Modeling of far SOL plasma transport in NSTX (original) (raw)

Calculation of transport parameters in KT-1 tokamak edge plasma

Current Applied Physics, 2001

The radial profiles of KT-1 tokamak (major radius of 27 cm, minor radius of 4.25 cm, two poloidal stainless-steel limiters) edge plasma parameters are measured using single and triple electric probes. The particle transport parameters are calculated from the measured edge plasma parameters, and the results are analyzed by the simple fluid approximations. The cross-field particle diffusion coefficient (D ?) in the boundary plasma of the KT-1 is calculated from the density scrape-off length (k n) measured by using a triple probe. The particle density and electron temperature fall exponentially in the radial direction with the e-folding length of k n ¼ 0:13 cm and k e ¼ 0:41 cm, respectively. From the scrape-off layer (SOL) model, the experimental values of scrape-off length (k n) is used to calculate the cross-field diffusion coefficient (D ? ¼ 1:2 Â 10 3 cm 2 =s), roughly corresponding to one third of the typical Bohm value. A simple SOL model with the contribution of recombination is introduced to evaluate the Bohm diffusion in the KT-1 tokamak edge plasma. Cross-field heat conductivity calculated from these deduced values is $ 5:2D ? in the SOL of KT-1 edge plasma. These results provide the finally certain information for edge particle transport in the KT-1 boundary plasmas.

Transport and turbulence in edge and SOL tokamak plasmas Transport et turbulence dans le plasma de bord d'un tokamak

In this paper we present the main issues concerning our research activity on tokamak plasmas and numerical simulation. The long term scope of our effort is to develop a 3D simulation code of the edge plasma-wall interaction including turbulent transport. This versatile numerical tool will address the physics in a simplified cylindrical geometry (limiter geometry). This code is also used as a test bed to implement novel numerical schemes that will be successively taken into account by the future (ITER horizon) ESPOIR code for full ITER geometry developed in the framework of the ANR project ESPOIR (ANR-09-BLAN-0035-01, 2009-2013).

Advanced transport modelling in tokamak plasmas


In this work an integrated modelling of L-mode tokamak plasmas with a theory-based transport model is implemented to investigate the mechanisms of widely observed phenomena: energy confinement time saturation and reversals of plasma intrinsic toroidal rotation. A consistent physical picture is proposed, involving an interplay between the impurity concentration, turbulence regime and other plasma parameters. The profile shearing effect is confirmed to dominate the intrinsic rotation mechanism.

Transport equations in tokamak plasmas

Physics of Plasmas, 2010

Tokamak plasma transport equations are usually obtained by flux surface averaging the collisional Braginskii equations. However, tokamak plasmas are not in collisional regimes. Also, ad hoc terms are added for: neoclassical effects on the parallel Ohm's law; fluctuation-induced transport; heating, current-drive and flow sources and sinks; small magnetic field non-axisymmetries; magnetic field transients etc. A set of self-consistent second order in gyroradius fluid-moment-based transport equations for nearly axisymmetric tokamak plasmas has been developed using a kinetic-based approach. The derivation uses neoclassical-based parallel viscous force closures, and includes all the effects noted above. Plasma processes on successive time scales and constraints they impose are considered sequentially: compressional Alfvén waves (Grad-Shafranov equilibrium, ion radial force balance); sound waves (pressure constant along field lines, incompressible flows within a flux surface); and collisions (electrons, parallel Ohm's law; ions, damping of poloidal flow). Radial particle fluxes are driven by the many second order in gyroradius toroidal angular torques on a plasma species: 7 ambipolar collision-based ones (classical, neoclassical etc.) and 8 non-ambipolar ones (fluctuation-induced, polarization flows from toroidal rotation transients etc.). The plasma toroidal rotation equation results from setting to zero the net radial current induced by the non-ambipolar fluxes. The radial particle flux consists of the collision-based intrinsically ambipolar fluxes plus the non-ambipolar fluxes evaluated at the ambipolarity-enforcing toroidal plasma rotation (radial electric field). The energy transport equations do not involve an ambipolar constraint and hence are more directly obtained. The "mean field" effects of microturbulence on the parallel Ohm's law, poloidal ion flow, particle fluxes, and toroidal momentum and energy transport are all included selfconsistently. The final equations describe radial transport of plasma toroidal rotation, and poloidal and toroidal magnetic fluxes, as well as the usual particle and energy transport.

The role of drifts in the plasma transport at the tokamak core–SOL interface

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2013

The interface between the core (inside the magnetic separatrix in X-point configurations) and the scrape-off layer (SOL) of tokamaks is a delicate region of the magnetic topology transition from closed to open field lines where neither the standard neoclassical theory nor the SOL physics fully apply. Sharp gradients of plasma parameters in the outer core, caused by the proximity of divertor sinks in the near SOL, invalidate some ordering assumptions of the neoclassical theory. At the same time, the existence of closed flux surfaces in the core enforces ambipolarity of radial plasma flows, in difference to the situation in the SOL where the current loop may close through the divertor. Detailed analysis of the plasma transport and flows with the emphasis on the outer core region, just inside the separatrix, is carried out in the paper, based on EDGE2D modelling and analytical formulas.

Modelling SOL flow pattern spreading in the edge plasma

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2009

The transition region between closed and open magnetic flux surfaces plays a crucial role for tokamak performances. Appropriate understanding of the edge region remains a major challenge owing to several open issues as momentum transport, turbulence overshoot or neutral penetration. We consider here a transport model system to investigate the propagation of parallel momentum from the SOL into the core plasma and vice-versa. The numerical results show that for small values of the radial diffusion coefficient, the density profile decays exponentially from the core to the SOL as predicted by 1D analytical solution. A spreading of the parallel momentum from the SOL to the core is observed, with the presence of non-zero velocities also in the regions far from the SOL. The effect of an imposed rotation of the core plasma is investigated as well as the dynamics of an overdensity imposed in the core plasma.

Time dependent neutral gas transport in tokamak edge plasmas

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 1995

The effects of neutral particles on the edge plasma conditions play a key role in divertor and limiter physics. In computational models they are usually treated in steady state approximation (instantaneous relaxation). However, the characteristic transport time scale is comparable to the ion acustic time scale. Thus neutral atoms relax to their steady state distributions much slower than electron temperature profiles along the fieldlines are established. A computational assessment of divertor or limiter dynamics requires ultimately an extension to time dependent algorithms. The numerical procedure in the EIRENE Monte Carlo code is presented. A first numerical study of ELM's in the ASDEX-Upgrade divertor plasma has been carried out and the results are briefly discussed.

Predictive two-dimensional scrape-off layer plasma transport modeling of phase-I operations of tokamak SST-1 using SOLPS5

Physics of Plasmas, 2014

Computational analysis of coupled plasma and neutral transport in the Scrape-Off Layer (SOL) region of the Steady-State Superconducting Tokamak (SST-1) is done using SOLPS for Phase-I of double-null divertor plasma operations. An optimum set of plasma parameters is explored computationally for the first phase operations with the central objective of achieving an effective control over particle and power exhaust. While the transport of plasma species is treated using a fluid model in the B2.5 code, a full kinetic description is provided by the EIRENE code for the neutral particle transport in a realistic geometry. Cases with and without external gas puffing are analyzed for finding regimes where an effective control of plasma operations can be exercised by controlling the SOL plasma conditions over a range of heating powers. In the desired parameter range, a reasonable neutral penetration across the SOL is observed, capable of causing a variation of up to 15% of the total input power, in the power deposited on the divertors. Our computational characterization of the SOL plasma with input power 1 MW and lower hybrid current drive, for the separatrix density up to 10 19 m À3 , indicates that there will be access to high recycling operations producing reduction in the temperature and the peak heat flux at the divertor targets. This indicates that a control of the core plasma density and temperature would be achievable. A power balance analysis done using the kinetic neutral transport code EIRENE indicates about 60%-75% of the total power diverted to the targets, providing quantitative estimates for the relative power loading of the targets and the rest of the plasma facing components. V