On the development of foreign language speaking skills of Russian Technical University students (original) (raw)

Features of the use of digital technologies when teaching the Russian language to foreign citizens in Russian universities

Perspectives of Science & Education, 2024

Introduction. Currently, the education system around the world is undergoing a number of changes due to the active development of distance and digital learning technologies: learning is becoming more individualized, flexible, dynamic, and most importantly, technologically advanced. In these conditions, it seems necessary to rethink the role and specifics of using digital technologies when teaching Russian to foreign students. Materials and methods. The study involved 60 teachers of Russian as a foreign language aged from 25 to 67 years old, working at various universities in Russia: Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg Mining University, Herzen State Pedagogical University, etc. The following methods were used: questionnaire method, comparative analysis, statistical method, systematization method, as well as a method of graphical presentation of data. Research results. The survey revealed that the majority of Russian as a foreign language teachers (78%) consider the digitalization of higher education to be a positive phenomenon, and 60% of respondents currently conduct their classes in a mixed mode. The most common digital tools used are basic computer programs (96%), instant messengers/email (85%), Internet resources (84%), platforms for conducting distance learning (81%) etc. The vast majority of respondents (95%) made changes to the process of teaching Russian language, taking into account the experience of the distance mode: they began to use the latest teaching methods, digital resources etc. 32% of survey participants believe that the use of electronic technologies is most relevant at the stage of skill building; speaking about teaching various types of speech activity and aspects of language, 80% of teachers noted that the use of electronic technologies is most appropriate when teaching listening and vocabulary. The majority of respondents believe that the use of digital technologies makes it possible to optimize control over the mastering of educational material. Conclusion. The obtained research results made it possible to identify and describe the most important aspects of the digitalization of higher education in the field of methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language, as well as to determine the prospects for further methodological study of the use of digital technologies in Russian as a foreign language classes.


The research paper discusses the combined approach to education, which includes traditional and innovative methods and forms. The necessity to use innovative technologies in teaching Russian for foreigners is justified in the article. The author underlines that effectiveness, intensification, and motivation to study improve due to computer programs integration. A scenario for education programs is suggested. The programs comprise a combination of different blocks with orientation to work with authentic texts and dialogues in functional environment reconstructed by information technologies. Key words: combined education; innovative technologies; education program; communicative competency; interactivity.

Innovative technologies in teaching Russian as a foreign language

Russian Language Studies

Last decade saw growing interest to innovative technologies in methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language (henceforward RFL). The article presents a review of most recent scientific publications on modern computer technologies. The material of the research includes conference papers, manuals, monographs, dissertations of 2018-2019, materials of congresses of International Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature (MAPRYAL) (2016, 2019), Russian Society of Russian Language and Literature Teachers (ROPRYAL) (2015, 2018), articles in scientific journals “Russian Language Abroad” and “The World of Russian Word” which are considered to be the most authoritative journals in the sphere of methods of teaching RFL. The research methods are descriptive and statistic methods, method of continuous sampling. The research revealed main issues on possibilities and reasonability of using innovative technologies in teaching RFL. The growing number of publications on the issue...

Teaching speaking as a type of speech activity of students with poor command of the state language of the Russian Federation

Perspectives of Science & Education, 2023

Introduction. Under current socio-economic, political conditions of large-scale and dynamic movement of various cultural, ethnic and linguistic groups given that special responsibility rests with the school while forming a creatively active, spiritual and moral personality, the presence in the classes of students with poor command of the Russian language does not contribute to the effective functioning of educational process. Students unable to express their socio-cultural, cognitive needs and/or make contact with the teacher and classmates, avoid verbal interaction, lose interest in the Russian language and, as a result, in the entire educational process. The purpose of the study is to develop methodological recommendations, a system of language and communicative exercises for teaching speaking to students with poor command of the state language of the Russian Federation, based on the analysis of the mistakes they make. Materials and Methods. The study involved 12 teachers and 70 students in grades 3-4 of several schools in the Laksky district of the Republic of Dagestan of the Russian Federation (Iberian-Caucasian group), students of multi-ethnic classes of the experimental school in the Moscow region, where children who are native speakers of Western Iranian (Tajikistan), Turkic ( Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan) language groups study. The following methods were used: questioning of teachers; analysis of the received data; analysis of mistakes made by students who have poor command of the state language of the Russian Federation (based on the material of teachers' questionnaires). Results. The analysis of typical mistakes made by students who are native speakers of languages of various language groups (Turkic, Western Iranian, Iberian-Caucasian), who have little command of the state language of the Russian Federation, suggests that when generating monologue and dialogic speech, students make the following mistakes: pronunciation mistakes (the majority of students), grammar mistakes (smaller number of students), lexical mistakes (fewer students). When generating a monologue statement, the main mistakes include: violation of the logic of presentation, the structure of the text; fuzzy formulation of thoughts and their argumentation. In a dialogical speech the main mistakes of students are the incorrect use of interrogative words and the lack of a quick reaction to the interlocutor's remark, and sometimes an inadequate response to it. Conclusion. This study is based on the analysis of the mistakes made by students with poor command of the state language of the Russian Federation. The practical significance of the study is due to the possibility of using methodological recommendations, a system of language and communicative exercises in teaching students prepared and unprepared monologue and dialogic speech.

Using the Results of Ethnolinguistic Studies in Teaching the Russian Language as a Foreign Language (by the Material of Education Lexis in Russian and Tajik Languages

Статья посвящена вопросам использования результатов лингвистических исследований русского лексического материала в практике преподавания русского языка как иностранного или неродного при подготовке учителей русского языка для национальных школ. Утверждается, что накопленная и сохраненная в языковых единицах этнокультурная информация может стать предметом сопоставительного изучения при освоении неродного языка. Оценивается дидактический потенциал лингвистических методов, заключающихся в семантическом и мотивационном анализе слов или фразеологических сочетаний из разных языков, один из которых родной, другой – осваиваемый. В контексте поиска материала для обучения таджикских студентов, которые в будущем планируют стать учителями, методике преподавания русского языка как неродного проводится сравнение лексики тематической группы «Воспитание» в таджикском и русском языках



International students from the non-CIS countries, as a rule, come to Russia not knowing or speaking any Russian. They start the language acquisition at pre-University courses. The learning conditions for the beginners in RUDN are associated with their adaptation to Russian culture in the process of close multiethnic interaction with other international fellow students and Russian ones. This makes the teachers of Russian as a foreign language take into consideration the peculiarities of international groups.