The Difficulties of Learning Passive Voice (original) (raw)

On Voice in English: An Awareness Raising Attempt on Passive Voice


Passive voice is commonly preferred in certain genres such as academic essays and news reports, despite the current trends promoting active voice, it is essential for learners to be fully aware of the meaning, use and form of passive voice to better communicate. This study aims to explore ways to help English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners notice and revise voice in English and raise their awareness of when and how to use active and passive voice to convey meaning in their written and spoken work. The study focuses on a different approach to be taken to teach voice in English, which might help students become more aware of the use of passive voice. The issues related to the use of passive voice are derived from the work of EFL learners who failed to make sensible decisions about when and how to use passive voice partly because the differences between their mother tongue and English and because they were not aware of the fact that active and passive voice would not alternate al...

An Analysis on Students’ Difficulties in Changing Active to Passive Voice

Jurnal As-Salam

Today students" are sometime less interested in understanding active and passive voice, so that when they learn it, there is a lot of incomprehension in understanding it, especially in transforming active to passive voice. This research are to know and to find out the most dominant the students" difficulties in transforming active to passive voice form at fourth semester students" STAIN Gajah Putih Takengon Aceh in 2017/2018 Academic Year. This study was conducted using a qualitative approach. The source of the data for this study was taken at fourth semester students" of English Department of STAIN GP Takengon Aceh. Besides, the source of data in this research also a grammar lecturer. The technique of data collection were used observation, documentation, and interviews technique. The data analysis were used the Miles and Huberman"s models, including reduction of data, display, and conclusions; drawing/verifying. The outcomes of analysis, the researcher found the most dominant students" difficulties in changing active to passive voice were: difficulties in determining subject, difficulties in using auxiliary verb be, and difficulties in using verb3 in passive voice and most dominant difficulties was found in form of past continuous they are not able to understand well, due to still use tools (dictionary). Based on the findings of this study, the researcher concluded that some students" have a fairly good ability in understanding passive voice form, but some of the other students" must also improve their understanding in English grammar.

Problems in Writing Passive Voice: A Case Study in the EFL Classes

Jurnal ilmiah profesi pendidikan, 2023

This study addresses EFL students' challenges at a state university in Mataram, Indonesia, in constructing passive voices in the present and past tense. This study was focused on verb tense changes, subject-verb agreement, pronoun usage, and appropriate use of "by" in passive voice constructions. It also aims to explore the causes of these issues and offers insights into potential solutions. With a descriptive qualitative approach, the data were collected using a set of written grammatical tests of passive voices and open interviews. The adopted validated test was completed by thirty students as the participants of this study. The data were analyzed descriptively using an in-depth reading analysis method on the test results and participant responses. The results reveal a need for fundamental grammatical knowledge, limited exposure to passive voice, inadequate practice opportunities, and unclear explanations as contributing factors to the challenges. Language transfer from native languages and a lack of feedback compound the problem. To address these issues, the study recommends basic tense understanding, increased practice, targeted feedback, and exposure to authentic materials to enhance students' proficiency in constructing accurate passive voice sentences.

An Analysis of Students' Ability in Using Passive Voice at the Third Grade Students of MAS Kepenuhan


The title of this research is ”An Analysis of Students’ Ability in Using Passive Voice at the Third Grade Students of MAS Kepenuhan” this research was conducted at MAS Kepenuhan of Rokan Hulu Regency to the third grade students. Number of the samples were chosen as the participant of this research were 26 students. In this research, the researcher wanted to see the students’ ability in using passive voice and also their difficulties in learning it. The purpose of the research are to describe students' ability and students' difficulty in using passive voice in simple present and simple past, the researcher gave a written test which was consist of 30 test items. There were 15 items of passive voice in simple present tense and there were 15 items of passive voice of simple past tense. Meanwhile, to find out students’ difficulties in learning passive voice, the researcher interviewed students. Based on the test result, the researcher found that students’ ability in using pass...

An analysis on the difficulties faced by the students in learning passive voice in the simple past tense (a case study on the XI grade students of IPA Clase of SMAN I Kebandungan)


This study is aimed to describe the objective condition about analysis on the XI grade students of IPA class of SMAN 1 Kabandungan difficulties in learning passive voice in the simple past tense. It includes the students' difficulties and the causes of students' errors in learning passive voice in the simple past tense. This study is categorized as analytical descriptive about analysis on students' difficulties in learning passive voice in the simple past tense at XI grade students of IPA Class of SMAN 1 Kabandungan. It tries to analyze objectively about students' difficulties in learning passive voice in the simple past tense. The writer uses qualitative approach in this research. The object of this study is 40 students of XI grade students of IPA Class of SMAN 1 Kabandungan. She took the sample from the total population of XI grade students of IPA Class of SMAN 1 Kabandungan. The techniques used in collecting the data are, interview, questionnaire, and test. The findings of this study are: the location of the students' error as effect of the difficulties they faced in learning passive voice in the simple past tense is in conjugating the verb 83,3%, using the formula of passive voice in the simple past tense 56 %, and transforming be form 21, 7 %. The errors are occurred because the students do not mastered the prerequisite material of passive voice yet, such as to be and verbal conjugation. This is happened because the students only depend on teacher's explanation in the class and lack of grammar practices at home. Beside they face difficulties to comprehend the explanation about passive voice in their textbook/workbook and the process of selecting and grading the material by the teacher that is inappropriate.

An Analysis on Student’s Error of Passive Voice in the Simple Present

Gema Wiralodra, 2019

This research is aimed to analyze and to know an error of the passive voice in the simple present, passive is needed in daily speaking and writing activity. In this research, the writers use a qualitative method and took 25 students as a sample of this research. While the result of this research, among others: 1. there are 5 students who error on the use of verb, the students are looked confused to choose between Verb 2 and Also Verb 3 (Past Participle), the student cannot distinguish between irregular verb, regular verb and Verb 3 (Past Participle), 2. 4 students’ error on the use to be they can distinguish to be in the passive voice with the use to be in past tense, 3. 6 students’ error in the use to be and verb on passive voice of simple present. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan mengetahui kesalahan passive voice pada simple present, passive voice sangat dibutuhkan dalam kegiatan berbicara dan menulis sehari-hari. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode kua...


First of all, praise to Allah, the almighty who is the best creator of the universe and has provided a healthy favor and the grace and blessings so I personally could finish the paper , The Passive Voice.

An Analysis of Students’ Problems in Writing Passive Voice Made by the Second Grade of Sman 9 Takalar

Journal of Language Testing and Assessment

The purpose of this research is to find out and analysis the students’ problems in writing passive voice made by the second grade of SMAN 9 Takalar. The design of this research was descriptive quantitative research. The total number of the sample was 15 students. The researcher used the purposive sampling technique. The instrument used to get the data was a test and questionnaire with Google Form as data collection tool. Based on the result, the researcher found the percentage of students’ problems in writing passive voice. The researcher found that 13 students with a percentage of 86,67% had a problem writing passive voice in the simple present tense, and 12 students with a percentage of 80,00% had a problem writing passive voice in the simple past tense. The causes that become problems for students in writing passive voice are knowledge and understanding, less practice, and educational background. Finally, based on the findings, it can be concluded that students of the second grad...