Impacts and Causes of Female Infertility: An Observational Study (original) (raw)

Objectives– To study the aetiology, medical therapy and assess the outcomes associated with infertility. Materials and Method- A prospective observational study was conducted from September 2015-February 2016 at a Tertiary Care Hospital, Pune. Couples diagnosed with either primary or secondary infertility, age ranging from 18- 49 years were enrolled in the study. The details like Couple’s socio demographic data, aetiology& risk factors associated to infertility, management with current medications, procedures and outcomes were documented using a self-pre-designed infertility patient profile Pro forma. Result- During the study, 100 couples diagnosed with either primary or secondary infertility were included in the study. The female patients were in age group of 19-38 years with an average age&S.D of 25.64± 4.07 years. The male patients had age range of 24-43 years with a mean age&S.D. of 30.59 ± 4.17 years. Primary infertility contributes 59.13% and secondary infertility 40.86%. In women, Ovulatory disorders were chiefcause followed by unexplained factor whereas, in males semen abnormalities was the principalcause followed by unexplained. Medical therapy involves standard drugs and IUI. Conception rate and method of conception are calculated in percentage. From the available data the positive outcome i.e., the patients got conceived was found to be 19%. Conclusion - The present study has provided substantial information on all the aspects like socio-demographics and etiological factors, management and outcomes associated with infertility. The treatment has shown positive outcomes resulting in conception

Background: Infertility is seen fairly common in these days and it cause not only reproductive but also psychological impairment of the parents. Infertility leads to multitude of personal as well as societal repercussions. There are various advances in technology which help the parents suffering from infertility. Infertility is defined as the failure to conceive after one year of regular intercourse in women <35 years not using contraception and after six months in women >35 years.Methods: A retrospective study of 400 females and their husbands’ coming to the department of gynecology, Umaid Hospital, Jodhpur, Rajasthan was undertaken from February 2020 to March 2020. A structural self-constructed questionnaire was used in the study. A well-informed verbal consent was taken by the participants of the study. It had open and closed ended questions. Further, an ultrasound sonography (USG) was performed to check the reproductive organs of the patient, to find the cause of infertili...

The problem of infertility affects approximately 20% of married couples, and the number of people affected by this problem is still increasing[5,6]. Developed countries are characterized by the prevalence of primary infertility, while in developing countries there is a high rate of secondary infertility[8,9]. The most common cause of marital infertility is obstruction of the fallopian tubes, which occurs in 30-35% of women and requires surgical intervention. However, both sexes are dominated by immunological and hormonal disorders (25%-30% of cases)[3,4]. The basic examination in which male fertility is determined is the semen analysis, while in women, many tests should be performed in order to make a diagnosis: anamnesis, gynecological examination, ultrasound performed repeatedly during the menstrual cycle (ovulation assessment), hormonal and immunological tests, post-coital tests, bacteriological cultures, hysterosalpingography or laparoscopy [20]. In vitro fertilization is the mo...

Background: Infertility is one of the major health problems and a socially destabilizing condition for couples often causing marital disharmony. Infertility is defined as the failure to achieve a clinical pregnancy after 12 months or more of regular unprotected sexual intercourse. Worldwide, its prevalence is approximately 8-12%.There are numerous factors such as anatomical, physiological and genetic factors that cause infertility. Many environmental and acquired factors also lead to inability to conceive. Objective of the present study was to determine the causes and clinical pattern of infertility in infertile couples.Methods: It was a hospital based observational study carried out on 750 women in reproductive age group attending out-patient clinic of Reproductive Biology Department of Indira Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences (IGIMS) at Patna during April 2013 to March 2017. All the cases of primary and secondary infertility diagnosed after full examinations and laboratory test...

Child bearing and rising of children are extremely important endeavours in every Women's life and are strongly related with the ultimate goals of completeness, happiness and for family integration. It is widely recognized that human existence reaches completeness through a child and satisfies the individual's need for reproduction. Unfortunately human fertility is comparatively low than other species of animal kingdom in the recent days. For women, motherhood is not only a foundation of status and power; it is the only opportunity for women to ensure their marital security. Weak marital ties did not affect men's social identity, security or power. But on women Psychosocial, social, emotional and physical consequences of infertility are harsher for women than men. The problem of infertility is a raising concern in India and the reason needs to be discovered. Limited information is available about the extent of infertility, its social impact on Women, availability of treatment and treatment (infertility) seeking behaviour of infertile women. Above all it is a costly affaire and the women those who are undergoing this treatment physically suffer a lot. This study is attempted to gain knowledge regarding the causes of infertility, the problems and the challenges of infertile women and the extent of psycho-social and economic sufferings of infertile women.

It is estimated that about 10-15% of couples of fertile ages suffer from infertility worldwide, in over a third cases of infertility are caused by female infertility, but most often the gynecologist is the first provider of medical services that the couple reaches. The studies in this field are multiple and with a very accelerated rhythm, this study aimed to make a review of the most relevant new studies in the field of infertility.