for further support in medicinal science or agricultural science of plant and Biochemical .
Moiré techniques are based on optical interferometry which is capable of generating fringes on the body surfaces under study. These fringes present similar pattern distribution to isothermal curves or even to contour lines drawn on farm land or on the ground surface maps. These lines are named moiré fringes which can be captured and processed to reproduce a three dimensional view of the testing body. However, in case the testing body is experiencing traction or compression these fringes can also be associated to the imposed stress which generated a certain strain distribution. By capturing the fringes for further digital processing, a complete three dimensional picture of the stress and strain distribution mapping on the testing body surface will be generated. The stress and strain relations can also be interpreted through elastic as well as viscoelastic laws. The objective of this research work was to identify the stress concentration on cashew shells to support the development of machine elements capable of breaking the shell but preserving the nut. Tests consisted in imposing variable loads to the fruit in order to generate stress concentrations at the points which will provoke shell breaking. Optical grids were projected with four different wavelengths, i.e., blue, yellow, white and red colors, permitting fringes contrast optimization. Higher deformations were observed to occur on nut top meanwhile lower deformation levels were observed on the fruit top border. Results demonstrated the feasibility of the proposed method in determining stress and strain concentrations on cashew nut under mechanical load.
Stereology, an interdisciplinary field that enables three-dimensional interpretation of pla-20 nar sections, contains several methods for evaluation of quantitative parameters. The 21 existing leaf sampling procedures were modified and adapted for compound, trifoliate 22 leaves. The similar sampling method could also be applied on other types of compound 23 leaves. Using Trifolium species as model species, we suggested the new way of application 24 of this method in agronomy -precise determination of volume densities of indigestible 25 lignified tissues (which determines forage digestibility), and of chlorenchyma and intercel-26 lulars (important for the photosynthesis). Comparison of the results obtained by classic 27 anatomical analysis of leaf cross sections with the results of stereological analysis showed 28 that both methods could be successfully applied for analysis of compact tissues (epider-29 mis, vascular and mechanical). For the tissues that contained intercellulars (palisade and 30 spongy), stereological method gave more precise results, as it enabled separate deter-31 mination of volume density of intercellulars. A further advantage is that several leaf 32 segments are analyzed and observed from four different angles. The obtained results 33 opened new possibilities of application of stereological method in botanical and agricul-34 tural research, especially in prediction of digestibility and nutritional value of forages.
J\ianualmeasurement of Iil<irph~iogy\'ariables on In-vllro~on!dplants usually cause either pbY5lca! <1ar.:::;;:: or nticToorganlSmlnfeet!c!1 such that furtner• monitoring 031 their hl~'1tru performance Is pn!cludCd. This stUdy adapted computer~i.~cn tccline!om' bywbich ltis ,possible to conduct suchineasureinelil wlthout':physlcal contact or destructive test, Moreover, by appJylngobjett tracking~4d pattern recognition technique in tlie algorithm, the system could provide automatic and real time analysis. It was shown that this quantification method reach 80.2% and 87.9% In the measurement of leaf area and chlorophyll Intensity. Intensity histogram and Fourier spectrum found to be the best feature for leaf recognition and Interpolation usage to adjilstplxel amount over the camera distance provide better estimation on leaf area.