Planning of technical objects and systems (original) (raw)
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Design design of technical systems
Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Transport
The psychology of designer thinking affects the design and construction of technical systems. Her knowledge and ability to take into account when creating new technical systems and facilities will improve the quality of the design of the final product.When creating a new product, the designer must come as close as possible to the ideal product model. At the same time, technical contradictions often arise. The elimination of technical inconsistencies is some intersection of many characteristics that are imposed according to the requirements of the product. In fact, it is a search for the optimum in the multidimensional space of characteristics.The starting point for design activities is the social order - the need to create certain objects, caused either by "gaps" in the practice of their manufacture, or competition, or the needs of social practice. The product of design activities, in contrast to design, is expressed in a special symbolic form - in the form of texts, drawi...
Information system for creating a generalized model of complex technical objects
Creation of complex technical objects (CTO, such as science-intensive engineering objects, which are characterized by the number of elements and connections equal to 106 and more) – a process containing long subprocesses, complex objects, models, and based on available standards and information technology (IT). It is known from practice that CTO models are created with the help of information systems - components of CALS and PLM-solutions. This process have the following shortcomings: models at different stages of creation of CTO are not completely interconnected; CTO modeling takes place using different components of IT CALS and PLM-solutions, which creates constant difficulties in data conversion and leads to partial or complete loss of model data; there is no automated communication with other CTO models. A generalized model of complex technical objects is proposed, which based on using the theoretical-multiple approach allows to establish an information connection between the mo...
The Development of a System of Planing and Shipment of Products of Engineering Enterprise
Scientific and Technical Volga region Bulletin, 2017
Журнал зарегистрирован в Управлении Федеральной службы по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций ПИ № ФС77-41672 от 13 августа 2010г. Журнал размещен в открытом бесплатном доступе на сайте, и в Научной электронной библиотеке (участвует в программе по формированию РИНЦ). Журнал включен ВАК РФ в перечень научных журналов, в которых должны быть опубликованы основные научные результаты диссертаций на соискание ученых степеней доктора и кандидата наук. Подписной индекс в объединенном каталоге «Пресса России» № 12025.
The article presents the results of the study of space-planning organization of the latest production facilities, analyzes their main space-planning characteristics. The key principles of design of industrial buildings and complexes are highlighted. They are compactness, flexibility and adaptability, expansiveness. The groups of architectural, structural and engineering methods implementing these principles are described, recommendations on their application are given. Examples and descriptions of the most typical industrial facilities responding these characteristics are given. In the ending part of the article, some conclusions are drawn on the use of these principles in architectural practice.
Analysis of methods of creating new technical systems
Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Transport
The creation of new technical systems takes place on the basis of design methods that take into account the psychological processes of human thinking (the main actions of division, union, comparison and permutation can be considered among them. Other actions are their derivatives), as well as the laws of the development of technical systems. The definition of these processes is given. The proposed classification of design (invention) methods, which may change depending on the selected criterion. According to the sign of generality, methods of invention can be divided into general, general and partial methods of invention. Universal methods of invention relate to the widest possible range of issues and are included among the strategic means of solving inventive tasks. General methods of invention are used to solve a wide range of inventive tasks in various fields of technology. Such methods include the methods of heuristic analogy, heuristic combination, heuristic inversion, etc. Par...
scientific article on the use of bamboo
Planning in military organized systems
Vojnotehnicki glasnik, 2008
Rezime: U radu se razmatra planiranje kao inicijalna upravljačka funkcija u vojnim organizacionim sistemima i planiranje kao proces. Obrađena je suština planiranja, ciljevi koje treba dostići, rezultati koje treba ostvariti i zadaci koje treba realizovati putem planiranja. Identifikovani su planovi u vojnim organizacionim sistemima i model izrade planova. Sagledani su subjekti planiranja i njihove obaveze i faktori koji utiču na planiranje. Sistematizovani su nedostaci planiranja u vojnim organizacionim sistemima, obrađeni principi planiranja, kao i planiranje konkretnog zadatka i ukazano na softver za podršku pojedinih faza. Ključne reči: planiranje, funkcija planiranja, proces planiranja, principi planiranja, vrste planova, obeležja planova, upravljanje putem planiranja, podrška planiranju.
Принцип формування об’єктних організаційно-технологічних схем зведення
Сучасні технології та методи розрахунків у будівництві, 2022
Запропоновано алгоритм формування об’єктний організаційно-технологічних схем зведення з врахуванням технології інформаційного моделювання. Визначено, що відсутність комплексних моделей обґрунтування та вибору організаційно-технологічних рішень не дозволяє забезпечити ув’язку проектних рішень з планами, графіками, які відображають хід будівництва.
Проектування та технологічне забезпечення інструментальних систем інженерного дизайну
У посібнику розглянуті питання випускної кваліфікаційної роботи бакалавра технічного спрямування. Приділено значну увагу розмірним ланцюгам та точності механічного оброблення деталей. Наведено методики розрахунку та перевірки модульного інструмента на точність. Подано схеми та розрахункові залежності для конструювання та силової перевірки затискних пристроїв. Посібник є корисним студентам та керівникам дипломних проектів.The manual deals with the final qualification work of the tank laurel technical direction. Considerable attention has been paid to dimensional chains and the accuracy of machining parts. The methods of calculation and verification of the modular tool for accuracy are given. Schemes and design dependencies for the design and power testing of clamping devices are presented. The manual is useful to students and managers of diploma projects.В пособии рассмотрены вопросы выпускной квалификационной работы бакалавра техничного направления. Уделено значительное внимание раз...