This study motivated by masked women community who experienced culture shock in Padangsambian Denpasar. The purpose of this study is to investigate the adaptation process of intercultural communication conducted by masked women in minimizing culture shock effect. Phenomenology has been used by the research as the main methodology. This study explains informants experiences when entering a new culture, also their culture shock experience. When entering a new culture masked women has to face a new cultural pattern which is different from their own ones. They felt unfamiliarity with the new culture, difficulty or inability to speak the language, and not knowing how to behave in an unfamiliar culture they start feeling depression, anxiety and feelings of helplessness.

CULTURE SHOCK DAN NEGOSIASI IDENTITAS DIRI DI LINGKUNGAN BARU (Studi Autoethnography tentang Proses Penyesuaian Diri ke Budaya Akademik Universitas Brawijaya Malang)

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memahami dan menganalisa proses yang dialami peneliti ketika mengalami perubahan dan penyesuaian budaya akademik ke budaya akademik Universitas Brawijaya Malang dengan metode autoethnography, serta mengetahui bentuk-bentuk perubahan-perubahan dan penyesuaian apa saja dalam ranah budaya akademik yang terjadi pada saat peneliti mengalami perubahan dan penyesuaian budaya akademik ketika harus melanjutkan pendidikan di Universitas Brawijaya Malang. Dalam penelitian ini, penelitian selain mendapatkan data melalui refleksi diri juga melalui wawancara mendalam pada significant others untuk mendukung data penelitian agar bersifat obyektif. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif dan data penelitian yang dianalisa disajikan dalam narasi subyektif berbentuk autoethnography yang menuturkan refleksi diri peneliti terhadap dirinya maupun refleksi diri peneliti yang berasal dari pendapat para significant others.


Evi Kusnianti, 2020

Tradisi nyadran di Gunung Balak merupakan tradisi yang masih rutin dilakukan oleh masyarakat sekitar Gunung Balak. Hal yang melatarbelakangi dilakukan penelitian ini adalah pada era globalisasi sekarang ini tradisi nyadran di Gunung Balak masih rutin diselenggarakan meskipun nyadran di daerah lain di Kabupaten Magelang sudah semakin meredup. Selain itu, ritual-ritual yang menyertai proses nyadran di Gunung Balak juga masih dilakukan sejak jaman pendahulu mereka shingga sekarang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui eksistensi tradisi nyadran di Gunung Balak dalam arus globalisasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tradisi nyadran di Gunung Balak masih tetap eksis dalam masyarakat. Ritual dengan cara Islam dan Kejawen masih ada dalam upacara nyadran di Gunung Balak. Kedua ritual tersebut menjadi ciri khas yang membedakan nyadran di Gunung Balak dengan nyadran di daerah lain di Kabupaten Magelang. Adanya proses globalisasi memberikan pengaruh bagi tradisi nyadran di Gunung Balak. Pengaruh tersebut ialah 1) adanya globalisasi informasi menjadikan semakin banyak warga yang mengikuti upacara nyadran di Gunung Balak setiap tahunnya, 2) terdapat perubahan dan perbedaan pola pikir masyarakat dalam memandang tradisi nyadran di Gunung Balak, 3) dari segi ritual, adanya proses globalisasi ternyata tidak mengubah ritual-ritual yang menyertai tradisi nyadran di Gunung Balak. Upaya yang dilakukan untuk melestarikan tradisi nyadran di Gunung Balak ialah 1) melibatkan perangkat desa, 2) sosialisasi kepada masyarakat dan 3) melibatkan kaum muda. Kata kunci: Eksistensi, Nyadran di Gunung Balak, Globalisasi.


Abstrak Dalam beberapa dekade tahun terakhir, korupsi dipandang sebagai salah satu tantangan besar bagi berbagai negara di dunia. Korupsi, menurut survei yang dilakukan Ipsos, menempati posisi pertama dari lima kekhawatiran utama bagi masyarakat dunia, disamping pengangguran, kemiskinan, kejahatan/kekerasan dan kesehatan. Di Indonesia sendiri, korupsi dianggap sebagai suatu tindakan kejahatan luar biasa yang sistematis dan berdampak luas. Berbagai upaya telah dilakukan dalam upaya pemberantasan korupsi, khususnya upaya penal (sanksi pidana) melalui penindakan yang dilakukan oleh KPK. Namun hal tersebut tidak lantas mengurangi jumlah korupsi di Indonesia, justru setiap tahunnya kasus korupsi di Indonesia meningkat, mulai dari kasus yang menimoa lembaga eksekutif, legislatif bahkan yudikatif. Di samping upaya penal, terdapat upaya non-penal (tanpa sanksi pidana) sebagai tindakan preventif yang perlu mendapat perhatian dan porsi lebih. Cultural Approach merupakan upaya non-penal dengan membangun dan memperkuat sikap antikorupsi individu melalui pendidikan dalam berbagai cara dan bentuk. Pendekatan ini cenderung membutuhkan waktu yang lama untuk melihat keberhasilannya, biaya tidak besar (low costly), namun hasilnya akan berdampak jangka panjang (long lasting).3 Cultural Approach yang dilakukan melalui pendidikan baik formal maupun informal akan menumbuhkan sikap dan akan berkembang menjadi budaya antikorupsi. Dengan budaya antikorupsi, orang tidak melakukan korupsi bukan karena takut korupsi atau tidak bisa korupsi melainkan karena tidak mau korupsi. Oleh karenanya menurut penulis cultural approach sangat penting untuk dilakukan dalam upaya pemberantasan korupsi untuk mendukung upaya penal yang gencar dilakukan KPK dan untuk menghasilkan generasi bebas korupsi.



Batik is one of Indonesian cultural objects. Since assigned by the UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) as “Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity”, Indonesian batik keeps echoing. Some areas, especially in Java develop research and creations of it. Batik Cirebon and Batik Pekalongan are famous batik creations in Indonesia. There have been researches on both of them. In addition, Madura island, near the island of Java and included in the administrative region of East Java, also has batik, but there has been no in-depth research on Batik Madura. Its explanation can only be found in catalogs that explain the meaning of the drawn motives and how to make it. These explanation are not accompanied by the story of batik makers and the society in responding batik as a part of the culture. This research explores the dynamic of the Madurese, precisely in Kabupaten Pamekasan on Batik Madura since its appearance until nowadays, which is believed giving significant impact on the transformation that occurs in Batik Madura and society itself. By exploring the society’s dynamic, we expect to know its transformation process. The existence of Batik Madura cannot be separated from the history of batik in Indonesia because Madurese, who likes fishing, trading, and migrating, also has contact with other cultures that influence the existence of batik they now produce. Keywords: batik, cultural transformation, Madura, society’s dynamic


Sintia Syafitri, Silvi Nursaadah, 2023

Tulisan ini akan mengulas mengenai karakter budaya sunda dalam bimbingan dan konseling. Tidak dapat dipungkiri saat ini budaya sunda tengah dilanda pergeseran akibat perkembangan globalisasi. Banyak dari nilai-nilai kesundaan yang mengalami pergeseran atau bahkan melemah. Salah satunya adalah bagaimana guru bimbingan dan konseling bisa menerapkan karakteristik budaya sunda dalam melakukan layanan kepada siswa sesuai dengan sikap silih asah, silih asih, dan silih asuh. "Silih asah" memiliki makna saling bertukar ilmu, mengajarkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan satu sama lain. "Silih asih" memiliki makna "kasih", yang berarti saling mengasihi dan mencintai satu sama lain. Hal ini melibatkan memberikan perhatian, afeksi, dan kasih sayang. Individu saling peduli dan memberikan apa yang dibutuhkan dengan tulus. Kata Kunci: Bimbingan dan Konseling, Budaya, sunda This writing will discuss the cultural characteristics of the Sundanese people in guidance and counseling. It is undeniable that Sundanese culture is currently experiencing a shift due to the development of globalization. Many of the Sundanese values have undergone changes or even weakened. One of them is how guidance and counseling teachers can incorporate Sundanese cultural characteristics in providing services to students, in accordance with the principles of "silih asah," "silih asih," and "silih asuh." "Silih asah" signifies the exchange of knowledge, teaching each other knowledge and skills. "Silih asih" means "love," which involves mutual care and affection towards each other. It entails giving attention, affection, and genuine care. Individuals show concern for one another and provide what is needed with sincerity.



Indonesia is a country with ethnic, cultural, linguistic and religious diversity. This diversity shows how different the views, opinions, beliefs and interests of society are, including their religion and beliefs. Religious tolerance takes many forms in Indonesia, including laws that guarantee freedom of religion and the right of people to practice the religion of their choice. The government also supports the freedom of citizens to follow the religion of their choice and recognize the existence of other religions. Religious moderation has existed since the time of the Saints in. Islam entered Java through trading activities in the ports of northern Java. Islam was known to the Javanese people in the 11th and 12th centuries AD. The spread of Islam on the island of Java cannot be separated from the role of nine saints known as Walisongo. At the end of the 15th century, the Hindu kingdom of Majapahit was the most influential kingdom in Javanese society. One of the historical heritage sites and currently designated as a cultural heritage site by the Central Java Provincial Government which was founded by Sayyid Ja'far Sadiq (Sunan Kudus) in the 16th century AD. This can be seen in the architecture of the Al-Aqsho Mosque in the Kudus area, except for the Sunan Jafar Shodiq site which has a tower similar to a Hindu place of worship. Hindu and Buddhist architecture includes four ancient buildings, such as the mosque pulpit, two double doors at the entrance to the mosque and inside the mosque, the gate at the front of the mosque, and the gate at the side of the mosque. The application of Hindu culture to the Kudus Tower Mosque can be seen in the spatial layout of Kudus City which is modeled after the spatial layout of the Majapahit Kingdom. The greatest blend of Hindu culture can be seen at the Kudus Tower. The Kudus Tower is divided into three parts, namely the two-story Tayug roof, the use of Hindu ornaments, and the temple shrine at the entrance signifying the entry of Hindu culture into the Kudus Tower. Sunan Kudus forbids Muslims from slaughtering cows because they know that cows are sacred animals for Hindus. The method for writing this article uses library research, namely a method of gathering information through understanding and studying scientific literary theory.


The Tengger Tribe community who lives in the Argosari area in the Tengger Semeru National Park area with all its uniqueness that is able to attract public attention from domestic and foreign tourists. It can not be separated by the local culture of indigenous peoples who persist with all the uniqueness of culture as characteristic of their personality. The various traditional activities or traditional cultures that develop in the area create unrest for the Muslim minority living in the argosari area. These cultures bring belief in the spirits of the ancestors with the form of offerings, which means they believe in gods other than Allah. The series of customs carried out by the Tengger tribe mostly use elements of Hindu religious culture. So, Muslim minorities are required to be tolerant and broad-minded. The Muslim minority must be selective in taking the positive and negative sides from various existing points of view, and be able to select negative and positive things that can be applied in life.