Comparison of Selected Physical and Performance Characteristics in University-Level Male Basketball, Football and Volleyball Players (original) (raw)

Comparison of selected physical fitness variables of school level Basketball and Volleyball male Players

The aim of the present study was to compare the selected basketball and volleyball male players. Total forty subjects were randomly selected (20 from basketball and 20 from volleyball) from various schools of Ghazipur District of Uttar Pradesh were taken as a sample. Th ranged between 15-18 years. Physical fitness tests were used to measure the selected physical fitness variables of players. For analysis of the data Mean & Standard Deviation were calculated and to examine the significance difference between the groups mean of different physical fitness variables, independent t level of confidence was set at 0.05 level. Study concluded that insignificant difference found between the means of selected physical fitness variables such as speed, ag and volleyball male players.

Comparison of selected physiological variables among basketball, volleyball and handball

International Journal of Yogic, Human Movement and Sports Sciences, 2019

The purpose of the study was to compare the selected physiological variables namely; maximum oxygen consumption, vital capacity, resting heart rate and hemoglobin content among basketball, volleyball and handball players. Ten (10) male players of NCR region from Basketball, volleyball and Handball were selected as the subject for the study. Selected physiological variables such as maximum oxygen consumption, vital capacity, resting heart rate and hemoglobin content were presented to compare the players among basketball, volleyball and handball. To see the significant difference of selected physiological variables among basketball, volleyball and handball, the analysis of variance "F-ratio" was applied at 0.05 level of significance. For further analysis "Post-hoc Test" (LSD Test) was applied. The handball players had shown significantly different level of VO2 max. (72.727) in comparison to volleyball (75.854) and basketball (77.094) players. However, the volleyball and basketball players had shown more or less same level of VO2. Further basketball players had shown better efficiency of heart as its mean value (56.3) was lowest among all the three groups in relation to resting heart rate. On the other hand basketball, volleyball and handball players had shown more or less same vital capacity and hemoglobin content with a small range of variation. Introduction The elements, of scientific basis of selection are being inducted in the procedure of selection of athletes at various levels in some of the advanced countries. The knowledge from many scientific disciplines is being used for improving criteria for the selection of talents. The physical educationists have designed test procedures for evaluating the fitness of young children. The structures of performance for different games and events are being worked out. The general physical fitness of top-ranking athletes has been evaluated. Human growth and performance is also an important field in this regard. The physiological factors limiting one's performance in sports are also well known. It is the understanding of interaction of all these factors that can help us in designing the way for selecting the children for appropriate game and training. Among all the factors, the physiological characteristics play an important role for the attainment of high level sports performance. Among the various physiological parameters, cardiovascular efficiency forms the basis to undertake sports efforts successfully. Cardio-vascular efficiency reflects the capacity of an individual to undertake and continues physical efforts of sub-maximal nature for a relatively longer period of time. To measure cardio-vascular efficiency, tests of physical works capacity and VO 2 max. have been developed to use in laboratory and field situations to assists the scientist, physical educators and coaches. If sophisticated instruments are not available making use of the aergometry certain indirect methods of estimation of VO 2 max. have been suggested. Austrian nomogram is one of such method. The performance of athletes is affected by different factors like physiological, psychological, motor traits etc. Many studies had been done in respect of physiological factor, psychological factor on the performance level and so on. So, the researcher is interested to compare the physiological variables among basketball, volleyball and handball players.

A comparison of health related physical fitness among volleyball, handball and basketball players

The main purpose of the study was to compare the health related physical fitness of Volleyball, Handball and Basketball Players. For the purpose of the study total 60 subjects were selected, 20 male players from each of Volleyball, Handball and Basketball Players randomly from Degree College of Physical Education Amravati. The minimum status of subjects was of inter-collegiate level and the age of the subjects was ranged from 18-28 years. The data pertaining to this study were collected on the selected subjects by using pull-ups test to measure muscular strength of arm and shoulder and the score was recorded in numbers; abdominal strength and endurance was measured by sit up test and score was recorded in numbers, cardio-respiratory endurance was measured by 600 yard run/walk test and the score was recorded in seconds. Flexibility of joints of trunk sit and reach test was applied and the score was recorded in centimeters and measurement of body composition was assessed by adopting four sites skinfold measurements of Durnin and Rehman and the score was recorded in Kilogram. The collected data were analyzed by using one way analysis of variance statistics (F-ratio) Findings of statistical analysis revealed that the pull ups (F=7.41), 600 yard run/walk (f = 19.84) sit and reach test (F = 6.88) showed significant difference among the Volleyball, Handball and Basketball players whereas bent knee sit ups (F = 2.19) and body composition skin fold (F = 2.30) did not show significant difference among the Volleyball, Handball and Basketball players. Introduction Physical Fitness is one's richest possession, it cannot be purchased, it has to be earned through a daily routine of physical exercise. Physical activity is as natural and essential to humans as eating is whether you are awake or asleep, muscular contractions permits your lungs to breaths. Your heart to beat your eyes to move, and your body to twin. Movement of a body part or of the whole body in the primary function of the human muscular system, but because no system operates independently, movement also involves the skeletal nervous, circulatory and respiratory systems These systems support muscular movements, and conversely physical activity contributes to their effective functioning and well-being. Researches have shown that a physical fit person is able to withstand fatigue for longer period than the unfit, that the physically fit person is better equipped to tolerate physical stress, that the physically fit person has strong and more efficient heart and that there is a good relationship between good mental alertness, absence of nervous tension and physical fitness. There are many concepts regarding health related physical fitness, it has been an important subject for many years. This term has been given interpretations by many of the authorities in the field of physical education and sports. Still today, there is a controversy existing about the meaning of the term. Fitness is competency or preparedness for life. Different authors and researchers did many studies and researchers on various health related fitness level of different players of different games and sports, such as Basketball, Handball and Volleyball etc. and brought out may study results and many conclusions, are made which proved out to be very useful to different future studies. The study of the health related physical fitness of inter-college players in volleyball, handball and basketball is very useful and helpful process for the physical education teacher to know the level of fitness of the players. By knowing that the physical education teacher will find it easily well players of their games and sports. Therefore, the researchers thought to find out the physical fitness level in between Volleyball, Handball and Basketball players.

Comparative Study of Selected Physical and Physiological Variables of Male Basketball Players at Different Levels of Competition

Asian Review of Social Sciences

The purpose of the study was to compare the physical & physiological variables among the Inter District & Inter State Levels of Basketball players. Sixty (60) Male basketball players (30 inter district and 30 interstate) were randomly selected from Uttar Pradesh as a subject. The age of the subjects were ranged from 17-28 years. It was hypothesized that there would be a significant difference in the physical fitness variables and physiological variables among the Indian basketball players of different levels of competitions. The physical variables chosen were speed, endurance and power which were measured by 50m dash(sec), 2.4km. run(min.) and sergeant jump. The physiological variables were resting heart rate measured by manual methos and vital capacity which is measured by dry spirometre. The data collected on the different level of basketball player were analyzed by independent “t” test. The level of significance for testing the hypothesis was set at 0.05 level of confidence. It i...

Physical Performances of Young Football and Basketball Players

Basketball and football are very dynamic sports that incorporate intermittent and skill demanding activities, as a combination of individual and team skills. The aim of this study was to define physical profile of 14 year old football and basketball players, based on discovered differences in morphological, motor and functional domain. The sample was consisted of 40 boys, aged 14. Morphological variables: body height, body mass, body mass index, body fat percent, arm span and chest circumference. Motor variables: 10 m sprint, zig-zag test, polygon backwards, squat jump, shoulder fl exibility and push-ups. Functional test: Yo-Yo intermittent endurance test level 2. Th e following apparatuses were used: body composition analyzer (TANITA BC 418-MA III), photo cells (Globus ergo System), jumping fi eld platform (Globus ergo systeм), centimeter tape, mattresses and audio signal machine. The results showed significant differences between football and basketball players in variables body h...

A comparative study of physical fitness variables of male volleyball players and handball players


The purpose of the study was to compare the physical fitness of Volleyball and Handball players of intercollegiate players of Jammu University, Jammu and Kashmir. For this study 15 Handball (Age 20±0.845) and 15 volleyball players (age 21.866 ± 0.833) were selected. Physical fitness variables were strength, endurance, agility, speed, flexibility. The tests taken to measure these were pull ups, sit ups, shuttle run, 50 m dash and 600 m run. Data was analyzed by using t-test independent, level of significance set at 0.05. Analyzed data showed that there was no significant difference sit ups, and 600 m run, but there was a significant difference between the two groups on the basis of Pull ups, shuttle run and 50 M dash run performed by them.


The Word 'Sport' comes from the old French word called Desport which means "Leisure", but this word has changed its connotation with the passing time. Now sports are no longer believed to be practiced only in leisure time. Today they are one of the major parameters to judge a country's development and growth and are fast becoming great career options for the future generations. The purpose of the study is to observe the Difference in Hand - Eye Co-Ordination, Accuracy, Agility Hand Explosive Strength, and Leg Explosive Strength between Female Basketball Players & Volleyball Players. A total of Twenty Two (22) Female subjects were selected for this study. Out of them 11 were from Basketball, 11 were from Volleyball. The ages of the subjects were 13-19 years old. Selected Fitness Components of the subjects were the criterion measure for the present study. Selected Fitness Components were: This included- leg Explosive Strength, Hand Explosive Strength, Hand Eye Coordination, Agility and Accuracy. The leg Explosive Strength was measured by Vertical jump. Hand Explosive Strength was measured by putting the Shot. Hand Eye Coordination was measured by Rebound Ball Test. Accuracy was measured by Accuracy test. Agility was measured by (4x10 mts.) Shuttle Run. In respect of Accuracy, Agility, Hand Explosive Strength, leg Explosive Strength, there were no significant difference Between Female Basketball and Volleyball Group. In respect of Hand – Eye coordination Female group of Basketball players were better than the volleyball players of Female group.

Physical Fitness of Basketball and Volleyball Players of Kolkata, India

International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Physiology, 2019

Background and Aim: Data of fitness profile parameters in Indian basketball and volleyball players are scanty. Present study aimed to evaluate the fitness profile parameters of the volleyball and basketball players and compare the data between the groups and with their overseas and sedentary counterparts. Methods: Volleyball (n=40) and basketball (n=40) players belonging to the age group of 18-30 years were recruited from Kolkata, India in addition to their sedentary counterparts (n=30) who were recruited from the same locality where the players reside. Standard procedures were adopted to evaluate the fitness profile parameters. Statistical analyses comprised of ANOVA followed by Bonferroni's post-hoc analysis with the level of significance set at p<0.05. Results: Basketball players had significantly higher anaerobic power and BMI, % body fat and total body fat than the volleyball players, whereas, agility, body density and % LBM were significantly higher in volleyball players. Conclusion: Inter-group difference among the experimental group individuals may be attributed to the variation in the physical and physiological demands pertaining to their specific sport as well as difference in their training modules. Greater fitness in the studied players in comparison to sedentary control individuals was attributed due to their regular involvement in training.


Participation in sports is one among the common traits of human character and it starts to develop from the terribly starting of childhood. The main objective of study was to analyse and compare the selected physical fitness and anthropometric variables of male volleyball players of different age groups. A total of forty five male volleyball players belonging to Dr. A. V. N. High School , Davangere, Bengaluru, (Karnatka) ranging between fourteen to sixteen years were selected for the study. The physical fitness variables i.e. Cardio-respiratory endurance, Agility, flexibility and anthropometric variable i.e. weight, height, body were chosen for the study. Nineminute run For Cardio-respiratory endurance, Sit and reach for Low back/hamstring flexibility, Bent knee sit-ups in one minute for Abdominal muscle strength/endurance and Triceps and subscapular skin-folds for body Composition were administered. To assess the selected physical fitness and anthropometric variables of male Volleyball players ranging between 14 to 16 years of age means, standard deviations and F-ratio were computed. The results of the study indicated the significant differences among the different age groups of male volleyball players on modified sit-ups and 8 minutes run/walk,. Significant difference was not seen among male volleyball players from fourteen to sixteen years of age on sit and body composition, The abdominal strength and endurance had significantly improved with advancement of age. The cardiorespiratory endurance of male volleyball players did not improve significantly with advancement of age


The purpose of the present study was to compare the physical fitness among state level footballers and volleyballers. Methods: Total forty (N=60) male state level performer, i.e. twenty footballers (n=30) and twenty volleyballers (n=30) were selected at randomly from Murshidabad District. Age limit of the subjects was from 17 years to 19 years. AAPHERD physical fitness test was employed for all the subjects of both the groups in twice and best performance was taken. In this test six test items consist. These test items are 50 yard dash; 600 meters run and walk; standing board jump; medicine ball throw; shuttle run and sit ups etc. All the tests were analysed by independent t-test and level of significance was set at 0.05. Results: The results found that the t-test was significant at .05 level of confidence among footballers and volleyballers in 50 yard dash, 600 meters run and walk, standing broad jump, shuttle run and medicine ball through but no significant difference was found in sit-up among footballers and volleyballers at 0.05 level of confidence. Conclusions: Footballers was superior to volleyballers in 50 yard dash, 600meters run and walk and shuttle run and volleyballers were superior to footballers in standing board jump and medicine ball throw but no superiority was observed among footballers and volleyballers in sit-ups test.