Troisième campagne de la Mission archéologique franco-saʿūdienne dans la région de Najrān. Rapport préliminaire (original) (raw)
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Mission archéologique de Madāʾin Ṣāliḥ. Rapport de la campagne 2018
Graffites rupestres des troupes auxiliaires romaines à Hégra P.-L. Gatier Les cuirs funéraires Nabatéens de Hégra : les sépultures de IGN 88, IGN 97 et IGN 116.1 M. Leguilloux The Glass Objects from Madāʾin Ṣāliḥ M.-D. Nenna archaeobotanical report Ch. Bouchaud & J. Milon 125 Publications Le rapport 2017 de la mission a été traduit en anglais et est désormais en ligne (212 p) : https:// avant d'être publié à Riyad dans la série « A Series of Refereed Archaeological Studies ». Les rapports 2011 (386 p) et 2014 (234 p) de la mission ont été mis à jour en 2018 et sont sous presse à Riyad dans la série « A Series of Refereed Archaeological Studies ». Un poster sur le verre de Madâʾin Ṣâliḥ a par ailleurs été présenté par M.-D. Nenna au 21 e congrès de l'Association internationale pour l'histoire du verre (AIHV) à Istanbul en septembre 2018.
This preliminary report presents the results of two campaigns of excavation and survey in 2005 and 2006 on the site of AI-Rawda (West-Central Syria) and in the micro-region of 100 km2 around it. The site is a pre-planned circular new town. It was founded around 2400 BCE, in the steppe zone and was inhabited only during EB IV, until the end of the 3rd millennium. The work of 2005 and 2006 involved further extensive excavation of a sanctuary consisting of two temples and a temenos togeiher with aIl associated installations (including a betyl in situ). The eastem gate of the town was excavated and four lines of defence have been identified. A stratigraphie sounding in the southwest clarifies the origin of the town. In the necropolis associated with the site, the excavation of a collective pit burial is presented. Intensive survey was continued outside the ancient town, with particular attention to sites that were occupied at the same time as AI-Rawda, to burials, which have been classified by type, and to installations that can be linked to agriculture or pastoralism. This work was supplemented by archaeobotanical, archaeozoological and geo-archaeological research, as weIl as a study of the environment.